Freie Stadt Danzig - Dantzig

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This city is now called Gdansk and situated in Poland. It used to be german territory, it became isolated from the rest of Germany after world war I. After world war II it was ceded to Poland.


Stamp of Germany used in Danzig:

Private postal services existed in Danzig, click here for more details. Piece of an envelope with cancel of the 'Danziger Privatpost':

1920 Stamps of Germany fancy overprinted 'Danzig'

  5 p green
  10 p red
  15 p lilac
  20 p blue
  30 p orange and black on yellow
  40 p red
  50 p violet and black 
  4 M black and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 p vc c  
10 p vc c  
15 p c c  
20 p c c  
30 p c c  
40 p * *  
50 p * *  
4 M *** **  
Larger size

  1 M red
  1.25 M green
  1.50 M brown
  2 M blue
  2.50 M lilac
  3 M violet
  5 M black and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 M ** **  
1.25 M ** **  
1.50 M ** **  
2 M * *  
2.50 M * *  
3 M *** ***  
5 M * *  
Surcharged (old value overprinted with stars)

  '5' (blue) on 30 p orange and black on yellow
  '10' (red) on 20 p blue
  '25' (green) on 30 p orange and black on yellow
  '60' (brown) on 30 p orange and black on yellow
  '80' (blue) on 30 p orange and black on yellow

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 on 30 p vc vc  
10 on 20 p c c  
25 on 30 p c c  
60 on 30 p * *  
80 on 30 p * *  

I have seen postal stationary in the same design in the value 15 p lilac.


1920 Stamps of Germany overprinted with 'Danzig' and surcharged with value

  1 M on 30 p orange and black on yellow
  1 1/4 M (red) on 3 p brown
  2 M (blue) on 35 p brown
  3 M (green) on 7 1/2 p orange
  5 M (red) on 2 p grey (with red flag in center)
  10 M on 7 1/2 p orange (with slanting 'Danzig')

These stamps have an underprint of grey wavy lines.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 M on 30 p * *  
1 1/4 M on 3 p ** **  
2 M on 35 p ** **  
3 M on 7 1/2 p ** **  
5 M on 2 p * *  
10 M on 7 1/2 p ** **  

Cork cancel consisting of a 'star' on a 2 M stamp


1920 Stamps of Germany overprinted with slanting 'Danzig' and bar on 'Deutsches Reich' (overprint in several colours)

2 1/2 p grey
(Reduced size)

  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p grey
  3 p brown
  5 p green
  7 1/2 p orange
  10 p red
  15 p violet
  20 p blue
  25 p orange and black on yellow
  30 p orange and black
  40 p red and black
  50 p violet and black
  75 p green and black
  80 p red and black on red

  '=60=' (blue) on 75 p green and black.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 p RR RR Blue overprint
2 1/2 p RR RR Blue overprint
3 p *** *** Blue overprint
5 p c c Blue overprint
7 1/2 p R R Blue overprint
10 p *** *** Blue overprint
15 p * * Blue overprint
20 p * * Blue overprint
25 p * * Red overprint
30 p R R Red overprint
40 p * * Red overprint
50 p RR RR Red overprint
75 p * * Red overprint
80 p ** ** Red overprint
60 on 75 p * * 1921

A 60 p violet and a 1 M red exist with the same overprint (blue on 60 p and red on 1 M), but they are very rare (RRR). The overprint on the 1 M is larger and slightly different. Also a 2 M blue with three 'DANZIG' overprints exists. They were used by the postal authorities (only a few thousend were used: RRR):

60 p with blue 'Danzig' overprint

1 M and 2 M stamp with 'DANZIG' overprint. I have seen forgeries of these overprints.

Probably a forged black 'Danzig' overprint on a 1 M stamp

Two forged overprints, the letters are slightly different.

Forgery of the 60 p, image obtained thanks to Berni Gariner


1920 Air mail, stamps of Germany, overprinted with an aeroplane and 'Danzig'

  40 p (blue) on 40 p red
  60 p (red) on 40 p red
  '1 Mark' (blue) on 40 p red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
40 pon 40 p * * Aeroplane and value in blue, 'Danzig' in black
60 p on 40 p * * Aeroplane and value in red, 'Danzig' in black
1 M on 40 p * * Posthorn with wings and value in blue, 'Danzig' in black


1921 Ship, inscription 'FREIE STADT DANZIG 15 XI 1920'

Small size
  5 p brown and violet
  10 p orange and blue
  25 p green and red
  40 p red
  80 p blue

Larger size
  1 M red and grey
  2 M blue and green
  3 M black and blue
  5 M grey and red
  10 M green and orange 


1921 Arms in an octogonal, inscription'Freie Stadt Danzig'

  5 p orange
  10 p brown
  15 p green
  20 p grey
  25 p olive
  30 p blue and red
  40 p green and red
  50 p green and red
  60 p red
  75 p lilac
  80 p blue and red
  80 p green
  1 M orange and red
  1.20 M blue
  1.25 M lilac and red
  1.50 M grey
  2 M grey and red
  2 M red
  2.40 M brown and red
  3 M lilac and red
  3 M red
  4 M blue
  5 M green
  6 M red
  8 M blue
  10 M orange
  20 M brown
  40 M blue
  80 M red 

'20 20 20' on 8 M blue

  '6 6 6' on 3 M red
  '= 8 =' (red) on 4 M blue
  '20 20 20' (red, center '20' large and slanting) on 8 M blue 


1921 Arms in an ellipse or rectangle, surrounded by lions facing inwards

  50 M blue and red
  50 M blue
  100 M green and red
  100 M green
  150 M violet and red
  200 M orange
Surcharged (1923)
  '40 Tausend' on 200 M orange
  '100 Tausend' on 200 M orange
  '250 Tausend' on 200 M orange
  '400 Tausend' on 100 M green

Surcharged in 'Pfennige' (1923)

40 p on 100 M red

  5 p on 50 M red
  10 p on 50 M red
  20 p on 100 M red
  25 p on 50 M red
  30 p on 50 M red
  40 p on 100 M red
  50 p on 100 M red
  75 p on 100 M red


1921 Arms in ellipse, surrounded by lions facing outwards

  250 M violet and red
  300 M green and red
  500 M grey and red
  1000 M brown and red
  1000 M brown
  3000 M violet and red
  5000 M red
  20,000 M blue
  50,000 M green
  100,000 M blue
  250,000 M lilac
  500,000 M grey

'500 Millionen' on 10000 M blue

Surcharged (1923)
  '500 Tausend' on 50,000 M green
  '1 Million' on 10,000 M orange
  '1 Million' on 10,000 M red
  '2 Millionen' on 10,000 M red
  '3 Millionen' on 10,000 M red
  '5 Millionen' on 10,000 M red
  '10 Millionen' on 10,000 M blue
  '20 Millionen' on 10,000 M blue
  '25 Millionen' on 10,000 M blue
  '40 Millionen' on 10,000 M blue
  '50 Millionen' on 10,000 M blue
  '100 Millionen' (red) on 10,000 M blue
  '300 Millionen' (red) on 10,000 M blue
  '500 Millionen' on 10,000 M blue


1922 Large sized arms stamps

  5 M red black and grey
  9 M orange, red and lilac
  10 M red, black and violet
  20 M red and black

Different design
  50 M olive and red
  100 M green and red

Again different design
  250 M violet and red
  500 M grey and red
  1000 M brown and red
  5000 M grey and red
  10,000 M orange and red
  20,000 M blue and red
  50,000 M green and red

Surcharged (1923)

'10 Millionen on 1000000 M red

  '100 000' (red) on 20,000 M blue and red
  '10 Millionen' on 1000000 M orange

Surcharged in 'Gulden' (1923)
  1 G on 1000000 M red
  2 G on 1000000 M red
  3 G on 1000000 M red
  5 G on 1000000 M red 


1921 Knight figthing dragon (tuberculosis week)

  30 p green and orange
  60 p red and orange
  1.20 M blue and orange (larger size)


1923 Inscription 'Kleinrentnerhilfe Mark Zuschlag'

  50 + 20 M red
  100 M + 30 M lilac 


1924 New arms set: arms in ellipse

  3 p brown (1927)
  5 p orange
  7 p green (1933)
  8 p green (1937?)
  10 p green
  15 p grey
  15 p red (1925)
  20 p red and orange
  20 p grey (1934?)
  25 p grey and red
  25 p red (1934?)
  30 p green and red
  30 p violet (1934?)
  35 p blue (1925)
  40 p blue and light blue (arms light blue)
  40 p blue (arms white, 1934?)
  40 p brown and red (1934?)
  50 p blue and red
  55 p brown and red (1936?)
  60 p green and red (1934?)
  70 p green and red (1934?)
  75 p lilac and red
  80 p brown and red (1934?)

  '6 =' (red) on 7 p green
  '8 =' (blue, red or green) on 7 p green
  '30 =' (blue) on 35 p blue

Overprinted 'W.h.W.' (Winter Hilfs Werk: charity issue) and surcharged (1934)

  '5' on 5 p orange
  '5' on 10 p green
  '5' on 15 p red

Overprinted '1920 15. November 1930'
  5 p orange
  10 p green
  15 p red 
  20 p red and orange
  25 p grey and red
  30 p green and red (red overpint)
  35 p blue (red overprint)
  40 p blue and light blue (red overprint)
  50 p blue and red)
  75 p lilac and red

Overprinted 'Deutsches Reich' to be used in Germany


1924 Permanent set, large sized stamps with various views

  1 G green and black
  1 G orange and black (1925)
  2 G red and black
  2 G lilac and black (1925)
  3 G blue and black
  5 G red and black
  10 G brown and black

Overprinted 'Luftpost-Austellung 1932' and surcharged

  '10' on 1 G green and black
  '15' on 2 G lilac and black
  '20' (blue) on 3 G blue and black
  '25' (red) on 5 G red and black
  '30' (red) on 10 G brown and black

Overprinted '1920 15. November 1930'
  1 G orange and black (red overprint)

Overprinted 'Deutsches Reich' to be used in Germany


1929 Neptune statue

  10 p green and black
  15 p red and black
  25 p blue and black


1935 Charity issue, 'Fur das Winterhilfswerk', various designs

  5 p + 5 p orange ('Stockturm')
  10 p + 5 p green (city gate)
  15 p + 10 p red ('Georgshalle')


1936 Inscription '125 JAHRE OSTSEEBAD BROSEN', various designs

  10 p green
  25 p red
  40 p blue


1936 Charity issue, 'WINTERHILFE', various city gates

  10 p + 5 p blue ('Milchkannenturm')
  15 p + 5 p green ('Frauentor')
  25 p + 10 p brown ('Krantor')
  40 p + 20 p brown and light brown ('Langgarter Tor')
  50 p + 20 p blue and dark blue ('Hohes tor')


1937 Inscription 'Danziger Dorf in Magdeburg' (Danzig village in Magdeburg)

  25 p red (village with flag)
  40 p blue and red (village with arms)


1937 View of Danzig, issued in a minisheet with inscription 'DAPOSTA 1937 1. DANZIGER LANDESPOSTWERTZEICHEN AUSSTELLUNG'

  50 p green
  50 p blue (with aeroplane, airmail)


1937 Charity issue, inscription 'WINTERHILFE', various statues

  5 p + 5 p lilac ('Madonna a.d. Artushof')
  10 p + 5 p brown ('Merkur vom Artushof')
  15 p + 5 p blue and orange ('Goldene Kerl Ratsturm')
  25 p + 10 p green ('Neptunsbrunnen')
  40 p + 25 p blue and red ('St.Georg' and dragon)


1938 Schoppenhauer (1788-1860), various portraits

  15 p blue
  25 p brown
  40 p red


1938 Ships, various designs

  5 p + 5 p green (Peter von Danzig Ozeanrennen 1936)
  10 p + 5 p brown (Saugbagger zu Shing)
  15 p + 10 p green (Dampfer Columbus)
  25 p + 10 p blue (Hansestadt Danzig)
  40 p + 15 p lilac (Hansetrogge Peter von Danzig 1472)


1939 Various historical designs

  5 p green ('1500 Danziger Maiumritt', knights)
  10 p red ('Neutralitatsvertrag', neutrality treaty between Danzig and Sweden)
  15 p blue ('1814' Danzig Prussian again)
  25 p lilac ('1577' Stephan Bathorys, battle scene)


1939 Famous people

  10 p red (Gregor Mendel)
  15 p blue (Robert Koch)
  25 p green (Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen)

Danzig Postage Due Stamps

1921 Inscription 'VOM EMPFANGER EINZUZIEHEN', arms of Danzig, no country name indicated

10 p, 20 p, 40 p, 60 p, 75 p, 80 p, 100 p, 120 p, 200 p, 240 p, 300 p, 400 p, 500 p, 800 p, 10 M, 20 M, 50 M, 100 M, 500 M (all in colour violet).


  5000 on 50 M
  10,000 on 20 M
  50,000 on 500 M
  10,000 on 20 M


1921 Postage stamps of 1921 and 1922 overprinted 'D M'

Arms in an octogonal: 5 p orange, 10 p brown, 15 p green, 20 p grey, 25 p olive, 30 p blue and red, 40 p green and red, 50 p green and red, 60 p red, 75 p lilac, 80 p blue and red, 80 p green, 1 M orange and red, 1.20 M blue, 1.25 M lilac and red, 1.50 M grey, 2 M grey and red, 2 M red, 2.40 M brown and red, 3 M lilac and red, 3 M red, 4 M blue, 5 M green, 6 M red, 8 M blue, 10 M orange, 20 M brown.
Surcharged: '6 6 6' on 3 M red.

Arms in ellipse, surrounded by lions facing inwards: 50 M blue and red, 50 M blue, 100 M green and red, 100 M green, 200 M orange

Arms in ellipse, surrounded by lions facing outwards: 300 M blue and red, 500 M grey and red, 1000 M brown and red.

On large sized arms stamp: 5 M red, black and green.



(Postage due stamp of 1924, inscription 'VOM EMPFÄNGER EINZUZIEHEN')

  5 p blue and black
  10 p blue and black
  15 p blue and black (1928)
  20 p blue and black
  30 p blue and black
  40 p blue and black
  50 p blue and black
  60 p blue and black
  100 p blue and black
  3 G blue and red (1928)

Surcharged (1932)
  '5 -' (red) on 40 p blue and black
  '10 -' (red) on 60 p blue and black
  '20 -' (red) on 100 p blue and black


1924 Postage stamps of 1924, overprinted 'Dienst- marke'

  5 p orange
  10 p green
  15 p grey
  15 p red (1925)
  20 p red and orange
  25 p grey and red
  30 p green and red
  35 p blue (1925)
  40 p blue and light blue
  50 p blue and red
  75 p lilac and red

Danzig Airmail

1921 Aeroplane above city

Aeroplane to the left (small design): 40 p blue, 60 p lilac, 1 M red, 2 M brown, 25 M blue.

Aeroplane to the right (large design): 5 M blue, 10 M green, 20 M brown,
Slightly larger design: 50 M orange, 100 M red, 250 M brown, 500 M red.


1923 Posthorn with two earoplanes inside

  250,000 M red
  500,000 M red

  '2 Millionen' on 100,000 M red
  '5 Millionen' on 50,000 M red 


1926 Aeroplane with inscription 'FLUG POST' on the wings

  10 p red
  20 p lilac
  40 p brown
  1 G green

Larger size
  2 1/2 G brown


1935 Aeroplane inscription 'Luftpost' or arms with inscription 'LUFTPOST' (1 G)

  10 p red
  15 p yellow
  25 p green
  50 p blue

Different design
  1 G lilac


In 1937 a minisheet with one 50 p blue stamp was issued for the Daposta 1937 exhibition (see under postage stamps).


Danzig Fiscal Stamps

(Fiscal stamp of Danzig, 'Urkundensteuer')


Stamps of Poland overprinted 'PORT GDANSK' were used by the Polish post office in that city (Gdansk=Danzig). They are listed in Volume 2 of the catalogue.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer