GERMANY (Local Issues) Bromberg.. Colmar

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contact me if you want to purchase them:


1896 Inscription "HANSA Stadtpost", no city name, number

  2 p blue
  3 p red

Several types seem to exist:


1897 Arms of Bromberg, inscription "HANSA Stadtpost" no city name indicated

  2 p blue
  2 p brown
  3 p red

The 2 p blue and 3 p red exist in two types, with and without a stop behind the word 'Stadtpost'.


For stamps of Cassel, see under Kassel.


Hammonia Briefbeforderung

Stamps of Hammonia Hamburg were also used in Chemnitz: 2 p blue (inscription "HAMBURG"), 2 p blue (inscription "STADTBRIEF"), 2 p green, 10 p red, (all standing woman type), 1 M green (Drucksachen), 2 p blue and 2 p olive (woman's head).

The above stamps also exist overprinted with the arms of the city in black, inscription "HAMMONIA CHEMNITZ" in an ellipse with arms in the center:

(Reduced sizes)



2 p blue

  2 p blue
  2 p green
  2 p red
  2 p brown on brown

Overprinted with arrow with wings

(Reduced sizes)

  2 p blue (overprint black or red)
  2 p green
  2 p red

The same overprint as for the Hamburg stamps was used again, this time to cancel the stamps that were sold to stamp dealers. Even inverted overprints exist. The overprint exists in black and red for the 2 p blue and in black and blue for the values 2 p green and 2 p red:

2 p blue "Red overprint"

(Reduced size)

I have seen reprints of the 2 p green stamp (also with the arrow and Hammonia Chemnitz overprint).


1887 Hammonia stamps of Hamburg, overprinted with arrow with wings

  2 p blue (standing woman, overprint black or red)
  10 p red (standing woman)
  1 M green ('drucksachen')
  2 p blue (woman's head, overprint black or red)
  2 p olive (woman's head)
  2 p green (standing woman, overprint black or red)


1887 Woman's head, inscription "BRIEFVERKEHR HAMMONIA CHEMNITZ"

(reduced sizes)

  2 p blue and orange
  10 p green and red
  12 p red and green
  20 p blue and brown
  50 p black and silver
  1 M gold and black



(Reduced size)

  2 p red
  2 p black
  3 p green
  3 p red on yellow
  3 p black (issued June 1888 to commemorate the death of Emperor Friedrich)
  10 p green
  12 p grey and red
  15 p brown and green

I don't know what the following stamp is:

Surcharged with '2'?
(Reduced size)


1889 30'th birthday of Emperor William I, head of emperor, inscription "HAMMONIA CHEMNITZ"

Image obtained from (Reduced size)

  2 p green
  3 p green



(Reduced sizes)

I have seen with 'Briefkarte' in the design: 2 p green, 2 p blue, 2 p orange and 2 p brown
With 'Eilkarte' I have seen the value 10 p lilac.


Express - Packet - Beforderung C.Schumann Chemnitz

The following stamps were prepared, but never put into use:

2 p red
(Reduced sizes)

Mail coach:
  5 p black
  10 p black
  15 p black
  20 p black
  30 p black
  40 p black
  50 p black
  75 p black
  1 M black
  2 M black
  3 M black
  5 M black
  10 M black


For stamps of Coblenz see under Koblenz.


(Printed on Mikado paper, reduced sizes)

Some labels with inscription 'Privat - Beforderung' were issued in 1888. They are the same for Colln a. E, Spaar and Oberspaar, only the cityname is different.

Cöln or Coeln (see Koln)



  2 p blue
  3 p brown

The 2 p blue was also used in Freiburg. Stamps in the same design, but with different colours were used in Metz.

Stamps from Metz.


1897 Inscription "STADT POST COLMAR ELSASS", arms, perforated or imperforate

  2 p green
  3 p red
  15 p yellow

Local stamps - Lokal (privat) Marken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer