CANADA 1900 onwards

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For stamps of Canada issued before 1900, click here.


1903 King Edward

5 c blue 10 c brown

  1 c green
  2 c red
  5 c blue
  7 c green
  10 c brown
  20 c green
  50 c violet

These stamps have perforation 12. The 2 c value should have been used bisected in 1909, surcharged with a large '1' and a 'POSTMASTER' cancel. However, I have never seen this stamp. The 2 c also seems to exist imperforate.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c vc  
2 c c vc  
5 c * vc  
7 c * c  
10 c * c  
20 c ** *  
50 c *** **  

1 c stamp with precancel 'QUEBEC QUE.'


1908 300 years foundation of Quebec, various designs, inscription '1608 1908 IIIe CENTENAIRE DE QUEBEC'

  1/2 c black (King George V and Queen)
  1 c green (Cartier and Champlain)
  2 c red (portrait of King and Queen)
  5 c blue (L'abitation de Quebecq)
  7 c olive (Montcalm and Wolfe)
  10 c violet (Quebec in 1700)
  15 c orange (partement pour l'ouest)
  20 c brown (arrivee de Cartier - Quebec 1535)

These stamps are perforated 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 c c c  
1 c c c  
2 c c vc  
5 c * *  
7 c * *  
10 c * *  
15 c ** **  
20 c ** **  


1912 King George (so-called Admirals)

5 c blue 7 c brown

  1 c green
  1 c yellow 
  2 c red
  2 c green
  3 c red
  3 c brown
  4 c yellow
  5 c blue
  5 c violet
  7 c olive
  7 c brown
  8 c blue
  10 c brown (two shades of brown exist)
  10 c blue
  20 c green
  50 c black
  1 $ red


(reduced sizes)

  '2 CENTS' on 3 c red (2 types)

With inscription 'War tax' added (1915)

Image obtained thanks to Peter Elias

  1 c green
  2 c red

Overprinted 'WAR TAX' (1916)

Image obtained from Peter Elias Image obtained from Peter Elias

  5 c blue
  20 c green
  50 c black (overprint in red)

With inscription 'ITC' added (1916)

Image obtained thanks to Peter Elias

  2 c red
  2 c brown

The perforation of most of these stamps is 12. There are two types of the ITC stamps; differing in the bottom part of the 'T'.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c green c vc  
1 c yellow c vc Exists imperforate
2 c red c vc  
2 c green c vc Exists imperforate
3 c red c vc Exists imperforate
3 c brown c vc Exists imperforate
4 c c c  
5 c blue c vc  
5 c violet c vc  
7 c olive c vc  
7 c brown c c  
8 c c c  
10 c brown * c Two shades of brown were issued:
violet-brown and light-brown.
10 c blue * c  
20 c * c  
50 c * c Exists imperforate
1 $ ** c  
2 c on 3 c * * Both types
War Tax
1 c c vc  
2 c c vc  
5 c *** ***  
20 c ** **  
50 c ** **  


2 c red c vc  
2 c brown c vc  

Perforated at two sides:

The values 1 c yellow, 1 c green, 2 c green, 2 c red, 2 c green, 3 c red, 3 c brown, 3 c red and 5 c violet exist imperforated horizontally or vertically (with perforation 8). They were issued in roles for automatic vending machines.

These forged overprints are often wrongly attributed to Andre Frodel. the right one has a triple surcharge

The following information was passed to me by Ken Pugh concerning the above forgeries:
"Frodel never worked with overprints. There is quite a story to these. Fred Eaton, a prominent Vancouver dealer and benefactor to Frodel, was in possession of the Frodel estate (including a stock of his forgeries) when the Vancouver Police was investigation Frodel's forgery activities. To avoid a problem, he backstamped the Frodel forgeries in his possession FORGERY or FAKE  ANDRE FRODEL. As Eaton, has in his possession other forgeries from other makers (also his friends) he backstamped those two. These included many overprints, OHMS and G officials, even some perfins. The maker of these "Frodels" was probably Alex MacMaster, a Vancouver printer and friend of Eaton. I suspect "Frodels" are being backstamped to this day to satisfy the forgery collector market."


1917 Inscription 'CONFEDERATION 1867 1917'

  3 c brown

This stamp is perforated 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 c c vc  


1927 Inscription '1867 CONFEDERATION 1927', various designs

  1 c orange (Macdonald, small sized stamp)
  2 c green (assembly)
  3 c red (parliament building)
  5 c violet (Laurier, small sized stamp)
  12 c blue (map of Canada)


1927 Famous persons

  5 c violet (McGee, small sized stamp)
  12 c green (Laurier and Macdonald)
  20 c red (Baldwin and La Fontaine)


1928 King George V, new design

  1 c orange
  2 c green
  3 c red
  4 c yellow
  5 c violet
  8 c blue 

The 1 c and 2 c exist with imperforate top and bottom.


1928 Various designs, large sized stamps

  10 c green (Rocky Mountains)
  12 c grey (bridge)
  20 c red (grass cutting machine)
  50 c blue (ship)
  1 $ green (parliament building)


1930 King George V, new design with leafs in upper corners

  1 c orange
  1 c green
  2 c green
  2 c red
  2 c brown (1931)
  3 c red (1931)
  4 c olive
  5 c violet
  5 c blue
  8 c blue
  8 c orange

  '= 3 =' on 2 c red (1932)

The values 1 c and 2 c (all colours) exist with imperforate bottom and top (see image above).


1930 As 1928 designs, but with 'POSTES' left and 'POSTAGE' right, furthermore leafs in the upper corners, various designs

  12 c black
  13 c violet (design as 12 c, 1932)
  20 c red (agricultural machine)
  50 c blue (first settlement)
  1 $ green (Mount Edith Cavell)

  20 c red (1933)


1930 Government library in Ottawa

10 c green.


1931 Prime minister Cartier

  10 c green


1932 Ottawa Conference 1932

  3 c red (as postage stamp, but additional inscription 'OTTAWA CONFERENCE')
  5 c blue (Prince of Wales?)
  13 c green (large sized stamp, female figure sitting between two globes)


1932 King George V, 'CANADA' curved on top, two crowns in upper corners, 'POSTES' and 'POSTAGE' at left and right

King George V, 1932 design

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c red
  4 c light brown
  5 c blue
  8 c red

The 1 c, 2 c and 3 c exist with imperforate bottom and top (coil stamps).


1933 Ottawa Postal Union 1933

  5 c blue (view of Ottawa)


1933 Royal William 1833 1933

  5 c blue


1934 Jacques Cartier 1534 1934

  5 c blue


1934 United Empire loyalists 1776 1784

  10 c green


1934 New Brunswick commemoration, seal of New Brunswick

  2 c red


1935 Silver Jubilee of King Georg V, inscription '1910 1935', various designs

  1 c green (Princess Elizabeth, small sized stamp)
  2 c brown (Duke of York, small sized stamp)
  3 c red (King George V and Queen Mary)
  5 c blue (Prince of Wales, small sized stamp)
  10 c green (Windsor castle)
  13 c blue (yacht Brittania)


1935 King George V, new design, 'CANADA' straight on top, two crowns below it, 'POSTES POSTAGE' in a curve

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c red
  4 c orange
  5 c blue
  8 c orange

The 1 c, 2 c and 3 c exist imperforate at bottom and top.


1935 Various designs

  10 c red (policeman on horse)
  13 c violet (confederation Charlottetown 1864)
  20 c green (Niagara Falls)
  50 c violet (parliament buildings, Victoria B.C.)
  1 $ blue (Champlain monument)


1937 King George VI

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c red
  4 c yellow
  5 c blue
  8 c orange

The 1 c, 2 c and 3 c exist imperforate at bottom and top.


1937 Coronation stamp with image of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth

  3 c red


1938 Various designs

  10 c red (internal of a church)
  13 c blue (view)
  20 c brown (building)
  50 c green (view)
  1 $ violet (building)


1939 Inscription '1939', various designs

  1 c green (Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose)
  2 c brown and black (statue)
  3 c red and black (King George VI and Queen Elizabeth)


1942 King George VI with hat, various designs

  1 c green
  2 c brown
  3 c red
  3 c lilac
  4 c red
  5 c blue



1949 King George VI, new designs

  1 c green
  2 c black
  2 c olive
  3 c lilac (design as 2 c)
  4 c red (shades)
  5 c blue


Later issues, with the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II:

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer