Note: on my website many of the
pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:
A short history of Joseph J.Casey can be found in 'Philatelic
Forgers, their Lives and Works' by V.E.Tyler. He was editor of
'The American Journal of Philately' when he started selling
reprints of the local stamps of Berford & Co Express (USA).
Casey offered them as reprints. After discovering the truth and
being exposed by S.Allan Taylor in 1874,
Casey was removed from his editorship of 'The American Journal of
Philately' by the publisher, J.W.Scott.
It is amusing that both Taylor and Scott are also listed in
V.E.Tyler's book on philatelic forgers..... The following text
can be found in 'The United States Locals' book by Coster on this
"One original set of the Berford stamps is said to
exist, in the collection of an individual who, perhaps,
appreciating their rarity and desiring that the semblance of the
reality should be within the reach of all, caused
photo-lithographic " reproductions " to be made a
couple of years ago. These imitations (or "reprints" as
they were called by the individual already referred to) have been
fully ventilated in the columns of the Philatelic press."
After this Casey started his own journal 'The Coin & Stamp Journal' in 1876, which was renamed as 'The Stamp Journal' in 1877.
Casey also made a bogus issue for Egypt (3 Aspers, showing a pyramid).
He still advertised in The Dominion Philatelist of 1892,
Vol.IV, No.38, page 29 as:
"Stamp Collectors Magazine" of 12 volumes, choice
collection of 1600 Italian Municipals. Choice N. S, Envelopes.
Rare Essays and fine Proofs. What have you to excharge for these?
If you wish to sell your collection or duplicates. I can buy for
cash, paying highest prices or can sell same at auction at 0 perc
ent. Liberal advances made on good collections. JOSEPH J.CASEY,
26E 129th St, New York City.
Walker's Penny Post: A bogus issue, I have seen this stamp in the colours: black on red, black on yellow, black on lilac, black on green, gold on green, gold on blue, and brown. This forgery was made by Casey (see 'Philatelic forgers, their lives and works' by V.E.Tyler, 1976, for a short review of his life). It should be noted that forgeries of this bogus issue exist made by S.Allan Taylor (the 'R' of 'WALKER' has a straight foot).