GUATEMALA Miscellaneous

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Official Stamps

1902 inscription 'Franqueo Oficial 1902'


  1 c green
  2 c red
  5 c blue
  10 c lilac
  25 c orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c *** ***  
2 c ** **  
5 c ** **  
10 c ** **  
25 c ** **  


(Reduced sizes, forgeries with cancels)

In the genuine stamps, the horizontal and vertical lines with ornaments don't touch each other in the corners. Also the diagonal corner element does not touch the horizontal or vertical lines with ornaments.


From 1910 onwards stamps were perforated 'OFICIAL'


These stamps were made whenever they were needed on the spot.


In 1923-1924 many stamps of the issues from 1902 to 1924 were overprinted 'OFICIAL' to be used as official stamps, examples:

(Reduced sizes)

This overprint is actually more a cancel, since it was applied by a post official when the letters were brought in.

Bogus stamps

The following stamps are bogus stamps:

These bogus stamps were issued in 1867, four years before the first real stamps of Guatemala were issued. There were made by Alan Taylor, the famous stamp forger of Boston. Only one year later the fraud was detected. Album Weeds says there are at least the following values 5 c black on yellow, green, blue and brown. There even exist forgeries of this bogus issue! I think the above stamps are the original bogus issue, the 'originals' are perforated 12, the forgeries are irregularly pin perforated. I've seen a green 5 c forgery with a Spanish Arana cancel. Other forgeries in this type:

Two other forgery types, the design is not as nicely done

Postal stationery

1875 Head of freedom

(Reduced sizes)

  1/4 r black
  1/2 r green
  1 r blue
  2 r red

I have seen these cut squares perforated (the 1/4 r and the 2 r), bogus issues?


1875 Value in rectangle, 'GUATEMALA' at both sides

  2 c brown on yellow

1890 Posthorn in an oval

(Reduced sizes)

Without 'UPU' in horn
  5 c blue
  10 c red

  'DOS CENTAVOS' on 5 c blue
  'SEIS CENTAVOS' (red) on 5 c blue
  'SEIS CENTAVOS' and arms on 5 c blue

1890 Value, 'TRES CENTAVOS' written diagonally

  3 c blue

1890 Value in circle

  3 c red

1895 Value in ellipse

  1 c brown


Senf forgery of the first postcard of Guatamala given free with No 1 issue of the 'Illustrirtem Briefmarken - Journal' of 1888

Telegraph Stamps

Some postage stamps of 1897 were overprinted 'Telegrafos' in 1898:

The following stamps exist overprinte in this way:

  2 c black on grey (black or red overprint)
  6 c black on orange (black or red overprint)
  10 c black on blue (black or red overprint)
  25 c on 12 c black on red (also exists with inverted overprint)
  25 c on 18 c black on grey (red overprint)
  25 c on 75 c black on grey
  25 c on 150 c black on red (red overprint)
  50 c black on brown (black or red overprint)
  100 c black on green (black or red overprint)

Value of these stamps c to ***.

(Inverted overprint)

(I have seen several forgeries with the 'Telegrafos' overprint removed pretending to be postage stamps, the above forgery is such a stamp, the 75 c is much more valuable as a postage stamp!)


In 1919 a special Telegraph stamp was issued:


Fiscal Stamps

1868 Inscription 'TIMBRE DE GUATEMALA', design similar to the postage stamps of 1871

4 r and 1 P fiscal stamps

1/2 r red (two types?), 2 r orange, 4 r blue, 1 P green, 2 P red, 3 P brown.


1881 Inscription 'TIMBRE DE 1881-1882' (no country name indicated)

The following values were issued: 1 (UN) c black, 5 (CINCO) c red, 10 (DIEZ) violet, 20 (Veinte) c violet, 1 (UN) P green, 5 (CINCO) P blue and 10 (DIEZ) P yellow.
Similar fiscal stamps with inscription '1883-84' were issued in 1883: 1 c black, 5 c red, 10 c violet, 20 c violet, 1 P green, 5 P blue and 10 P olive.
In 1885 the design was again changed with inscription '1885-86' in the values: 1 c black, 5 c red, 10 c brown, 20 c violet, 1 P green, 5 P blue and 10 P green.
Two more values were issued in 1886 with inscription '1886-87': 5 c red and 20 c violet.

1887 New design, inscription 'TIMBRE DE 1887 1888'

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

The following values exist: 1 c yellow, 5 c brown, 10 c green, 20 c blue and 1 P black.

1889 New design, standing lady, inscription 'TIMBRE REPUBLICA DE GUATEMALA'

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

With inscription '1889 1890' were issued the values: 1 c brown and blue, 5 c green and blue, 10 c violet and blue, 20 c red and blue, 1 P orange and blue, 5 P blue and red and 10 P violet and red.
With inscription '1891 1892' were issued the values: 1 c yellow, 5 c red, 10 c orange, 20 c blue, 1 P green, 5 P violet and 10 P brown.

1893 Arms inscription 'TIMBRE 1893 1894'

The following values were issued; 1 c green, 5 c blue, 10 c grey, 20 c orange, 1 P brown, 5 P red and 10 P violet.

1895 Inscription 'TIMBRE' arms, no year indicated

The following values exist: 1 c blue, 5 c brown, 10 c green, 25 c black, 50 c orange, 1 P brown, 5 P red, 10 P green, 25 P violet (larger size) and 50 P red (larger size).

These fiscal stamps exist with overprint '1901': 1 c blue (red or black overprint), 5 c brown, 50 c orange and 1 P brown. Furthermore surcharged with a value: 'VALE 5 CENTAVOS 1901' (two types) on 5 P, 5 c (blue) on 25 P, 5 c on 50 P, 10 c on 50 c, 10 c on 10 P, 10 c (blue) on 25 P, 25 c on 50 c, 25 c (red) on 1 P, 25 c on 10 P and 25 c on 50 P.


Another design of fiscal stamps appeared in 1898 (sorry, no pictures available).

(Fiscal stamp of 1898, overprinted 'CORREOS NACIONALES')


Fiscal stamp of 1920(?).

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer