CHILE Miscellaneous

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage due stamps

1894 Inscription 'VALPARAISO MULTADA' in an ellipse, 10 c in a circle

  2 c black
  4 c black
  6 c black
  8 c black
  10 c black (circle)
  16 c black
  20 c black
  30 c black
  40 c black

These stamps were printed on yellowish paper, they have perforation 13.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c to 30 c ** **  
40 c *** ***  

Forgeries of these stamps were made by Fournier:

Fournier forgeries? According to the Serrane guide Fournier foreries have perforation 11 1/2 instead of 13 1/4.

Fournier forgeries, taken from a 'Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'

Fournier cancels, reduced sizes; The cancels 'SANTIAGO 31 1 95 CHILE' and 'MULTADA' in a box are know to have been used on these forgeries by Fournier.


1895 Head of Columbus, inscription 'MULTADA'

  1 c red on yellow
  2 c red on yellow
  4 c red on yellow
  8 c red on yellow
  10 c red on yellow
  20 c red on yellow
  40 c red on yellow
  50 c red on yellow
  60 c red on yellow
  80 c red on yellow
  1 P red on yellow
  100 c red on yellow

Several values were printed on one sheet side by side. For the specialist: these stamps have been issued with perforation 11 1/2 in 1895 (1 c to 1 P) and re-issued with perforation 13 1/2 in 1896 (1 c to 100 c), thus the 1 P only exists with perforation 11 1/2 and the 100 c only with perforation 13 1/2. The colours of the 1896 issue are slightly different (the colour of the paper as well).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * * Cheapest type
2 c * * Cheapest type
4 c c c Cheapest type
6 c * * Cheapest type
8 c * * Cheapest type
10 c c c Cheapest type
20 c * * Cheapest type
40 c * * Cheapest type
50 c ** * Cheapest type
60 c ** ** Cheapest type
80 c *** ** Cheapest type
1 P *** ***  
100 c R R  

I've been told that the following stamps are Fournier forgeries, they have the 'O' of 'VALPARAISO' more squarish than in the genuine stamps:

Fournier forgery

(Fournier forgeries, reduced sizes)

I have seen them with the following cancels only: 'MULTADA' in a rectangular box, and the following circular postmarks: 'SANTIAGO CHILE 31 1 95', 'SANTIAGO CHILE 31 I 95', 'LINARES CHILE 30 NOV 95', 'VALDIVIA 1 FEB 97 CHILE', 'PISABUA 1 DIC 97 CHILE' and 'TALCA CHILE 5 ABR 95'. Other Fournier cancels exist (see pictures below), however, I do not know if they were used on the above forgeries.

(Fournier cancels, reduced sizes)

Fournier offers two series of these stamps, as second choice forgeries in his 1914 pricelist. The first serie is the values 20 c to 1 P with perforation 11 1/2 (6 values); he offers them for 1 Swiss Franc in his pricelist. The second serie (also second choice forgeries), the values 20 c to 100 c (6 values) with perforation 13 1/2.

The next 1 c stamp, I've been told, is a Le Blanc overprint; it has a '10 c' in a circle surcharge. I have no further information:

Le Blanc overprint?


1898 Postage Due Stamps, inscription 'MULTA'

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

  1 c red
  2 c red
  4 c red
  10 c red
  20 c red

I've been told that the values 6 c and 8 c exist, but were not issued (c).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c c  
2 c c c  
4 c c c  
10 c vc vc  
20 c c *  


From 1899 to 1924 postage due stamps were no longer issued. In 1924 they were re-introduced. A new serie was issued (illegally?) in 1924 with inscription 'CORREOS CHILE MULTA' with a number in the center (8 values).

Official stamps

In 1907 official stamps for the navy-ministry were issued. They bear the inscription 'CORRESPONDENCIA OFICIAL CHILE MINISTERIO DE MARINA'. Several overprints also exist.

(I've been told that this is a forgery of such a stamp)

In 1908 several postage stamps were overprinted with an anchor and inscription 'OFICIAL'. These overprints are merely security overprints of the army-ministry.

(1 P with red 'OFICIAL' and anchor overprint, could be a forgery)

Acknowledgment of receipt

1892 Inscription 'AR', Columbus

  5 c brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c ** **  

This stamp exists imperforate. I've also seen partly perforated stamps.

Forgeries also exist, example:



1897 Inscription 'AVIS DE PAIEMENT', Columbus

  5 c black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c *** ?  

Forgeries exist, example:


Returned letter stamps

From 1886 onwards returned letter stamps were issued, they have the inscription 'CIERRO OFICIAL'.

1886 Arms with star in center

  red (orange)

Three slightly different types exist, differing in the ornament just above the star. This type was re-issued in 1924 in the colours red, orange and blue.


1893 New type



1894 (1895?) Head of Columbus


Three types exist, differing in the shape of the head of Columbus.


1894(?) Head of man in circle

  green on green
  blue on green
  black on orange


1895 Large sized stamp with statue



1897 Wheel with wings, inscription 'OFICINA DE CORREOS DE VALPARAISO'

  black on brown


1900 Large sized stamp with empty white circular space in the center



1906 Circular stamp, with image of a woman



1917 Head of Columbus, new design



1944(?) Ship entering harbour

Telegraph stamps

1884 Inscription 'TELEGRAFOS DEL ESTADO' and arms

Image obtained from Christer Bergstrom Telegraph stamp

  2 c brown
  10 c olive
  20 c blue
  1 P brown
  5 P red
  10 p green

The values 2 c, 10 c, 20 c and 1 P seem to have been used postally in 1891.


1894 As before, but smaller size

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

  2 c brown
  5 c red
  10 c green
  20 c blue
  1 P brown

There are two types of the 2 c, 5 c and 10 c; the horse has a tail in the first type and in the second type it doesn't.


1901 Man, inscription 'TELEGRAFOS ESTADO'

  5 c red
  10 c green
  20 c blue (2 types)

Other telegraph stamps were issued in 1927 and onwards.

Postal Stationery

(Reduced size)

What are these? 'CORREOS DE CHILE'

The inscription of the above labels(?) reads:
'Esta pieza ne debe ser entregada al destinatario, si no lleva adheridas e inutilizdas con la palabra "multada" estampillas por valor de'

Fiscal stamps

1880 Arms of Chile, inscription 'IMPUESTO'

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

(Reduced size)

  1 c red
  2 c brown
  5 c blue
  10 c green
  20 c orange
  1 P orange

It seems that in 1880-81, 1891 and 1913 these fiscal stamps were used for postal purposes.


Consular stamps, I've also seen the values 5 c red, 2 P brown and black, 5 P blue and black, 5 P green and black, 10 P orange and black.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer