HAWAII Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - 1851-1863 issues

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage due stamps

1897 Inscription "DEPt HAWAII FOREIGN AFFAIRS", head of minister Thurston

2 c green

10 c red
(Reduced size)

  2 c green
  5 c brown
  6 c blue
  10 c red
  12 c orange
  25 c violet

These stamps are perforated 12.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c R ***  
5 c R R  
6 c R R  
10 c R R  
12 c R R  
25 c R R  

Fiscal stamps

1876 Various frames

(Hawaiian Islands Stamp Duty One Dollar)

50 c and 5 $ (Elima Dala) stamp

More information on the above revenue stamp can be found at: http://www.hawaiianstamps.com/revenue.html. The first ones were issued in 1876. The following values exist 20 c red, 25 c green, 25 c violet, 50 c orange, $1 black, $5 red and black, $10 lilac and black and $50 green and red. Some overprints exist.

'TWENTY CENTS' on 25 c green


1897 Customs duty

(Internal Revenue One Dollar)

Only this stamp was issued in this design.

Postcards, envelopes etc.

Inscription 'HONOLULU HAWAII 1884':

I have seen the values 1 c green, 2 c red, 4 c red, 5 c blue and 10 c black without overprint in the above design. Furthermore I have seen the 1 c green and 5 c blue with red overprint "Provisional Government: 1893". Also the 2 c red with black overprint "Provisional Government 1893".


Bogus stamps

A bogus issue made by the forger 'Jeffryes' in 1886, resembling the statue of Kamehameha.

A value of 2$ red in the same design exists as well. I've also seen them cancelled with two concentric circles with a dot in the center as well as a imperforate 'proof' of the 2$ design.

Railroad stamps


These stamps were issued in 1894 in the values: 5 c blue, 6 c red, 10 c red, 15 c green, 18 c black, 25 c yellow, 50 c violet and 1 $ brown. These stamps were used to carry mail on the railroad. Overprints "HI" are known, but could be bogus.

More information about these railroad stamps can be found on the excellent website: http://www.hawaiianstamps.com/kahului.html

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer