Thurn und Taxis - Tour et Taxis

Return To Catalogue - Forgeries, reprints and postal stationary - Numeral cancels

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

One of the German States. Thurn and Taxis is not a country, but the counts of Thurn and Taxis had a postal service in certain parts of Germany. It issued stamps from 1852 to 1867, it used the stamps of the Prussia afterwards. The northern districts used stamps in Silbergroschen value, the southern districs in Kreuzer. For typical cancellations of Thurn and Taxis click here.

Postage Stamps for the Northern districts:
Value in 'Silb. Grosch.'

1852 Imperforated, black on coloured paper

1/4 s black on brown 1/3 s black 1/2 sgr black on green 1 s black on blue

  1/4 Silb. Grosch. black on brown
  1/3 Silb. Grosch. black on brown
  1/2 Silb. Grosch. black on green
  1 Silb. Grosch. black on blue (2 shades)
  2 Silb. Grosch. black on rose
  3 Silb. Grosch. black on yellow

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/4 Sgr R ***  
1/3 Sgr *** R Forged cancels exist
1/2 Sgr RR **  
1 Sgr black on dark blue RR ***  
1 Sgr black on light blue RR ** The color of the paper was changed to light blue
(originally dark blue) in order to be better visible.
2 Sgr RR **  
3 Sgr RR **  


1859 Imperforated or rouletted (also with coloured separation lines)


1/2 s green, imperforated 1/4 s red 1 Sgr blue 3 s red, imperforated

rouletted (badly perforated; not centered):

1/4 sgr black, badly perforated (not centered)

rouletted together with the printing with coloured lines, perfectly centered:

1/2 s yellow, rouletted 2 s blue 3 s brown

  1/4 Silb. Grosch. red
  1/4 Silb. Grosch. black
  1/3 Silb. Grosch. green
  1/2 Silb. Grosch. green
  1/2 Silb. Grosch. orange
  1 Silb. Grosch. blue
  1 Silb. Grosch. red
  2 Silb. Grosch. red
  2 Silb. Grosch. blue
  3 Silb. Grosch. red
  3 Silb. Grosch. brown

Slightly different designs

5 s lilac

  5 Silb. Grosch. lilac
  10 Silb.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Imperforate (1859)
1/4 Sgr red *** *** 1861
1/4 Sgr black ** *** 1864
1/3 Sgr green ** *** 1864
1/2 Sgr green R *** 1860
1/2 Sgr orange *** ** 1862
1 Sgr blue R ** 1860
1 Sgr red *** ** 1863
2 Sgr red *** *** 1860
2 Sgr blue *** *** 1864
3 Sgr red *** *** 1861
3 Sgr brown ** *** 1862
5 Sgr lilac * *** Perforated stamps are phantasy products.
10 Sgr orange * RR Perforated stamps are phantasy products.
Rouletted (badly perforated; not centered, 1865)
1/4 Sgr black * R  
1/3 Sgr green ** R  
1/2 Sgr orange ** ***  
1 Sgr red *** ***  
2 Sgr blue c ***  
3 Sgr brown * **  

rouletted together with the printing with coloured lines,
perfectly centered (1866)

1/4 Sgr black * RR  
1/3 Sgr green * RR  
1/2 Sgr orange c ***  
1 Sgr red c **  
2 Sgr blue c RR  
3 Sgr brown c ***  

Warning: many of these stamps are worth much more in cancelled condition, due to the presence of many remainders. Forged cancels on these remainders exist!

Postage Stamps for the Southern districts:
Value in 'Kreuzer'

1852 Imperforated, black on coloured paper

1 k black on green 3 k black on blue 3 k black on blue 6 k black on rose 9 k black on yellow

  1 Kreuzer black on green
  3 Kreuzer black on blue (2 shades)
  6 Kreuzer black on rose
  9 Kreuzer black on yellow

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 K *** *  
3 K black on dark blue RR **  
3 K black on light blue RR * The color of the paper was changed to light blue
(originally dark blue) in order to be better visible.
6 K RR **  
9 K R *  


1859 Imperforated or rouletted


3 k red, imperforated 9 k brown, imperforated 9 k yellow

rouletted (badly perforated; not centered):

rouletted together with the printing with coloured lines, perfectly centered:

6 k blue, rouletted

  1 Kreuzer green
  3 Kreuzer blue
  3 Kreuzer red
  6 Kreuzer red
  6 Kreuzer blue
  9 Kreuzer yellow
  9 Kreuzer brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Imperforate (1860)
1 K green *** *  
3 K blue R ** A 3 K green is an essay.
3 K red *** * 1862
6 K red RR ***  
6 K blue ** ** 1862
9 K yellow RR *** Exists printed on both sides.
9 K brown * ** 1862
Rouletted (badly perforated; not centered, 1865)
1 K green ** **  
2 K red *** **  
6 K blue c **  
9 K brown * **  
rouletted together with the printing with coloured lines,
perfectly centered (1866)
1 K green c **  
3 K red c **  
6 K blue c ***  
9 K brown * ***  

Slightly different designs

15 k lilac 30 k orange

  15 Kreuzer lilac
  30 Kreuzer orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
15 K * *** Perforated stamps are phantasy products.
30 K * RR Perforated stamps are phantasy products.

Warning: many of these stamps are worth much more in cancelled condition, due to the presence of many remainders. Forged cancels on these remainders exist!

3 K green essay

Stamps - Briefmarken - Timbres-Poste

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer