Return To Catalogue - Germany - Other local issues
Note: on my website many of the
pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:
Warning! Most of the stamps of Bochum were issued merely for stamp collectors!
20 p grey 25 p green 30 p red 50 p brown
2 p blue
(Reduced size)
2 p orange
2 p blue and red
(Reduced sizes)
1 p red 3 p red 5 p red
1 p violet 2 p green 3 p blue 5 p red
These stamps exist on yellow or white paper. The perforation is 12 1/2.
1 p green 2 p red 3 p blue 5 p red
The first stamps were printed on rough yellowish paper and were perforated 10 1/2. The later stamps were printed on smooth white paper and were perforated 11 1/2.
(Reduced size)
1 p blue 2 p red 3 p green 5 p violet
1 p green 2 p lilac 3 p red 5 p blue
1 p blue and red 2 p violet and red 3 p green and red 5 p brown and red
1 p green 2 p lilac 5 p blue 10 p red
1 p green 2 p black and yellow 3 p red 5 p brown and blue 10 p violet and blue 20 p red and green
(Reduced sizes)
2 p violet and blue 2 p violet (only perforated) 5 p brown and yellow 10 p red and green 20 p brown and blue
Stamps in other colours are proofs, examples:
(10 p red, 2 p green and 2 p violet imperforate)
1 p red 2 p blue 3 p red and black 5 p black and orange 10 p brown and blue 20 p brown and black
I have seen many of such 'misprints', they could be essays.
(Reduced sizes)
1 p green 2 p yellow 3 p brown 5 p blue 10 p violet 20 p red
Stamps in other colours exist, they are proofs, examples:
(Reduced sizes)
20 p blue 25 p red 30 p green 50 p violet 1 M orange
Image obtained from
(Reduced size)
2 p black and gold 3 p black and gold 5 p black and gold 10 p black and gold
Image obtained from
(Reduced size)
1 p black and violet 2 p black and violet 3 p black and violet 5 p black and violet 10 p black and violet
(Reduced sizes)
1 p brown on yellow 2 p red 3 p green 5 p blue 10 p grey 20 p brown
Postal stationery, example:
('PRIVAT BRIEF VERKEHR BOCHUM 2' in a circle, reduced size)