Return To Catalogue - France overview

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

So called "Cabasson" type (1860), figure representing commerce, eagle embossed below

The inscription of these stamps is "EFFETS DE COMMERCE" (25 different values).


Imperial eagle type (about 1862), inscription "TIMBRE IMPERIAL", frames different for different applications


  20 c blue on blue

"DIMENSION" (1862, eagle with crown)

(Image obtained from Jean Bensoam, France)

  50 c, 1 F, 1 F 50 c, 2 F , 3 F (all blue)

"Chemins de fer, recepisses provenance etrangere"

  (-) blue 

The word "Dimension" referred to the size of the paper on which they were applied (the larger, the more had to be paid).


So called 'Imperial eagle with mantle' (1865)

"Dimension" (1865, locally surcharged stamps exist in 1871)
  20 c blue
  20 c violet 
  50 c brown
  1 F green
  1 F 50 c orange
  2 F blue
  3 F red

I've been told that this is a reprint made in 1909 of the 2 F value (in the colour green instead of blue though). The image above shows the two stamps in the bottom right corner of the sheet which are printed tete-beche.

Napolean III type (1864)

The following values were issued in 1864: 25 c, 50 c, 1 F, 1.50 F, 2 F, 2.50 F, 3 F, 3.50 F, 4 F, 4.50 F, 5 F, 5.50 F, 6 F, 6.50 F, 7 F, 7.50 F, 8 F, 8.50 F, 9 F, 9.50 F and 10 F all in the colour grey-brown with the value in red. In 1871 a new set was issued: 10 c, 20 c, 30 c, 40 c, 50 c, 1 F, 2 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 F, 6 F, 7 F, 8 F, 9 F, 10 F, 11 F, 12 F, 13 F, 14 F, 15 F, 16 F, 17 F, 18 F, 19 F and 20 F all in grey-brown with value in red.

As Napoleon III type, but Napoleon erased and replaced by star (1872)

(Reduced sizes)

"Effets de commerce de l'etranger et warrants"
The following values exist 10 c, 20 c, 30 c, 40 c, 50 c, 1 F, 2 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 F, 6 F, 7 F, 8 F, 9 F, 10 F, 11 F, 12 F, 13 F, 14 F, 15 F, 16 F, 17 F, 18 F, 19 F and 20 F all in grey-brown with value in red.

All values exist with overprint in red "DEMI DROIT EN SUS" done in 1874. Other colours exist for the overprint (blue, black or violet), but are rare. Even forged overprints seem to exist.

So called "Groupe" type (1874)

The inscription is "ENREGT. TIMBRE DOMES". Many values exist.


So called 'Numeral' design (around 1872):

(Reduced sizes)

In this design exist: 

"Timbre de dimension Affiches" (1873):
  5 c (et deux centimes) red (number violet)
  10 c (et deux centimes) red (number green)
  20 c (et deux centimes) red (number orange)

"Connaissement" (1872)
  50 c, 1 F and 2 F

"Estampille de controle" (1872)

"Copies" (1873)
  50 c, 1 F, 5 F and 10 F

"Dimension" (1872)
  25 c blue and black
  50 c & 2/10 blue and lilac
  50 c & 2/10 brown and black (1875)
  1 F & 2/10 blue and yellow
  1 F & 2/10 green and black (1875)
  1 F 50 c & 2/10 blue and brown
  1 F 50 c & 2/10 violet and black (1875)
  2 F & 2/10 blue and green
  2 F & 2/10 blue and black (1875)
  3 F & 2/10 blue and red
  3 F & 2/10 red and lilac (1875)

"Quittances, Recus et Decharges" (1871)
  10 c blue

So called 'Republique' type (around 1880):

(Reduced sizes)

In this type exist:

"Affiches" (imperforate, 1881 or perforated, 1883):
  5 c brown, 10 c green and 20 c red

"Connaissement" (imperforate or perforated, 1883):
  50 c & 2/10 black on green
  1 F & 2/10 black on grey
  1 F & 2/10 black on brown
  2 F & 2/10 black on yellow or grey

"Copies" (imperforate, 1880 or perforated, 1884)
  50 c & 2/10 blue
  1 F & 2/10 blue
  5 F & 2/10 blue
  10 F & 2/10 blue

"Dimension" (imperforate, 1881 or perforated 1885)
  50 c & 2/10 brown
  1 F & 2/10 green
  1 F 50 c & 1/20 violet
  2 F & 2/10 orange

"Quittances, Recus et Decharges" (1880), perforated
  10 c grey
  25 c blue
  50 c black on blue
  1 F black on red
  2 F black on red

"Timbre quittances" (1880), imperforate
  25 c blue 


Fiscal stamps for "Roles d'equipage", ship in circle

Issued from 1885 to 1946 in different colours and values.


So called "Medaillon" type (around 1891), large sized stamps:

Fiscal stamps in this design with inscription "Affiches", "Commerce", "Connaissement", "Dimension", "Visa de Passeports", "Permis de Chasse Departemental", "Permis de Chasse General", "Quittances" and "Recepisses de Chemins de Fer".


So called 'Small Medaillon':

This type was introduced in 1893 for many different purposes. As far as I know, these are still in use now (2002).

Literature: 'Catalog of the Revenue Stamps of France (1962)' by Brainerd Kremer.

Embossed stamp, inscription "TIMBRE IMPERIAL"

(Timbre Imperial)



(Inscription "EMP. FRAN.")

(Reduced sizes)

Note that in the stamps issued during the empire, the imperial eagle was included. Later it was left out.

Merson design similar to the postage stamps with inscription "ASSURANCES SOCIALES" in the value 5 F


1871 Stamp printed in a circular form

A number of values had been issued: (no value) black, 3 c black, 7 1/2 c black on yellow, 7 1/2 c black, 15 c black on green, 15 c black, 30 c black on blue and 30 c black. It seems that forgeries of these stamps exist (I'm not sure if the above stamp is genuine).

Similar fiscal stamps with inscription "ALLUMETTES" (=matches) exist. These stamps were never cancelled.

Local Fiscal Stamps

Several cities issued their own fiscal stamps, examples:


The above stamp was issued to collect taxes for lemonades and other gaseous drinks. The inscription reads "OCTROI D'EPINAL LIMONADE & EAUX GAZEUSES". Several types exist, the first type was issued in 1878, the last in 1899.


La Fleche

"La Flêche": Arrete Municipal du 22 Oct. 1902 Droit de timbre pour affichage sur les batiments communaux. Tax on posters on common buildings

Besides the '7 c 1/2', I've seen the values '2 c 1/2' and '5 cent.'. A 10 c should also exists. They are all in blue with the value printed obliquely in red. A black control number is also printed obliquely on these stamps. The cancel I've seen is "RECETTE DES FINANCES LA FLECHE".

Le Mans

Ville du Mans, Affichage sur les Batiments Communaux; tax on posters on common buildings

This design was issued in1901 in the values 2 1/2 c blue, 5 c green, 10 c brown, 1 F orange, 2 F violet, 3 F grey and 4 F red. Another type was issued in 1884.



"Ville de Saintes Taxe d'Affichage"

The above design was issued in 1910 in the colours: 5 c black on green, 10 c black on orange, 15 c black on blue, 20 c black on red, 25 c black on yellow, 2 F black on red and 3 F black on blue.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer