BAVARIA Postage Due Stamps and Telegraph Stamps

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Postage due stamps

1862 Inscription 'Vom Empfanger zahlbar Bayr. Posttaxe'

1 k black, perforated 3 k black, imperforated

  1 k (Perforated) black
  3 k (Imperforate, inscription 'Bayer') black
  3 k (Perforated, inscription 'Bayr') black

The imperforated stamps should have a silk thread and a watermark. I'm not sure if the shown imperforate stamp is genuine. As with the postage stamps (see there), an 'instruction stamp' 3 k black imperforate exists without silk thread. This instruction stamp was printed on the packages with postage due stamps, so the clerks could see which stamps were inside the package.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 k * RR  
3 k R RR Imperforate
3 k * RR Perforated


The forger Fournier made forgeries of these three stamps. They are quite deceptive; sorry no images available right now. The imperforate stamp should have a silk thread, in the forgeries it is either printed or stuck on the back of the stamp. Besides the Fournier forgeries, the Serrane guide also mentions Nuremberg forgeries. I have no further information.

I think the next stamp is a forgery:

3 k black, imperforated

The next envelope is completely forged (envelope, stamps and cancels!) by Peter Winter. It is adressed to 'Landwirtschaftliche Verein ???? Sauschwabenheim bei Engelheim' (the text is difficult to read):

Note that this same forged envelope was also used for a Baden Stockach issue (imperforate 3 k stamp), source: 'House of Stamps 1988' catalogue.

Another example made by Peter Winter:

Zoom in of the above envelope

Probably also Winter forgeries

Some other modern forgeries. in the first 3 k stamp, the tongue of the large '3' is too thick.

Forged cancels also exist. Example:

Postage stamps (arms issue) in grey colour and with overprint ' Vom Empfänger zahlbar' in fancy letters were issued from 1876 onwards (listed under the postage stamps for easiness by me).

Telegraph Stamps

1870 Arms, value in SGR or FL

(Reduced size)

  1/2 s black
  1 s black
  7 k (25 Gr) violet
  14 k blue
  28 k (1 Fr) green
  1 Fl 24 k orange (3 Fr)
  4 Fl 40 k red
  23 Fl 20 k (50 Fr) grey 

I have seen reprints of these stamps. First of all, I have seen whole sheets of imperforate reprints of the 28 k value:

According to 'Die Briefmarken von Altdeutschland' by K.K. Doberer, these reprints were printed in blocks of 8 and left imperforate. Only the value 28 Kr and the value 20 pf of the next issue were reprinted. This was done in 1925 for the 'Archiv für Postgeschichte'.

Another 'Reprint' in black of the 23 Fl 20 k stamp (with embossing), made for the 46 'Bundestag' and the 93th German Philatelic day (1992) 16-18 October in Passau, said to have been made from the original stone:

(Reduced size)

The text at the btoom reads 'Abzug vom Original-Drukcstokc (Buchdruck-Prägedruck) der ersten Telegraphenmarken-Ausgabe 1870 der Kgl. Bayer. Telegraphenverwaltung'. I have seen a similar 'reprint' with the same text on top (German philatelic day Passau), but with the text at the bottom changed to: 'Faksimile-Druck der ersten Telegraphenmarken-Ausgabe 1870 der Kgl. Bayer. Telegraphenverwaltung' and with the additional text 'Faksimile' printed just below the stamp (it also has the name of the printer 'Gehringer'? printed in the left bottom part).


1876 Arms, value in Pfennig or Mark

20 p violet and 25 p red

  10 p grey
  20 p violet
  25 p red
  40 p blue
  80 p green
  1 M yellow
  2 M brown
  4 M red
  10 M silver
  20 M gold

I have seen whole sheets of imperforate reprints of the 20 p value:

(Reduced size)

According to 'Die Briefmarken von Altdeutschland' by K.K. Doberer, these reprints were printed in blocks of 8 and left imperforate. Only the value 28 Kr of the previous issue and the value 20 pf of this issue were reprinted. This was done in 1925 for the 'Archiv für Postgeschichte'.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer