HAITI 1898-1920 and miscellaneous

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

Haiti 1881-1898

1898 Large stamps

President Simon Sam

1 c blue 2 c orange

  1 c blue
  2 c orange
  3 c green
  5 c brown
  7 c black
  20 c black
  50 c red
  1 G lilac


  1 c green (1899)
  2 c red (1899)
  4 c red
  5 c blue (1899)
  8 c red
  10 c orange
  15 c olive

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks

President Simon Sam

1 c c c  
2 c * *  
3 c * *  
5 c * *  
7 c * *  
20 c ** **  
50 c * *  
1 G *** ***  


1 c c c  
2 c c c  
4 c * *  
5 c c c  
8 c * *  
10 c * *  
15 c ** **  

All these stamps exist with a elliptic overprint with inscription 'SERVICE EXTERIEUR PROVISOIRE EN PIASTRES FORTES' (issued in 1906, value: ** to R). Forged overprints exist.

Inverted overprint (presumably genuine)

A rectangular overprint with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 =' was issued on the 8 c red in 1914 (RR).

'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 =' on 8 c red

Also in 1902 an overprint 'MAI Gt Pre 1902' was issued (value ** to RR), example:

The text 'Gt Pre' means 'Gouvernement Provisoire' (provisional government). Three types of this overprint exist. Only the first type was ment for postal use (with a small '0' in '1902'). The other two types were printed for stamp dealers (they also exist cancelled to order). I know that the forger Fournier made forgeries of these overprints.

(Left: forged violet overprint; right: genuine overprint)

Forged Fournier overprint; image obtained from 'A Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries', reduced size


1904 100 years of independence various designs

  1 c green
  2 c red and black
  5 c blue and black
  7 c lilac and black
  10 c yellow and black
  20 c grey and black
  50 c olive and black

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * *  
2 c * *  
5 c * *  
7 c c c  
10 c * *  
20 c c c  
50 c * *  

There are many forged stamps. The design is slightly blurrer when compared to genuine stamps.

Overprinted 'POSTE PAYE 1804 1904'

All these stamps exist with overprint 'POSTE PAYE 1804 1904'. Value: ** (the 5 c with red surcharge: RRR).

Two genuine and one forged overprint.

Reprints exist. Forgeries also exist (also with misplaced center pieces).

Imperforate stamps, probably reprints or forgeries

The stamp dealer Louis Pasche of Lausanne offers forgeries of four values (I only know for sure that the 7 c value was included); 10 sets for 10 Swiss Francs or 100 sets for 80 Swiss Francs. This was done in 1928 in a pricelist he send to several clients. He also offers forgeries of Serbia (1904), Surinam (1893) and Transvaal. See: http://www.filatelia.fi/forglinks/exhibit/paschestamps.jpg.


1904 President Pierre Nord Alexis

  1 c green
  2 c red
  5 c blue
  10 c brown
  20 c orange
  50 c lilac

Surcharged in a hexagonal (1 c) or heptagonal (2 c); 1906

Surcharge in black?

(With inverted surcharge)

  1 c (red or black) on 5 c blue
  1 c on 10 c brown
  1 c (red or black) on 20 c orange
  2 c (red) on 10 c brown
  2 c on 20 c orange
  2 c (black or red) on 50 c brown

Surcharged in a large rectangle
  '1' (red) on 5 c blue (1915)
  '1' (blue) on 10 c brown
  '1' (blue) on 20 c orange
  '1' (blue) on 50 c brown (exists with red surcharge; rare)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c c vc  
2 c c vc  
5 c vc vc  
10 c c c  
20 c c c  
50 c * *  

Surcharged in a hexagonal (1906) or heptagonal

1 c on 5 c * *  
1 c on 10 c * *  
1 c on 20 c * *  
2 c on 10 c * *  
2 c on 20 c * * Inverted overprint: **
2 c on 50 c * *  

Surcharged in rectangle

1 on 5 c *** ***  
1 on 10 c * *  
1 on 20 c *** ***  
1 on 50 c * * Red surcharge: RR

These stamps exist with overprint 'POSTE PAYE 1804 1904' (value: *), example:

I presume these two overprints are genuine.

On 20 c imperforate(?) stamp and inverted overprint on 1 c

Forged overprints exist.

A rectangular overprint with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 =' was issued on the values 1 c green, 2 c red, 5 c blue, 10 c brown, 20 c orange, and 50 c brown in 1914. A similar overprint with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 7 CENT' was applied on the values 20 c and 50 c. On this last overprint a further surcharge was applied in 1917 in the values '5 cts GOURDE' on 7 c on 20 c and on 7 c on 50 c (both in violet colour).

Forged Fournier overprint; image obtained from 'A Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries', reduced size.

Another Fournier forgery. Fournier probably only applied the forged overprint and cancel. The stamps are probably genuine or reprints.

Reprints were made by the printer of the stamps E.Cote, or by Louis Dumonteuil d'Olivera or René Carème (all located in Paris)
From the court case concerning the North Borneo forgeries of the stamp forger Lowden at http://www.oldbaileyonline.org/browse.jsp?path=sessionsPapers%2F19090622.xml, we can find out how reprints and forgeries of these stamps found their way in the stamp market:
"Carame said he was the printer of the 1904 issue of Haiti stamps, which had been sold by Mons. Dumonteuil. He also said he had printed some Somali Coast stamps. He produced what I should say were printer's proofs of other issues of Haiti, which made it look extremely probable that the man had got the entree to somebody who was able to get the Haiti plates, and we had no reason to doubt him."
Note 1: The name of René Carème is consistently spelt as Rene Carame.
Note 2: The person Dumonteuil (Louis Dumonteuil d'Olivera) mentioned in the proceedings is a known stamp forger in Paris (see Focus on Forgeries, by V.E.Tyler). He was involved in forged Haiti and Colombia stamps (and probably many more).
Note 3: Tyler in 'Focus on Forgeries' says these stamps were printed by E.Cote (spelt differently as M.Côte on http://www.stampprinters.info/SPI_country_france.htm, but the stamps themselves have 'E.COTE' in the design under the left value label).
Images of counterfeit stamps of this issue can also be found at: http://www.archive.org/details/CounterfeitHaitianPostageStamps-1904.

Tyler in 'Focus on Forgeries' furthermore described two deceptive forgeries; one of the 1 c value and one of the 50 c value. In the 50 c forgery the 'A' of 'FAIT' does not touch the design above it (in the genuine 50 c it does).


1906 Previous stamps overprinted 'SERVICE EXTERIEUR PROVISOIRE'

Inverted overprint (presumably genuine)

  1 c blue
  2 c orange
  3 c green
  4 c red
  5 c brown
  7 c black
  8 c red
  10 c orange
  15 c olive
  20 c black
  50 c brown
  1 G lilac
  1 G green
  2 G red
  5 G blue

The 50 c and 1 G lilac exist with surcharge '2 cts Gourde' in a rectangle (issued in 1917); value: RR.


1906 Various designs

50 c red

  1 c green (arms)
  2 c red (Nord Alexis)
  3 c brown (building)
  3 c orange (building, 1913)
  4 c red (building)
  4 c olive (building, 1913)
  5 c blue (Nord Alexis)
  7 c grey (building)
  7 c red (building, 1913)
  8 c red 
  8 c green (1913)
  10 c orange (building)
  10 c brown (building, 1913)
  15 c olive (building)
  15 c yellow (building, 1913)
  20 c green (Nord Alexis)
  50 c red (arms)
  50 c orange (arms, 1913)
  1 Pi lilac (building)
  1 Pi red (building, 1913)


(Reduced size)

  1 c blue (Nord Alexis)
  2 c orange (arms)
  2 c yellow (arms)
  3 c grey (Nord Alexis)
  7 c green (arms)

Surcharged in a large rectangle
  '1' (red) on 7 c grey (1915)

  1 c on 4 c red (1917)
  1 c (red) on 4 c olive (1917)
  1 c on 7 c red (1917)
  1 c (red) on 15 c yellow (1917)
  1 c (black or red) on 20 c green (1917)
  1 c (blue) on 10 c orange (1917)
  1 c (black or red) on 50 c red (1917)
  1 c on 50 c orange (1917)
  2 c (red) on 3 c brown (1917)
  2 c (red) on 3 c orange (1917)
  2 c (red) on 8 c red (1917)
  2 c (red) on 8 c green (1917)
  2 c on 10 c brown (1917)
  2 c (red) on 15 c olive (1917)
  2 c (red) on 15 c yellow (1917)
  2 c (red) on 20 c green (1917)
  5 c on 10 c brown (1917)
  5 c (red) on 15 c yellow (1917)

Overprinted and surcharged
  'SD2' in a rectangle on 1 Pi lilac

'GL O.Z. 7 FEV. 1914' on 50 c orange

'BL O.Z. 1 CENT DE PIASTRE 7n FEV. 1914' on 1 Pi red

Inverted red '2 cts GOURDE' on 3 c orange

A rectangular overprint with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 =' was issued on many of these stamps in 1914. A similar overprint 'GL O.Z. 1 CENT DE PIASTRE 7 FEV 1914' was applied to the values 50 c red, 50 c orange, 1 Pi lilac and 1 Pi red. A further surcharge '1 1 1 1 CT GOURDE' (red) exist on the values 15 c olive and 20 c green and was applied in 1917. The same surcharge also exist on the1 Pi lilac (surcharge in black or red). A similar surcharge of 5 c on 1 Pi red also exist. A violet 2 c surcharge was also applied on the 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' stamps on the values 4 c, a green 2 c surcharge on both the 8 c values, a green or red 2 c surcharge on both the 50 c values and a red 2 c surcharge on both the 1 Pi values. A red '3 cts GOURDE' in a rectangle surcharge was also applied on the 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' stamps on the values 3 c brown and 7 c red. A '5 cts GOURDE' surcharge was also applied on the 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' stamps in the colour red on both 3 c values, in red on both the 4 c values, in violet on both the 7 c values, in violet on the 10 c orange value and in violet on the 15 c yellow. A lilac '5 CTS PIASTRE' in a rectangle surcharge was also applied on the 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' 10 c orange stamp.


1910 As 1906 issue, but portrait of A.T.Simon, inscription 'A.T.SIMON. 1909.'


  2 c red and black
  5 c blue and black
  20 c green and black


  1 c brown and black

  1 c on 20 c green and black (1917, rare)

A rectangular overprint with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 =' was issued on the 20 c green and black in 1914. A further overprint was applied in 1917: '1 1 1 1 CT GOURDE' in red on the value 20 c. This rectangular overprint also exists with a further overprint 2 c red on 20 c.


1912 President Leconte facing the right

  5 c blue

  1 c red
  2 c orange

Overprinted with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV. 1914'

All three above stamps exist with a rectangular overprint with inscription 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914' (issued in 1914).


1915 Portrait of Zanor Fevrier or arms (with inscription 'EMISSION 1914'), design similar to the 1906 issue


  1 c green and black
  3 c olive and black
  5 c blue and black
  7 c orange and lback
  10 c brown and black
  15 c grey and black
  20 c brown and black

  2 c yellow and black
  5 c green and black
  7 c red and black

Postage Due stamps

1898 Inscription 'CHIFFRE TAXE RH', no country name indicated

  2 c blue
  5 c brown
  10 c orange
  50 c grey

Overprinted 'MAI Gt Pre 1902'

With inverted overprint

  2 c blue
  5 c brown
  10 c orange
  50 c grey

Overprinted 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 ===='
  5 c brown
  10 c orange
  50 c grey

1906 New type, inscription 'CHIFFRE TAXE RH REPUBLIQUE D'HAITI'

  2 c red
  5 c blue
  10 c violet
  50 c olive

Overprinted 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 ===='
  2 c red
  5 c blue
  10 c violet
  50 c olive

Surcharged (1917)
  'POSTES - 5 CTS GOURDE' on 50 c olive

Overprinted 'GL O.Z. 7 FEV 1914 ====' and surcharged (1917)
  'POSTES - 5 CTS GOURDE' on 10 c violet
  'POSTES - 5 CTS GOURDE' 50 c olive

The last three overprinted stamps are actually postage stamps and not postage due stamps.

Bogus issues

'HAITI' on top, arms in a circle

Arms in a circle, 'HAITI' written on top, value below, two different types of bogus stamps

I've even seen another type with the hat on top of the tree pointing to the right instead of the left.


Inscription '1850 EMPIRE D'HAITI FAUSTIN EMPEREUR', lions holding arms

I've seen the values 1 F black, 1 F brown and 1 F red.


Inscription 'MARAVEDIS RE MARQUATO J HAITI POMMARE', with face of a woman

I've seen 5 c red, 5 c black, 5 c brown, 5 c green and 5 c light-blue.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer