BULGARIA 1879-1895

Bulgarie - Bulgarien

Return To Catalogue - Bulgaria 1896-1915 - Bulgaria 1916-1919 - Bulgaria 1920 onwards - Miscellaneous

Some bogus stamps for Bulgaria exist, examples:

(Reduced sizes)

According to 'Les Timbres de Fantaisie' of Georges Chapier these stamps were issued when Bulgaria was first founded and they should have served for 8 days. The following values exist: 1 p black on white, 5 p black on orange, 10 p black on yellow, 20 p black on blue, 25 p black on violet, 25 p black on green(?), 50 p black on green and 80 p black on violet.

I've been told that this is a genuinly used 10 p stamp

1879 Lion, value in Centimes or Francs

1 Fr black and red

  5 c black and orange
  10 c black and green
  25 c black and lilac
  50 c black and blue
  1 Fr black and red

  '50' on 1 Fr black and red 

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c *** ***  
10 c R ***  
25 c *** ***  
50 c R ***  
1 F *** ***  
50 on 1 F RR RR  

I have seen postal stationery in the same design in the values: 10 c red (only one colour!).

Forgeries exist of these stamps (see http://home.no.net/bhb1/stamps.htm for more details).The distinghuishing characteristics of the forgeries are (according to this website)
1. Line perforation (see the corners)
2. Missing or deformed triangle under the cyrillic letter 'W' (to the right of the tail of the lion)
3. Uneven or deformed star (5 ct, 10 ct, 50 ct, 1 fr)
4. Often missing background colour by the lion's hind leg
5. Left front leg touches the frame
6. Flat underside of head of 'T' in 'CENT.' (25 ct)
7. Narrow head of 'G' in 'BULGARSKA'
8. The colours are often different from the genuine stamps

Example of a Fournier forged surcharge (taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries):

Another very primitive forgery of the 5 c value. The perforation is printed and the lettering is very badly done.

Billig mentions another forgery of the 5 c, in which the 'K' of 'APCKA' has turned into an 'R'.


1881 Lion, value in Stotinki or Lew

Other type Two types of the 2 s value

  1 st violet and yellow
  2 st green and yellow
  3 st red and grey
  3 st orange and yellow
  5 st black and yellow
  5 st green and yellowish green
  10 st black and green
  10 st red and lilac
  15 st red and green
  15 st lilac
  25 st black and lilac
  25 st blue (2 shades)
  30 st blue and brown
  30 st violet and green
  50 st blue and lilac
  1 L black and red (1887)


Inverted overprint!

  '01' (red) on 2 st green
  '3' on 10 st red
  '5' (black or red) on 30 st blue and brown
  '15' (red) on 25 St blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 st c c type with 'EDNHb': **
2 st c c Type with 'DBA': *
3 st red and grey * *  
3 st orange and yellow c c I've seen this stamp with inverted background.
5 st black and yellow * *  
5 st green * c  
10 st black and green *** ***  
10 st red and lilac * c  
15 st red and green *** ***  
15 st lilac * c  
25 st black and lilac R ***  
25 st blue ** c  
30 st blue and brown *** ***  
30 st violet and green *** *  
50 st *** *  
1 L *** ***  
01 on 2 st c c I've seen surcharged and non-surcharged stamps
3 on 10 st R R  
5 (red) on 30 st R R Surcharge in black: RRR
15 on 25 st R R  

For the specialist: the values 1 st and 2 st exist with 2 different types of value inscriptions 'EDHA' and 'EDNHb' for the 1 st value, 'DBb' and 'DBA' for the 2 st value.

I have seen postal stationery in the same design in the values: 5 st green and 10 st red.

Forgeries exist of these stamps (see http://home.no.net/bhb1/stamps.htm for more details).

Forged overprints (see also http://home.no.net/bhb1/stamps.htm), examples:

Forged overprint!
(Forged overprints)

Example of Fournier forged surcharges (taken from a Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries):

Forged Fournier cancels for Bulgaria as can be found in the Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries (they are listed under Bulgaria, but could actually be forged cancels of Russia).

According to The Philatelic Journal of America; August 1894, No 116, Vol XII, page 51; the first Bulgarian Exchange Society of Philippopoli, and especially its vice-president Crista Genoff has made forgeries of these overprints. A full description can be found there.

New values of this type were issued in 1927 and 1930:

(1927 and 1930 issue, the word 'STOTINKI' is written differently and some colours are different)


1889 Smaller lion

On part of newspaper

  1 s lilac
  2 s grey
  3 s brown
  5 s green
  10 s red
  15 s orange
  25 s blue
  30 s brown
  50 s green
  1 L red
  2 L red
  3 L black


  '3' and text (green) on 1 s lilac (1916, issued for the Red Cross)
  '5' and bar on 3 s brown
  '10' on 50 s green
  '15' on 30 s brown

Overprinted '1909'

  1 s lilac
  5 s green

Overprinted '1909' and surcharged

  5 on 30 s brown
  10 on 15 s orange
  10 (red) on 50 s green

This issue exists with various perforations.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 s c c  
2 s c c  
3 s c c  
5 s c vc  
10 s * c  
15 s c vc  
25 s * c  
30 s * c  
50 s * c  
1 L * *  
2 L ** **  
3 L *** ***  
3 on 1 s *** *** Forged surcharges often have a different colour of green
5 on 3 s * *  
10 on 50 s * *  
15 on 30 s c c Forged surcharges exist.
With '1909' overprint
1 s c c  
5 s * *  
5 on 30 s * *  
10 on 15 s * *  
10 on 50 s * *  

I have seen postal stationery in the same design in the values: 5 s green, 10 s red, 15 s orange.

A forgery of the 2 L values can be found at http://home.no.net/bhb1/stamps.htm.


For stamps of Bulgaria from 1896 to 1915 click here.


A very nice site on stamps of Bulgaria and its forgeries: http://home.no.net/bhb1/stamps.htm

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer