HAMBURG, Other private issues

Return To Catalogue - Hamburg - Hamburg, private issues (Boten issues), part 1 - Hamburg, private issues (Boten issues), part 2

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

If anybody posesses pictures of stamps not yet present in this catalogue, please contact me!

Hamburg is a Free City of the Hansa in the north of Germany. Besides the official issues for Hamburg there also exists numerous local issues. Other private issues exist the so-called Boten issues.

It seems that a certain F. Frommknecht issued a stamp somewhere in the 1850's for Hamburg (actually Poseldorf). The stamp has a value of 1/4 Sch and has the colour black and lilac. In the design a double circle with 'F. Frommknecht' at the top and 'Poseldorf' at the bottom can be found. The value in situated in the center. I have never seen this stamp personally. If anybody has an image of this stamp, please contact me!

Stadtbriefbeforderung Hamburg

1887 Arms, inscription "STADT BRIEFBEFORDERUNG", perforated

  3 p red

I've seen postal stationary in the same design: 3 p blue and 3 p brown.

This stamp exists with overprint 'Giessen' to be used in that city.


1887 Ships ('Segelschiff') in harbor of Hamburg, perforated

5 p lilac with cancel
(Typical cancel)

  2 p green
  3 p blue
  5 p lilac
  10 p red
  15 p yellow
  20 p red

This issue exists imperforated, but was merely made for stamp collectors.

Surcharged in the four corners
  '2' on 10 p red
  '2' on 20 p red
  '3' on 15 p yellow

Overprinted "Prosit Neujahr 1888" (Happy newyear 1888)

(This stamp has an inverted overprint)

   3 p red

Overprinted "DIENSTSACHE" diagonally (official stamp, 1888)
  3 p blue (overprint violet)
  20 p red

Overprinted "NACHPORTO" diagonally (postage due, 1888)
  5 p lilac

Smaller size (1888), perforated or imperforate


  2 p blue
  2 p red
  2 p brown
  2 p green
  3 p blue
  3 p red
  3 p brown
  3 p green

Reprint of 1978 for the Nordposta exhibition 'EUROPA IM RATHAUS', 2 p green and 3 p red on a minisheet, together with a reprint of a Krantz local stamp, reduced sizes

The two 'reprints' from the minisheet


1888 Similar design but Town hall ('Rathaus') of Hamburg

  2 p green
  3 p red
  5 p lilac
  10 p orange
  15 p green
  20 p yellow
  1 M black with golden border
Overprinted "DIENSTSACHE" diagonally (official stamp)
  3 p red

Overprinted "COURIER" diagonally (1889)
  2 p green
  3 p red

(Imperforate stamp)

This issue exists imperforated, but was merely made for stamp collectors.


1888 Design as before, but center replaced with red inscription "Dienstsachen" or "Dienstsache" (official stamp), perforated

'Dienstsachen' 'Dienstsache'

  black and red (Dienstsachen)
  black and red (Dienstsache)


1888 Postage due stamp, triangle, perforated, inscription "STADTBRIEFBEF ZU HAMBURG NACHPORTO"

  5 p red and green


1888 Very large stamp, view of Hamburg harbour, perforated


  5 M black, red and green
  10 M black, orange and green

I've seen these two stamps printed on one sheet.


1889 Inscription "BRIEFBEFORDERUNG COURIER HAMBURG" ship in lower left corner and number in upper right corner

  2 p green
  3 p red
  10 p blue
  20 p brown



(Return label)

Brief Beforderung Express Hamburg

1895 Wheel with wings

2 p green "Wheel with wings"

  2 p green
  3 p blue
  5 p red
  10 p violet
  15 p brown
  20 p orange


Express Privat Beforderung Hamburg

1888 Inscription "Privat-Beforderung HAMBURG", staff of Mercury

  2 p violet
  2 p red
  2 p green
  2 p blue
  2 p orange
  2 p brown
  2 p black on green
  2 p black on yellow
  2 p black on blue
  2 p black on lilac


1888 Various designs, inscription "PRIVAT - BEFORDERUNG HAMBURG"

20 p yellow "Mercury head"

  2 p red (ship)
  3 p orange (flying pigeon)
  5 p green (tramway)
  10 p blue (train)
  15 p lilac (bycicle)
  15 p olive (globe, registration stamp, "EINGESCHRIEBEN")
  20 p yellow (Mercury, express stamp, "EXPRESS")
  1 M brown 

Overprinted "Dienstsache" (Official stamp) diagonally
  1 M brown

Overprinted "Nachporto" (postage due)
  5 p green (overprint exists in black and violet)

Overprinted "HAMMONIA" or "Hammonia" (1889)

  2 p red (ship)
  3 p orange (flying pigeon)
  5 p green (tramway)
  10 p blue (train)
  15 p lilac (bycicle)
  15 p olive (globe, registration stamp)
  20 p yellow (Mercury, express stamp)
  1 M brown 


Hammonia Briefbeforderung, Hamburg

1886 Inscription "HAMMONIA"

Hammonia Hamburg at the bottom of the stamp

2 p blue "Hammonia Hamburg"

  2 p blue
  10 p red

Hammonia Stadtbrief at the bottom of the stamp


  2 p blue
  (a 2 p olive was issued in Breslau)

Same design, but "Drucksachen" in center

  1 M green

These stamps surcharged with small or large '3' in blue, black or red, overprinted with "D" in fancy letter, were issued in Braunschweig. Non-surcharged stamps were also used, example:

(Braunschweig cancel)

A similar stamp was issued in Breslau:

2 p olive "Hammonia Stadtbrief", Breslau issue


1887 Head of Hammonia

2 p olive 3 p violet

  2 p blue 
  2 p olive
  2 p brown
  3 p violet (smaller head)

I have seen postcards in a similar design with inscription "Briefkarte" or "BRIEFKARTE" in the value 2 p black:

With inscription "HAMBURG" or "HAMMONIA" at the bottom

A similar stamp, but the design slightly changed was used in Breslau (2 p blue):

Breslau 2 p blue stamp, this stamp has ornaments on top and at the bottom of the stamp.

Another cut from postal stationary?


1889 Inscription "HAMMONIA Brief- Circular u Packet Beforderung HAMBURG", number, perforated

(Reduced sizes)

  2 p red
  2 p blue
  2 p blue (smaller size)
  3 p black
  3 p red
  3 p red (smaller size)

3 p blue imperforate, probably a cut from an envelope.


1891 Inscription "Internationale Drucksachen Beforderung HAMBURG", Atlas carrying globe, perforated

  1 p black
  2 p red
  3 p orange
  5 p blue
  10 p green


1895 Woman's head in a small circle, inscription "HAMMONIA Brief- u. Circular Beforderung HAMBURG", perforated

  2 p blue
  3 p red

M. Laschick Circularbeforderung

1889 Postman, perforated, imperforate or rouletted

  3 p green
  3 p brown
  3 p blue
  3 p red
  3 p yellow

  '2' on 3 p green
  '5' on 3 p brown
  '10' on 3 p blue
  '10' on 3 p red
  '50' on 3 p yellow

The cancels I have seen on these stamps are
1) "Circulair-Beforderung M.Laschick Hamburg Eimsbutteler-Strasse 50" in violet in a circle.
2) "M.Laschick Circulair-Beforderung Hamburg, Neust.Neustr. 37" in violet in three lines.


1889 Very large stamp, view of harbour of Hamburg, inscription "Circularbeforderung von M.Laschick Hamburg", perforated

Image obtained from (Reduced size)

  50 p green and black
  1 M brown and black
  5 M blue and black
  10 M red and black


1889 Larger postman, perforated, value in violet

  2 p green
  3 p green
  5 p red
  10 p blue
  20 p brown
  50 p brown


1896 Inscription "BRIEF UND CIRCULARBEFORDERUNG KL. REICHENSTR 6 HAMBURG", perforated, no value indicated


Lables from this company, examples:

Hamburger Orts-Paket Postgesellschaft m.b.H.

Parcel stamp issued in 1908, cancelled with "HOPP.".

For stamps with inscription 'H.MAACK HAMBURG ALTONA PACKETBEFORDERUNG Steintwiete 25' see under Altona.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer