HUNGARY Miscellaneous

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Newspaper stamps

1868 Newspaper tax stamps, imperforated

Type I, small 'k' Type II, large 'k'

Image reproduced with permission from:
(stamp for military use, arms below)

  1 Kr blue
  1 Kr blue (for military use in Croatia, arms below)
  2 Kr brown (text on top)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 Kr * c First type, with small 'K': *
Second type, with large 'K': c (with two types of watermark)
1 Kr RRR RRR With large arms below
2 Kr * * Red-brown or light brown
Exists with two types of watermark

Some proofs exist in similar designs.

I've been told that the next stamp is a forgery, I have no further information:



1900 Newspaper stamps, inscription 'HIRLAPJEGY', no value indicated

  (2 f) orange
  (10 f) blue (1920)
  (20 f) lilac (1922)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
orange vc vc Exists with four different watermark types
blue vc vc  
lilac c c  

These stamps exist with various local overprint, issued in 1919. Example:

Telegraph stamps

1873 Inscription 'MAGYAR KIR TAVIRDA'


  5 k blue
  10 k blue
  20 k blue
  25 k blue
  40 k blue
  50 k blue

Larger size, figures

(reduced size)

  1 F black
  2 F black on yellow

A postal stationary form with a 5 k design imprinted on it similar to the telegraph stamps, reduced size; inscription 'Felado-veveny az alabbirt surgonyrol.'

A Fournier forgery of the 1 F stamp, but in blue instead of black. I presume Fournier did not actually sell this forgery, but merely illustrate his pricelists with this image. This forgery was found in a 'Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'.

Fiscal stamps

1868 Inscription 'HIRDETVENY-BELYEG.'

The values 1 k black and red, 1 k black and green (1874), 1 k black and brown (1880), 1 k green and brown (1892), 2 k black and red, 2 k black and brown (1880) and 2 k green and brown (1892) were issued.

1868 Various designs and sizes, value in 'KRAJCZAR' or 'FORINT'

Reduced sizes

In 1868 the following values were issued in black and green: 1/2 k, 1 k, 2 k, 3 k, 4 k, 5 k, 7 k, 10 k, 12 k, 15 k, 20 k, 25 k, 36 k, 50 k, 60 k, 75 k, 90 k, 1 F, 2 F, 2.50 F, 3 F, 4 F, 5 F, 6 F, 7 F, 10 F, 12 F, 15 F and 20 F. The colours for the 'krajczar' values were changed to black and brown and the 'Forint' values to black and red in 1880. Another colour change was effected in 1892: green and brown for teh 'krajczar' values and blue and grey for the 'Forint' values.


1898 New designs with inscription '1898', now values in 'filler' and 'Korona'

Reduced size

The following values were issued: 1 f green, 2 f green and black, 4 f green and blue, 5 f red and green, 8 f green and violet, 10 f brown and green, 14 f brown and black, 20 f brown and violet, 24 f brown and blue, 30 f grey and green, 40 f grey and black, 50 f grey and violet, 72 f grey and blue, 1 K green and black, 1.20 K red and green, 1.50 K green and blue, 1.80 K green and brown, 2 K red and black, 4 K green and green, 5 K yellow and green, 6 K brown and brown, 8 K red and blue, 10 K yellow and black, 12 K brown and blue, 20 K blue and green, 24 K red and green, 30 K blue and black and 40 K grey and blue.


1903 with year '1903' in design

Reduced size

The following values exist: 2 f brown and blue, 4 f red and black, 6 f orange and grey, 8 f green and brown, 10 f brown and blue, 14 f blue and brown, 20 f red and brown, 24 f blue and blue, 26 f red and brown, 30 f grey and blue, 38 f olive and brown, 40 f red and brown, 50 f olive and green, 64 f red and blue, 72 f blue and brown, 1 K brown and blue, 1.20 K red and blue, 1.26 K grey and brown, 1.50 K red and grey, 1.80 K grey and black, 1.88 K grey and blue, 2 K red and brown, 2.50 K brown and blue, 3 K blue and brown, 4 K brown and green, 5 K violet and blue, 6 K green and olive, 8 K blue and green, 10 K red and green, 12 K blue and blue, 14 K brown and green, 20 K blue and blue, 30 K blue and green and 40 K red and brown.

1920 fiscal stamp 1 K

(Later issues, reduced sizes)

(Reduced size)

Unidentified fiscal stamps 'TIZ FILLER' and 'MAGY-KIR-SZAMLA-BELYEG'

Postage due stamps, ordinary stamps overprinted 'PORTO', 'T' or 'P', examples:

(Reduced size)

1916 Express stamps, inscription 'SURGOS'

Inscription 'MAGYAR KIR POSTA'

  2 f olive and red

Inscription 'MAGYAR KIR POSTA', overprinted 'KOZTARSASAG' (='republic') (1918)
  2 f olive and red

Inscription 'MAGYAR POSTA', without crown

Image obtained thanks to Christer Bergstrom

  2 f olive and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 f vc vc Magyar Kir Posta, watermark 'Wavy Crosses'
2 f c c overprinted 'KOZTARSASAG'
2 f vc vc 'Magyar Posta'

These stamps exist with various local overprint, issued in 1919. Examples:


1916 Fiscal stamp (saving stamp with crown in circle), used as postage stamp afterwards, inscription 'M.KIR.POSTATAKAREKPENZTAR'

  10 f lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 f vc vc  

These stamps exist with various local overprint, issued in 1919. Example:

Postage due stamps

1903 Inscription 'Magyar Kir Posta'

  1 f green and black
  2 f green and black
  5 f green and black
  6 f green and black
  10 f green and black
  12 f green and black
  50 f green and black
  100 f green and black


  '20' on 100 f green and black (1915)

Overprinted 'Koztarsasag' (1919)
  50 f green and black  


1915 As before, inscription 'Magyar Kir Posta', colours changed

  1 f green and red
  2 f green and red
  5 f green and red
  6 f green and red
  10 f green and red
  12 f green and red
  15 f green and red (1918)
  20 f green and red
  30 f green and red (1918)
  40 f green and red (1920)
  50 f green and red (1920)
  120 f green and red (1920)
  200 f green and red (1920)

Overprinted 'Koztarsasag' (1919)
  2 f green and red
  3 f green and red
  10 f green and red
  20 f green and red
  40 f green and red
  50 f green and red

These stamps exist with various local overprint, issued in 1919.


1919 Inscription 'Magyar Posta'

  2 f green and black
  3 f green and black
  10 f green and black
  20 f green and black
  40 f green and black
  50 f green and black

Similar stamp in one color with 'ROMANIA ZONA DE OCUPATIE 1919' overprint; this stamp was issued in Debreczen


Similar stamps with inscription 'HIVATILOS' are official stamps issued first in 1921, example:

Hotel post 'Bistra-Post'

Hotel post stamp of 6 heler of the Bistra local courier between Szaszsebes and Bistra Colony in Transylvania, issued in 1907 in about 5.000 copies:

(Reduced sizes)

Postal Stationery

(Cut from an envelope issued in 1887, inscription 'MAGYAR KIRALYI POSTA')

(Two cuts from postcards 'MAGYAR KIR. POSTA', 3 k green and 5 k red, issued in 1887)

I have also seen the above postcard with straight inscription 'MAGYAR KIR. POSTA' instead of the curved 'Magy. kir posta' inscription.


What is this? Inscription 'EGY KRAJCZAR 1 kr.' in a circle with arms below:

Friedl Essays

I've seen so-called Friedl essays in the above design in the values 1 kr red, 2 kr yellow, 3 kr green, 5 kr red, 10 kr blue, 15 kr black, 25 kr blue and 50 kr brown.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer