BADEN 1860-1868 issues

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Currency: 60 Kreuzer = 1 Gulden

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For stamps of Baden issued in 1851 click here.

1860/62 Arms of Baden, background shaded

6 k blue 9 k brown

  1 Kreuzer black
  3 Kreuzer blue
  6 Kreuzer orange
  6 Kreuzer blue
  9 Kreuzer red
  9 Kreuzer brown

For the specialist: two different perforations exist; 13 1/2 in 1860 (1 k black, 3 k blue, 6 k red and 9 k red) and 10 in 1862 (1 k black, 6 k blue and 9 k brown). The perforation machine used for these stamps was shared with Wurttemberg. This machine was repaired in 1862, when the perforation of the machine was changed from 13 1/2 to 10. These stamps were issued from June 1860 onwards.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Perforated 13 1/2
1 k *** * Issued June 1860, also exists with red gum
Number of stamps printed: 4,399,200
3 k *** ** Issued June 1860, shades of colour exist
Also exists with red gum. Number of stamps printed 6,083,500.
6 k orange *** *** Issued in late 1861, shades of colour exist
Number of stamps printed 2,424,200.
9 k red R R Issued in late 1861. Number of stamps printed 978,400.

Perforated 10 (from June 1862 onwards)

1 k ** ** Number of stamps printed 2,675,800.
6 k blue *** *** Number of stamps printed 1,007,300.
9 k brown R *** Issued early 1863. Number of stamps printed 1,389,700.
Exists in two shades light and dark brown.


Primitive imperforate forgery on the 1 k value.


1862 Arms of Baden, background white, value in KREUZER

30 k orange

  1 Kreuzer black (1864)
  3 Kreuzer red
  6 Kreuzer blue (1864)
  9 Kreuzer brown (1864)
  18 Kreuzer green 
  30 Kreuzer orange

(3 k red, perforated 13 1/2)

For the specialist: these stamps are perforated 10, but in 1862 one value (3 k red) was issued perforated 13 1/2 since the perforating machins to make the perforation 10 were not yet ready, instead the old perforating machine was used. Be aware of forged cancels on the 30 Kr stamp (since cancelled stamps are much more valuable than uncancelled ones). The remainders of the 6 kr, 9 kr and 30 kr stamps were sold to stamp dealers. An imperforated variety of the 3 Kr stamp exists, it was mainly used in the city of Stockach (extremely rare). The 18 k is rare in used and unused condition. The 3 k, 6 k and 9 k were issued in colors corrresponding to the German-Austrian Postal Union convention.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks

Perforated 13 1/2

3 k RRR *** 200,000 stamps printed, issued April 1862.
Perforated 10
1 k *** * Number of stamps printed 7,515,400.
3 k *** c Number of stamps printed 7,303,600.
Exists imperforate (so-called Stockach - Provisorium): RRR
6 k * ** Shades of colour exist. Number of stamps printed 3,081,600.
9 k * ** shades of colour exist. Number of stamps printed 5,467,800.
A double sided print exists.
18 k RR RR 315,200 stamps printed. 151,012 stamps were
destroyed in July 1870.
30 k ** RRR Beware of forged cancels! 230,400 stamps printed
remainders were sold to a stamp dealer.


(A severely misperforated stamp)

Stockach Provisorium:

A genuine Stockach imperforate stamp.

An imperforate 30 k stamp? Possibly a Venturini forgery.

For forgeries, click here.


1868 Arms of Baden, background white, value in KR.

  1 KR. green
  3 KR. red
  7 KR. blue

The remaining stamps of this set were sold to stamp dealers in 1878.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 k * * Number of stamps issued 12,896,900.
3 k * c Number of stamps issued 20,525,700.
7 k * ** Number of stamps issued 4,473,500.

Forgeries, the perforation doesn't match in the corners. The lettering is slightly different from the genuine stamps. Forgeries made by the same forger also exist of the previous issue (see there). I've also seen the 3 k value of this particular forgery. They might be of relative modern origin (possibly made in Italy).



According to Paul Ohrt 'Handbuch der Neudrucke', the remainders of Baden (arms issue and postage due stamps) were sold to a stamp dealer in Leipzig (Joh. Aug. Senf for 1200 Thaler) and two stamp dealer in Hamburg (Julius Goldner for 1000 Mark and W.E.C.Bredemeyer). See also the "Handbuch für Postmarkensammler für den permanenten Gebrauch Bestimmt (1881)" by Ferdinand Meyer.

Stamps - Briefmarken - Timbres-Poste

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer