GERMANY 1900-1920 issues

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

Germany 1889-1899 issues
1900-1920 'Germania' issue

1900 Large sizes stamps

Inscription 'REICHSPOST'   

1 M red 'Reichspost' 3 M violet 'Reichspost' 5 M black and red, 'Reichspost'

  1 M red
  2 M blue
  3 M violet
  5 M black and red

Inscription 'DEUTSCHES REICH' (1902)

No flags
("Reichspostamt in Berlin", Head post office in Berlin, with flags)

("Reichspostamt in Berlin", Head post office in Berlin, without flags)

2 M blue, inscription "Seid Einig Einig Einig" Deutsches
 Reich in fancy letters
(Men symbolising North and South Germany, angle see and mountains in background)

3 M violet
Inscription '1797 22 MARZ 1897'

5 M red and blue "Deutsches Reich"
("Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Gott")

  1 M red (with flags on building)
  1 M red (without flags)
  1 M 25 green (design as 1 M)
  1 M 50 brown (design as 1 M)
  2 M blue (two types, design as 2.50 M)
  2 M 50 lilac
  3 M violet
  5 M black and red

The 1 M exists in two types (with and without flags). Two types exist of the 2 M blue, one with gothic inscriptions and another with latin inscriptions:

Latin inscription Gothic inscriptions


1.50 M on 1 M brown 2.50 M on 2 M red

  '* 1,25 m *' on 1 M gren
  '* 1,50 m *' on 1 M brown
  '* 2,50 m *' on 2 M lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 M *** *  
2 M *** **  
3 M R ***  
5 M RR RR  

'Deutsches Reich', no Watermark

1 M *** c  
2 M *** *** 'Gothic' style inscription
2 M R c 'Latin' style inscription
3 M R *  
5 M R **  

'Deutsches Reich', watermark Lozenges

1 M * c wihout flags
1 M c vc with flags
1.25 M c vc  
1.50 M c vc  
2 M * c 'Latin' style inscription
2.50 M vc vc  
3 M c c  
5 M c c  

Surcharged (wmk Lozenges)

1.25 on 1 M green vc vc  
1.50 on 1 M brown vc c  
2.50 on 2 M lilac ** ***  



I have seen uncancelled 'reprints' of all four 'REICHSPOST' stamps (1 to 5 Mk) with 'Nachdruck' (=reprint) printed on the back. The perforation in the corners seems to be different (the horizontal and vertical perforation don't match). I think these are privately made reprints. They don't seem to be printed as nicely as the the genuine stamps (less accurate in the finer details). I've seen all of them printed in sheets of 20 stamps (5 rows of 4 stamps). Sometimes they bear the inscription 'FAKSIMILE 1985' at the bottom (but not always). I've seen also seen the above reprints of the 1 M and 5 M stamps with a bogus vertical 'China China' overprint (as in the genuine 3 M stamps for the German post offices in China).

I've seen a sheet with black 1 M Reichspost stamps which were apparently reprinted by the Ministry of Postal affairs of East Germany in 1984 for the 'Salon der Philatelie' at the 19th World Postal Congress in Hamburg. The full sheet has 20 stamps (5 rows of 4 stamps). On top is written 'Freimarken - Ausgabe vom 1.April 1900' and at the bottom 'Ministerium fur Post- und Fernmeldewesen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik'.


(Peter Winter forgery)

I have seen Peter Winter forgeries of the 5 M reichspost issue. I've only seen them with a cancel of 'Titisee' (but other cancels might exist) or uncancelled.

Is this a forgery of the 2.50 M stamp?

I've seen a 2.50 M on 2 M stamp with forged 'BERLIN V' cancel.

These stamps with overprint in 'PIASTER' were used in the German post offices in Turkey.


1919 Issue for Weimar, inscription 'DEUTSCHE NATIONALVERSAMMLUNG'

  10 p red (tree, symbol of German survival)
  15 p brown and blue (new shoots coming out of tree)
  25 p green and red (rebuilding)
  30 p lilac and red (design as 25 p)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer