BELGIUM 1915 onwards

Return To Catalogue - Belgium 1849-1868 - Belgium 1869-1892 - Belgium 1893-1914

Currency: 100 Centimes = 1 Franc

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For stamps of Belgium before 1915 click here.

1915 War issue, king Albert and red crosses

Small size

  5 c green
  10 c red
  20 c lilac

Large size  

  5 c green and red
  10 c red
  20 c lilac and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks

Small size

5 c * *  
10 c ** **  
20 c *** ***  

Large size

5 c * *  
10 c ** ** exists perf 14 or 12x14
20 c *** *** exists perf 14, 12 or 14x12

I have seen forgeries of the small sizes stamps (all values). I don't know their distinguishing characteristics. According to, these forgeries were made by the Belgian forger Verschueren from Antwerp. The 1914 war issue (statue) was also forged by him. These forgeries also exist on letter (a letter adressed to Monsieur Levionnois 15, Rue de Charleroi Charleroi can be found on the above mentioned website). I've also seen a forged letter with all three above small stamps and the 1915 Merode stamps (all three) on a letter to 'Monsieur Lauwers 33, Avenue Louise Bruxelles' with the cancel 'ANTWERPEN ANVERS 11-12 7 1914'. See also for more information.


1915 King Albert in an ellipse

  1 c orange
  2 c brown
  3 c grey (1920)
  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c violet
  20 c lilac
  25 c blue

Overprinted with red cross and surcharged

  1 c + 1 c orange
  2 c + 2 c brown
  5 c + 5 c green
  10 c + 10 c red
  15 c + 15 c violet
  20 c + 20 c brown
  25 c + 25 c blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc vc  
5 c c vc  
10 c c vc  
15 c * vc  
20 c * vc  
25 c * c  
Red Cross
1 c + 1 c * *  
2 c + 2 c * *  
5 c + 5 c * *  
10 c + 10 c ** **  
15 c + 15 c *** ***  
20 c + 20 c *** ***  
25 c + 25 c *** ***  


1915 Various designs

5 Frank and 10 F

5 Franken

  25 c blue (1919, Perron Liegois, Liege Luik)
  35 c brown and black (Ypres Yper)
  40 c green and black (Dinant)
  50 c red and black (Louvain Leuven)
  65 c red and black (Termonde Dendermonde, 1920)
  1 F violet (Antwerp harbour)
  2 F grey
  5 F blue (Furnes Veurne, value in 'Frank') (1919)
  5 F blue (value in 'Franken')
  10 F brown (three kings)

  '55 c' and bars on 65 c red and black (1921)

Overprinted with red cross and value (colours changed)

(Reduced sizes)

  35 c + 35 c violet and balck
  40 c + 40 c red and black
  50 c + 50 c blue and black
  1 F + 1 F grey
  2 F + 2 F green
  5 F + 5 F brown
  10 F + 10 F blue

One of the great rarities of this country is the 65 c with inverted center ('Kopstaande Dendermonde').

Genuine inverted 65 c stamp, image obtained from a Shreves auction

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
25 c * c  
35 c * c  
40 c * c  
50 c * c  
65 c * c inverted center: RRR
1 F R *  
2 F *** *  
5 F RR RR "Franken"
5 F *** * "Frank"
10 F R ***  
55 on 65 c * c  
Red Cross
35 c + 35 c *** ***  
40 c + 40 c *** ***  
50 c + 50 c R R  
1 F + 1 F RR RR  
2 F + 2 F RR RR  
5 F + 5 F RR RR  
10 F + 10 F RRR RRR  

The inverted 65 c has been forged, example:

Forged inverted 65 c 'Dendermonde'; the words 'TERMONDE DENDERMONDE' should not be inverted. More sophisticated forgeries exist.


1919 King Albert I with helmet

2 F lilac

  1 c brown (small size, 1920)
  2 c olive (small size, 1920)
  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c lilac
  20 c brown
  25 c blue
  35 c brown
  40 c red
  50 c brown
  1 F yellow
  2 F lilac
  5 F red (large size)
  10 F lilac (large size)

For the specialist: these stamps are perforated 11 1/2.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c vc vc  
2 c vc vc  
5 c * *  
10 c c c  
15 c c c  
20 c * *  
25 c * *  
35 c ** **  
40 c ** **  
50 c *** ***  
1 F R R  
2 F RRR RR  
5 F RR RR  
10 F RR RR  


1920 Olympic games in Antwerp 'VII Olympiade 1920'

  5 c green
  10 c red
  15 c brown


  20 c (red) on 5 c green
  20 c on 10 c red
  20 c (red) on 15 c brown

For the specialist: these stamps are perforated 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c * *  
10 c * *  
15 c * *  
20 c on 5 c c c  
20 c on 10 c c c  
20 c on 15 c c c  


1921 War invalids issue, man kneeling down

  20 + 20 c brown


1921 King Albert in an ellipse, facing the right (Houyoux type)

  1 c orange
  2 c olive (1926)
  3 c red
  5 c grey
  10 c green
  15 c violet
  20 c brown
  25 c lilac
  25 c violet
  30 c red (another shade was issued in 1926)
  35 c brown
  35 c green (1929)
  40 c red
  50 c brown
  60 c brown (1928)
  75 c violet
  1 F yellow
  1 F red (1928)
  1.25 F blue
  1.50 F blue
  1.75 F blue (1927)
  2 F blue
  5 F green
  10 F brown
Surcharged (1927)
  3 c (red) on 2 c olive
  10 c (red) on 15 c violet
  35 c (blue) on 40 c red
  '=1F75=' (red) on 1.50 F blue

Overprinted 'Inondations 30 c Watersnood' in red

  30 c + 30 c blue

The values 30 c, 75 c and 1.75 F were overprinted with a precancel 'BRUXELLES 1929 BRUSSEL = 5 c =' in 1929.

Some additional values exist (4 F yellow and 5 F light brown) with overprint 'COLIS POSTAL POSTCOLLO' (1928).


1921 King Albert in a circle, facing the left (Montenez type)

  50 c blue
  75 c red
  75 c blue
  1 F brown
  1 F blue (1926)
  2 F green
  5 F brown
  5 F brown on red (issued for a philatelic exhibition in Brussels)
  10 F red 

Larger size (1929)
  10 F brown
  20 F green
  50 F lilac
  100 F red


1922 War invalids issue, crippled soldier

  20 + 20 c grey


1924 75 years of Belgium stamps, King Leopold and King Albert

  10 c green
  15 c violet
  20 c brown
  25 c black
  30 c orange
  35 c blue
  40 c brown
  50 c light brown
  75 c blue
  1 F lilac
  2 F blue
  5 F black
  10 F red

These stamps were only made available in whole sets.


1925 Tuberculosis charity stamps, person holding up shield with cross

  15 c + 5 c violet and red
  30 c + 5 c grey
  1 F + 10 c blue and red


1926 Tuberculosis charity stamps

Lion and cross
  5 c + 5 c brown
  20 c + 5 c brown
  50 c + 5 c violet

King and Queen
  1.50 F + 25 c blue
  5 F + 1 F red


1927 Inscription 'CHARITAS' (charity issue), two men in a boat

  25 c + 10 c brown
  35 c + 10 c green
  60 c + 10 c violet
  1.75 F + 25 c blue
  5 F + 1 F red


1928 Orval issue

  5 c + 5 c red ('ORVAL' overprinted in gold color)
  25 c + 5 c violet ('ORVAL' overprinted in gold color)
  35 c + 10 c green
  60 c + 15 c brown 
  1.75 F + 25 c blue (design as 60 c)
  2 F + 40 c lilac (design as 35 c)
  3 F + 1 F red (design as 60 c)
  5 F + 5 F red
  10 F + 10 F brown (design as 5 F)

Stamps overprinted with a large fancy 'L', '18-8-29' and crown in blue or red are a speculative issue.


1928 Tuberculosis charity issue, various churches and library (5 F), cross included in the design

  5 c + 5 c red (Mons)
  25 c + 15 c brown (Tournai)

Large sizes
  35 c + 10 c green (Mechelen)
  60 c + 15 c brown (Gent)
  1.75 F + 25 c violet (Brussels)
  5 F + 5 F lilac (Leuven)


1929 Lion in an ellipse ('Lion Heraldique')

  1 c orange
  2 c green
  3 c brown
  5 c grey
  10 c olive
  20 c lilac
  25 c red
  35 c green
  40 c lilac
  50 c blue
  60 c lilac
  70 c brown
  75 c violet
  75 c brown

  '=2c=' (blue) on 3 c brown (1931)

I've seen tete-beche pairs of these stamps.

The value 60 c lilac was overprinted with a precancel 'BELGIQUE 1931 BELGIE = 10 c =' in 1931. The values 40 c and 70 c were overprinted with a precancel 'BELGIQUE 1932 BELGIE = 10 c =' in 1932 and with 'BELGIQUE 1933 BELGIE = 10 c =' in 1933. The value 40 c was overprinted with the precancel 'BELGIQUE 1934 BELGIE = 10 c =' in 1934. Again in 1937 the 40 c was overprinted with a precancel 'BELGIQUE 1937 BELGIE = 10 c ='.

Some values exist with advertisement labels: 'Chevron', 'Indrathen', 'CONTRE TOUTES DOULEURS CACHETS DU D'FAIVRE', etc.


1929 Tuberculosis charity issue, various views with cross in upper left corner

  5 c + 5 c brown
  25 c + 15 c black
  35 c + 10 c green
  60 c + 15 c red
  1.75 F + 25 c blue
  5 F + 5 F lilac


1930 Commemoration of 100 years independence, inscription '1830 1930', portraits of various Kings

  60 c violet
  1 F red
  1.75 F blue

Overprinted 'B.I.T. 1930'
  60 c violet (blue overprint)
  1 F red (blue overprint)
  1.75 F blue (red overprint)

The overprinted stamps have the names of the designers of the stamps at the bottom left and right (the original stamps don't have this). Any overprint without those names is a forgery.


1930 Rubens

  35 c green


1930 Inscription '1930 Liege Luik' and portrait of Gramme

  35 c green


1930 Arms of Antwerp

  4 F (+ 6 F) green

Issued in a minisheet.


1930 Tuberculosis charity, famous castles, cross added in the upper part of the design

  10 c + 5 c lilac
  25 c + 15 c brown
  40 c + 10 c brown
  70 c + 15 c black
  1 F + 25 c red
  1.75 F + 25 c blue
  5 F + 5 F green (larger size)


1931 King Albert with hat, inscription 'BELGIQUE BELGIE', on 75 c and 1 F the King is situated in an ellipse and 'BELGIQUE' is written on top, the King is in a rectangle for all other values and 'BELGIQUE' is written at the bottom.

  75 c brown (1932)
  75 c black (with black border, 1933)

Larger size
  1 F red
  1.25 F black
  1.50 F violet
  1.75 F blue
  2 F brown
  2.45 F violet
  2.50 F brown (1932)
  5 F green
  10 F lilac 

The values 75 c brown exists overprinted with a red winged wheel (railway stamp).

The 75 c brown value exists with advertisement labels: 'Chevron', 'Impercuir' and 'Cachets d'Faivre'.

I've seen tete-beche stamps of the 75 c brown value.


1931 Crownprince Leopold as a corporal, issued for a stamp exhibition in Brussels

  2.45 F + 55 c (+ 2 F) brown (rare)

This stamp was issued in a minisheet containing just one stamp.


1931 King Elizabeth as a nurse (tuberculosis charity issue)

  10 c + 5 c brown
  25 c + 15 c violet
  50 c + 10 c green
  75 c + 15 c brown
  1 F + 25 c red
  1.75 F + 254 c blue
  6 F + 5 F lilac


1931 Sitting woman (Ceres) or Mercury with staff

(Stamp of 1931)

  2 c green (sitting woman)
  5 c red (Mercury)
  10 c olive (sitting woman, I've seen tete-beche stamps)
  20 c lilac (Mercury)
  25 c red (sitting woman, I've seen tete-beche stamps)
  35 c green (Mercury)

The values 10 c and 35 c exist overprinted with a red winged wheel (railway official stamps).

I've seen tete-beche stamps of the values: 10 c and 25 c.

I've seen the 10 c with advertisement labels attached to it: 'Ostende Dover', 'Chevron', 'Impercuir' and 'Cachets d'Faivre'.


1932 Cardinal Mercier

Portrait of Cardinal Mercier  
  10 c + 10 c violet
  50 c + 30 c lilac
  75 c + 25 c brown
  1 F + 2 F red

Various images of Cardinal Mercier
  1.75 F + 75 c blue
  2.50 F + 2.50 F brown
  3 F + 4.50 F green
  5 F + 20 F brown
  10 F + 40 F red

The high valued stamp (1.75 F above) were probably issued with speculative intentions.


1932 Marching soldier, inscription '1914 1918'

  75 c + 3.25 F brown (rare)
  1.75 F + 4.25 F blue (rare)


1932 Balloon of Prof. Picard

  75 c brown
  1.75 F blue
  2.50 F violet


1932 Tuberculosis charity stamps, hospital of Waterloo with children in foreground

  10 c + 5 c violet
  25 c + 15 c lilac
  30 c + 10 c brown
  75 c + 15 c brown
  1 F + 25 c red
  1.75 F + 25 c blue
  5 F + 5 F green


1933 Orval issue, various designs, inscription 'ORVAL'

  5 c + 5 c green
  10c + 15 c olive
  25 c + 15 c brown
  50 c + 25 c brown  
  75 c + 50 c green
  1 F + 1.25 F brown
  1.25 F + 1.75 F black
  1.75 F + 2.75 F blue
  2 F + 3 F lilac
  2.50 F + 5 F brown
  5 F + 20 F violet
  10 F + 40 F blue (larger size)

These stamps were probably issued with speculative intentions.

I've seen forgeries of these stamps.


1933 Woman holding cross upwards, large sized stamps (tuberculosis charity stamps)

  10 c + 5 c black
  25 c + 15 c violet
  50 c + 10 c brown
  75 c + 15 c black
  1 F + 25 c red
  1.75 F + 25 c blue
  5 F + 5 F lilac


1933 Peter Benoit

  75 c + 25 c brown


1934 World exhibition, inscription 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE WERELDTENTOONSTELLING', various designs

  35 c green
  1 F red
  1.50 F brown
  1.75 F blue


1934 King Leopold III in a circle, facing the left

Small size
  70 c black (1935)
  75 c brown
  75 c + 25 c black (issued for a stamp exhibition)
  75 c + 25 c lilac (issued for a stamp exhibition)

Larger size
  1 F + 25 c lilac (issued for a stamp exhibition)
  1 F + 25 c brown (issued for a stamp exhibition)
  1 F red

The value 70 c exists overprinted with a red winged wheel (railway official stamp).

I've seen tete-beche stamps of the 70 c value.


1934 Knight on horse holding shield with red cross (tuberculosis charity stamps)

  10 c + 5 c grey and red
  25 c + 15 c brown and red
  50 c + 10 c green and red
  75 c + 15 c lilac and red
  1 F + 25 c red 
  1.75 F + 25 c blue and red
  5 F + 5 F violet and red


1935 Royal children, inscription 'POUR L'ENFANT VOOR HET KIND'

  35 c + 15 c green
  70 c + 30 c brown
  1.75 F + 50 c blue


1935 Postal coach

  10 c + 10 c black
  25 c + 25 c brown
  35 c + 25 c green

These stamps were issued in sheets of 10 stamps (2 columns of 5 stamps).


1935 Francis von Taxis (Brussels Philatelic Exhibition)

  5 F + 5 F black

This stamp was printed in a minisheet.


1935 Queen Astrid, with black border

  10 c + 5 c grey
  25 c + 15 c brown
  35 c + 5 c green
  50 c + 10 c lilac
  70 c + 5 c black
  1 F + 25 c red
  1.75 F + 25 c blue
  2.45 F + 55 c violet


1935-49 Lion with mantle ('Petit Sceau de l'Etat' or 'Klein Staatswapen')

(1936 issue, lion)

  2 c light green
  5 c orange
  10 c olive
  15 c violet
  20 c lilac
  25 c red
  25 c yellow
  30 c brown
  35 c green
  40 c lilac
  50 c blue
  60 c grey
  65 c lilac
  70 c light green
  75 c red
  80 c green
  90 c violet
  1 F brown

Overprinted with red 'V' (1944)
  2 c light green
  15 c violet
  20 c lilac
  60 c grey

Overprinted 'I-I-49 31-XII-49' and posthorn and surcharged
  5 c on 15 c violet
  5 c on 30 c brown
  5 c on 40 c lilac
  20 c on 70 c light green
  20 c on 75(?) c red

The value 35 c exists overprinted with a red winged wheel (railway official stamp).

The values 10 c, 40 c and 50 c exist overprinted with a large red 'B' in an ellipse (railway official stamps). A design with the 'B' already incorporated in the design also exists (10 c olive, 20 c lilac, 50 c blue, 65 c red, 75 c red, 90 c brown).

I've seen the 35 c with advertisement label for Dutch chees ('Volvet 45+' and '40+'), also 'Publibel', 'Nationale Postzegel Catalogus', 'Froede' (2 types), 'Telefunken', 'Marbite Fauquez', 'Kabe Postzegelalbum', 'Album de Timbres Poste Kabe', 'Schaubek' (2 types, French and Flamand) and 'Lotterie Coloniale'. Attached to the 10 c, I've seen the labels: 'Album Saribo'.

I've seen the value 10 c and 35 c in tete-beche.


1936 King Leopold III in a rectangle, 'BELGIQUE BELGIE' or 'BELGIE BELGIQUE' written at the bottom

King Leopold III

Small sizes
  70 c brown
  75 c grey
  1 F red

Larger size
  1 F red
  1.20 F brown
  1.50 F lilac
  1.75 F brown
  2.25 F green
  2.50 F light brown
  3.25 F brown
  5 F green

The 70 c value exists with advertisement labels: 'Ostende-Dover', 'Lotterie Coloniale'.

The values 70 c and 75 c exist overprinted with a red winged wheel (railway official stamp).

The values 1 F (both small and large size) and 2.25 F green exist with a 'B' overprint in an ellipse (railway official stamps).


1936-51 King Leopold III facing the left, inscription 'BELGIQUE' and 'BELGIE' left and right vertically (so-called Poortman type)

  1.50 F lilac
  1.75 F blue
  2 F violet
  2.25 F black
  2.45 F black
  2.50 F green
  3.25 F brown
  4 F blue
  5 F green
  6 F lilac
  10 F grey
  20 F orange

  '2F25' (red) on 2.50 F black
  '2F50' (red) on 2.45 F black

The values 2.45 F exists with a red 'B' overprint in an ellipse (railway official stamp).


1945 Lion with 'V' (victory issue)

16 values were issued for this set.


1950 Lion design with value written across it at the bottom curved 'BELGIE BELGIQUE' or 'BELGIQUE BELGIE'

Here with precancel

  2 c brown
  3 c lilac
  5 c violet
  10 c orange
  15 c red
  20 c brown
  20 c blue
  25 c green
  25 c blue
  30 c grey
  40 c olive
  50 c blue
  60 c lilac
  65 c brown
  75 c violet
  80 c green
  90 c blue
  1 F red

The 50 c blue, 60 c lilac and 1 F red also exist in a larger size.

Some values exist with a 'B' in an ellipse incorporated in the design (railway official stamps: 10 c orange, 20 c brown, 30 c grey, 40 c olive, 50 c blue, 60 c lilac, 65 c brown, 80 c green, 90 c blue, 1 F red, 1.50 F black, 2.50 F brown).


Baudouin 1953 type.

Railway official stamp in Baudouin type, with 'B' in ellipse added to the design

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer