Return To Catalogue - Germany overview
Note: on my website many of the
pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:
(Genuine stamp on letter)
This stamp was used by the Hamburg American Packet Company (HAPAG) to be used on letters delivered by this company to the Carribean and South America. The colour is black, yellow and blue, the center is embossed with the company arms (anchor). The perforation should be 12 1/2. The border of the sheets containing 64 stamps were usually unperforated.
I know that at least three different kinds of reprints exist. A first reprint was made before 1938, at the jubilee of the Hapag from new plates, the perforation is 14.
A second reprint was made in 1938 for an exhibition of the 'Deutsche Sammler Gemeinschaft'. They were lithographed in sheets of 12 on white paper with thicker letters and sharper embossing. In the right lower corner of each sheet the word 'Nachdruck' (reprint in German) is printed. They are not perforated and 20048 sheets were printed.
A third reprint was made in 1955 (or 1958?) from the same stones as the 1938 reprint. Sheets of 24 stamps were made (two parst of 12 stamps with 12 stamps upside down). The reprints were perforated 11 1/2 x 10 and had a lozenge watermark.
(1955 reprint)
(1955 reprint, part of the sheet, reduced size, note the
Total sheet showing 24 stamps, of which one half is printed
upside down
1975 reprint (forgery?):
A miniature sheet with four reprints was made in 1975 at 'NORDPOSTA Tag der Hapag-Marke'. All four stamps have '1975' in small letters written at the bottom. I've seen these sheets with a fancy red cancel (with ship) or uncancelled.
Other reprints:
A fiscal stamp, apparently from the same company, inscription 'THEILSCHEIN-MARKE HAMBURG - AMERIKA LINIE.', 30 p: