BREMEN Forgeries, 3 G and 5 G

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Detection of forgeries

ATTENTION: many forgeries exist! I will essentially follow the book 'the forged stamps of all countries' by J.Dorn in describing the characteristics of the genuine stamps. The stamps of Bremen were reprinted from new plates (and can thus be considered as forgeries) by the same firm that printed the genuine stamps: G.Hunckel. They were then offered by the dealer E.W.C Bredemeyer as 'reprints' or 'remainders'. Other forgeries also exist (even some modern 'proofs' made by Peter Winter; click here for more examples of these Bremen forgeries).

3 Grote

1. In the genuine stamps there should be a small dot above the crown

1: dot above crown

2. The shade line outside the shield is straight at the top

2: straight shade line Forged stamp! No dot above crown and no straight shade line!
(Left genuine, right forgery)

3. There are two white circles in the large figures '3' at both sides of the shield.

3: two white circles in the '3'

Note also, that in the genuine stamps, the top of the key does not touch the frame of the shield. In the following stamps, there is no dot above the crown, so these stamps must be forgeries!

3 black, Bredemeyer forgery?
Two different forgeries, in the left hand side forgery, the key does not touch the upper part of the shield.

Here another type of forgeries with no dot on the crown and with the bottom tip of the shield touching the pearl below it. The letters in 'STADT POST AMT' are different from the genuine stamps. I've only seen it with a 'BREMEN' box cancel.

(This forgery was probably sold by Fournier, the cancel 'BREMEN 20 6 * 3-4' in a rectangle can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'). The top left '3' is too thin in this Fournier forgery. This forgery does have a dot on top of the crown.

The 'B' of 'BREMEN' touches the line above it in these forgeries. Also the corner '3's are quite thin. The margins of these forgeries are quite large. The 'S' of 'POST' is taller than the other letters. I have seen it cancelled with a 'BREMEN' box cancel.

In this forgery, the 'M' and 'T' of 'AMT' are touching. The '3' in the upper right corner does not slant as in the genuine stamps. The 'B' of 'BREMEN' almost touches the line below it.

The shade line outside the shield is not straight at the top as mentioned in point 2 above.

Fournier forgeries, here with "FAC-SIMILE" printed at the back.

3 black, forgery!
(Reduced view)

(A forgery with inscription 'FALSCH', = forgery in German, and red 'FALSCH' overprint)

A 'proof' made by the forger Sperati

Sperati forgery of the 3 g stamp. This forgery is very deceptive, there is a small white dot in the upper left part of the 'A' of 'STADT' and a black dot under the right part of the crown.

A very blur 3 g stamp, probably a forgery as well.

5 Grote:

1: dot in the corners

1. There should be black dots in each of the corners, outside the frame lines.

Forgeries, examples, no dots in the corners:

5 g black on lilac perforated
Bredemeyer forgery of Type I with no dots in the corners and the 'G' of 'Grote' too small.

Bredemeyer forgery of Type II with no dots in the corners and the 'G' of 'Grote' too small and too thin.

Forgeries with the wavy background not 'wavy' enough and no dots in the corners. I have seen this forgery with a 'FRANCO' cancel with no containing box, also with a 'BREMEN' box cancel. This forgery also exists perforated. The wavy lines continue across the upper right border in this forgery.

In the genuine stamps, the keyhandle has a hole through which the vertical background lines can be seen. This forgery however, has a flower-like pattern in the center of the keyhandle.

The lettering is badly done in this forgery. The top end of the key (pointing towards the 'a' of 'Franco') is too long and almost touches the upper frameline of the shield.

Forgery with 'FALSCH' written at the bottom and a red 'FALSCH' overprint (which someone has tried to erase). This is possibly a Senf forgery.


Even forged letters exist, example:

I suspect the above forged letter to have been made by Peter Winter, note that a similar 'ST.P.A. 29 7 BREMEN' cancel can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' (even though the value 5 g does not appear in his 1914 pricelist).

(Non issued stamps with inscription 'Marken')

A non-issued (initially believed to be a misprint) exist with inscription 'Marken' (with 'n'). This stamp was prepared, but refused by the postal authorities. The printer then sold these non-issued stamps (220 sheets) to a stamp dealer. These non-issued stamps are not very rare. I have also seen this stamp in cancelled condition (which is of course forged). At least two types seem to exist of these non-issued stamps (compare the wavy pattern in the lower part of the above two stamps).

a Peter Winter forgery
(a Peter Winter forgery; click here for more Bremen forgeries made by Peter Winter )

The above stamp is a Peter Winter forgery, it can easily be detected by the rouletted perforation.

Sperati forgery, type A; I have seen this forgery with a box cancel 'BREMEN 15 4 * ...'. The 't' of 'Grote' has a loop at the top

Sperati 'Proof'

Fournier forgeries:

The forger Francois Fournier also made forgeries of the stamps of Bremen. The following forged cancels were used by him:

Fournier's forged cancels, reduced sizes

'BREMEN 5 8 5-6' in a double circle
'ST.P.A. BREMEN 29 7' in a double circle
'BREMEN-BAHNF. 84 67 11-12 V' in a single circle
'BREMERHAVEN 7 ?' in a double circle
'BREMEN 20 6 * 3-4' in a rectangle
'BREMEN 20 10 * 7-6' in a rectangle


If anybody has pictures of these forgeries, please contact me!


Click here for more Bremen forgeries made by Peter Winter (even proofs were forged by him). Click here for Bremen forgeries of the 2 G and 10 G stamps or here for Bremen forgeries of the 7 G and 5 Sgr stamps


A nice website on Bremen can be found on: (in German).

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer