French military post in Cilicie (Turkey)

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1920 Stamps of France of 1900 overprinted 'O.M.F. Cilicie' and value

(Two types of the overprint)

  '5 PARAS' on 2 c brown
  '10 PARAS' on 5 c green
  '20 PARAS' on 10 c red
  '1 PIASTRE' on 25 c blue
  '2 PIASTRES' on 15 c green
  '5 PIASTRES' on 40 c red
  '10 PIASTRES' on 50 c brown and blue
  '50 PIASTRES' on 1 F red and green
  '100 PIASTRES' on 5 F blue and yellow
All these stamps exist in two types
  1) the value and PARAS or PIASTRES in one line or
  2) the value amd PARAS or PIASTRES in two lines.

(inverted overprint)

Non issued stamps? Overprinted 'O.M.F. Cilicie SAND.EST' and value:

Stamps of Turkey overprinted 'T.E.O. Cilicie', 'Cilicie' or 'CILICIE':

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer