BELGIUM Cancels on the first issues

Return To Catalogue - Belgium 1869-1892

Currency: 100 Centimes = 1 Franc

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1849 to 1864 'Cachet a barre' cancel

20 c blue 20 c blue
('Cachet a barre' cancel)

The only cancel that I have seen on these stamps are the so-called 'Cachet a barre' cancels (or bar killer), used from 1849 to 1864. I know of the following numbers (with corresponding towns):

With horizontal lines:
1: Aerschot
2: Alost (two types of this cancel seem to exist)
3: Andenne
4: Antwerpen (Anvers)
5: Arlon
6: Assche
7: Ath
8: Aubel
9: Audenaerde
10: Avelghem
11: Aywaille
12: Barveaux
13: Bastogne
14: Beaumont
15: Beauraing
16: Beveren
17: Beverloo
18: Binche
19: Boom
20: Bouilon
21: Boussu
22: Braine le Compte
23: Brugge (Bruges)
24: Brussels (Bruxelles, Brussel)
25: Charleroi
26: Châtelineau
27: Chimay
28: Ciney
29: Courtrai (Kortrijk)
30: Couvin
31: Deynze
32: Diest
33: Dinant
34: Dison
35: Dixmude
36: Dolhain-Limbourg
37: Eecloo
38: Enghien
39: Fleurus
40: Florennes
41: Florenville
42: Fontaine l'Eveque
43: Fosses
44: Furnes
45: Ghent (Gand, Gent)
46: Gedinne
47: Gembloux
48: Genappe
49: Gheel
50: Gosselies
51: Grammont
52: Habay-la-Neuve
53: Hal
54: Hamme
55: Hannut
56: Harlebeke
57: Hasselt
58: Heer
59: Herenthals
60: Herve
61: Houffalize
62: Huy
63: Iseghem
64: Jemeppe
65: Jemappes
66: Jodoigne
67: La Roche
68: Le Fayt
69: Lens
70: Le Roeulx
71: Lessines
72: Leuze
73: Liege (Luik)
74: Lierre
75: Lokeren
76: Louvain (Leuven)
77: Maeseyck
78: Malines
79: Marche
80: Marchienne-au-Pont
81: Mariembourg
82: Menin
83: Mons (Bergen)
84: Mouscron (Moeskroen)
85: Namen (Namur)
86: Neufchâteau
87: Nieuport
88: Ninove
89: Nivelles
90: Ostende
91: Pecq
92: Peer
93: Pepinster
94: Peruwelz
95: Perwez
96: Philippeville
97: Poperinghe
98: Puers
99: Quievrain
100: Renaix
101: Rochefort
102: Roulers
103: St.Ghislain
104: St.Hubert
105: St.Nicolas
106: St.Trond
107: Seneffe
108: Soignies
109: Sottegem
110: Spa
111: Spy
112: Stavelot
113: Tamise
114: Termonde
115: Thielt
116: Thourout
117: Thuin
118: Tirlemont
119: Tongres
120: Tournai
121: Tubise
122: Turnhout
123: Verviers
'123 A.1' Verviers ('A.1' placed below '123')
124: Vielsalm
125: Vilvoorde (Vilvorde)
126: Virton
127: Vise
128: Wareghem
129: Waremme
130: Wavre
131: Wervicq
132: Wetteren
133: Ypres
134: Zele
135: Zelzaete
150: Ruysbroeck
156: Chenee
172: Trooz
176: Herstal
179: Buggenhout
186: Dour
199: Auvelais
205: Paturages

With vertical lines ('obliteration de distribution'; auxiliary post office)

1: Aeltre
2: Amay
3: Antoing
4: Aubange
5: Beeringen
6: Bilsen
7: Blankenberghe
8: Brasschaet
9: Bree
10: Cappelle-au-Bois
11: Chaudfontaine
12: Cruyshautem
13: Dour
14: Duffel
15: Eghezee
16: Fexhe-le-haut-Clocher
17: Frasnes
18: Ghistelles
19: Givry
20: Glons
21: Havelange
22: Henri-Chapelle
23: Herck-la-Ville
24: Herinnes
26: Hoogstraeten
27: Isque
28: Landen
29: Leau
30: Lennick-St.Quentin
31: Looz
32: Maldegem
33: Marbais
34: Martelange
35: Mechelen
36: Mettet
37: Moll
38: Nandrin
39: Nederbrakel
40: Nil-St.Vincent
41: Oosterzeele
42: Oostmalle
43: Oostvleteren
44: Oreye
45: Overpelt
46: Paliseul
47: Rance
48: St.Leger
49: Santhoven
50: Solre-sur-Sambre
51: Somergem
52: Tervueren
53: Vertryck
54: Vroenhoven
55: Waerschot
56: Walcourt
57: Warneton
58: Waterloo
59: Wellin
60: Wespelaer
61: Westerloo
62: Wuestwezel
63: Willebroeck
66: Mechelen

'NORD' cancel
'NORD' cancel

'N II', 'OIII' and 'MIV' cancels

Some cancels with numerals, but with only 8 or 10 bars also exist. I've also seen 'NORD' and 'EST' instead of a number in a similar cancel (see image above).

Other railway ('ambulant' or 'spoorweg') cancels exist, for examples bar cancels with
'AN.2' (Nord 2)
'E I' (Est 1, I've seen this cancel in green),
'E II',
'N I' (Nord I)
'N II' (Nord II),
'O I' (Ouest I)
'O III' (Ouest III, ligne Gand-Ostende),
'M I',
'M III',
'M IV' (Midi N°4, ligne Tournai-Jurbise),
'M V' (Midi N°5; ligne Namur-Bruxelles),
'M VI' (Midi N°6, ligne Bruxelles-Namur).

'Obliteration Rurale' rural postmark consisting of a circle with lines, no number in the center

'Meteore de Bruxelles' or 'Meteoorstempel' (meteorite cancel) '24' surrounded by stripes


Numeral cancel with dots 1864-1873

40 c red 20 c blue 1 F violet, typical number cancel

According to my information numeral cancels with dots were used from 1864 to 1873. Some towns with their corresponding numbers:
1: Aeltre
2: Aerschot
3: Alost
5: Amay
7: Anderlecht
8: Annevoie
9: Ans
10: Anthee
11: Antoing
12: Anvers
13: Ardenne
16: Arlon
19: Ath
21: Audenaerde
29: Barvaux
31: Bastogne
32: Beaumont
34: Beeringen
36: Berchem
37: Bertrix
38: Beveren
39: Beverloo
40: Bilsen
41: Binche
46: Boom
48: Bouillon
49: Boussu
50: Bouwel
51: Bracquegnies
52: Braine l'Alleud
53: Braine le Compte
58: Bruges (Brugge)
60: Brussels (Bruxelles, Brussel)
61: Brussels-East
63: Brussels-North
64: Brussels-West (Molenbeek)
65: Buggenhout
67: Basel
69: Berchem
74: Celles
75: Cerfontaine
77: Charleroi
78: Chatelineau
79: Chaudfontaine
80: Chenee
81: Chievre-Attre
82: Chimay
83: Ciney
87: Courtrai
88: Court St.Etienne
89: Couvin
91: Couillet
93: Denderleeuw
94: Deynze
95: Diest
96: Dinant
97: Dison
98: Dixmude
99: Dolhain (Limbourg)
102: Duffel
105: Ecaussinnes
107: Eeckeren
108: Eecloo
109: Egheeze
110: Enghien
111: Engis
112: Ensival
114: Erquelinnes
123: Farciennes
126: Flemalle
127: Fleron
128: Fleurus
129: Floreffe
130: Florennes
131: Florenville
132: Fontaine l'Eveque
133: Fosses
137: Furnes
141: Gand (Gent)
142: Gavere
144: Gembloux
145: Genappe
146: Gerpinnes
147: Gheel
149: Gilly
152: Gosselies
153: Gosselies-Courcelles
154: Gouy-le-Pieton
155: Grammont
156: Grez-Doiceau
157: Grupont
162: Habay la Neuve
163: Hal
165: Hamme
167: Hannut
169: Harlebeke
170: Hasselt
179: Herve
186: Huy
192: Iseghem
196: Jemappes
198: Jodoigne
199: Jumet
202: Laeken
204: La Louviere
211: Lede
213: Lens
214: Lessines
215: Leuze
217: Liege (Luik)
218: Lierre
221: Lodelinsart
222: Lokeren
226: Leuven (Louvain)
227: Luttre
229: Loth
231: Maeseyck
232: Maldeghem
233: Malines
234: Manage
235: Marbais
237: Marche
238: Marchienne au Pont
239: Mariembourg
240: Mariemont
242: Melle
243: Menin
244: Merbes le Chateau
247: Mettet
252: Mons (Bergen)
253: Mont St.Guibert
257: Mouscron
258: Moustier
264: Namur (Namen)
266: Nechin
268: Nessonvaux
271: Ninove
272: Nivelles
283: Ostende
287: Ostende (Station)
290: Paturages
292: Pepinster
293: Peruwelz
299: Poperinghe
300: Puers
305: Quievrain
307: Rance
310: Renaix
312: Rochefort
315: Roulers
317: Roux
318: Ruysbroek
322: St.Gislain
324: St.Hubert
325: St.Josse ten Noode
328: St.Nicholas
329: St.Trond
331: Selzaete
332: Seraing
335: Soignies
339: Sottegem
340: Spa
342: Stavelot
343: Stekene
351: Termonde
354: Terwagne
359: Thuin
360: Thulin
361: Tirlemont
362: Tongres
363: Tournai
365: Trooz
366: Tubize
367: Turnhout
371: St.Gilles Bruxelles
374: Verviers
375: Vielsalm
378: Vilvorde
379: Vitron
387: Walcourt
388: Wandre
389: Waremme
392: Waterloo
393: Wavre
401: Wetteren
404: Wuustwezel
408: Ypres
409: Yvoir
410: Zele
E3: Est 3 (railway-east)
M2: Midi 2 (railway-south)
M3: Midi 3 (railway-south)
N1: Nord 1 (railway-north)


Later circular town and date cancels were introduced


10 c red


Special cancel 'Caisse d'epargne' or 'Schoolsparen' (saving bank bills):

5 c brown "Special Cancel"

This so-called 'Roulette' cancel was used from 1869 onwards for savings bank bills ('Caisse d'Epargne, schoolsparen).

A whole 'school savings sheet' with 2 c blue stamps with this cancel


Stamps cancels - Timbres-poste obliterations

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer