Return To Catalogue - India

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Many forgeries exist: see the excellent site for more information.

1892 Arms (?) of Cochin, perforated

  1/2 p yellow
  1 p lilac
  2 p violet

These stamps exist with sheet watermark or watermark 'umbrella' (1897).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 p ** *  
1 p ** **  
2 p *** *  

1 p violet
Larger sized stamp (fiscal stamp)

A larger sized 1 p stamp exists in a slightly different design (for example the word "COCHIN" is broader than the central ellipse). This stamp is a fiscal stamp, it is not clear if it was ever used for postal purposes.

Full sheet with 2 p stamps.

Typical cancel.

Crude modern forgery.


1898 Value, various frames

  3 pies blue
  1/2 put green
  1 put red (value in ellipse)
  2 put lilac

Surcharged (1909)

(Reduced size)

  '2' on 3 pies lilac

A rare second type of this overprint exists (RR), also inverted overprints and tete beche stamps are known (RR).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 pies * *  
1/2 put * *  
1 putt * *  
2 putt ** *  
2 on 3 pies c c  

Typical cancels, reduced sizes.


A 1/2 p forgery and two different kind of modern forgeries of the 2 p value.

I've seen some 2 p imperforate forgeries (wrong color), here with a whole bunch of forgeries of other Indian States, presumably made by the same forger:

A whole bunch of forgeries of different states, all made by the same forger, I presume.


1911 Portrait of ruler

  2 p brown
  3 p blue
  4 p green
  9 p red
  1 a brown
  1 1/2 a lilac
  2 a grey
  3 a red


  '2 Two pies' (2 types) on 3 p blue (1922)

With overprint "On C G S"

  3 p blue (different overprint in red, 1921)
  4 p green
  9 p red
  1 1/2 a lilac
  2 a grey
  3 a red
  6 a violet
  12 a blue
  1 1/2 R green

With overprint "On C G S" and further surcharged (1922)
  8 p on 9 p red
  10 p on 9 p red


1918 Portrait of ruler

  2 p brown
  4 p green
  6 p brown
  8 p black
  9 p red
  10 p blue
  1 a brown
  1 1/2 a lilac
  2 a grey
  2 1/2 a green
  3 a red

With overprint "On C G S"

  4 p green
  6 p brown
  8 p black
  9 p red
  10 p blue
  1 1/2 a lilac
  2 a grey
  2 1/2 a green
  3 a red
  6 a violet

With overprint "On C G S" and further surcharged (1922)

'Pies' instead of 'pies' variety

  8 p on 9 p red
  10 p on 9 p red

With overprint "ANCHAL & REVENUE"
  'ONE ANNA' on 2 1/2 a green (1928)


Later issues:

(Issued around 1933)

"On C G S"

(Issued around 1943)

(Issued around 1949)

'ANCHAL NINE PIES' on 1 a orange 'ON C G S' on 'SURCHARGED ONE ANNA THREE PIES' on 1 a orange

(Postal Stationery, "COCHIN" in circle with star)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer