Nino IMPERATO (Italian Stamp Forger from Genoa)

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Nino Imperato was one of the Italian stamp forgers. I don't have much information on him right now, if you possess more information, or images of his forgeries, please contact me. See also: Imperato also offered forgeries made by Erasmo Oneglia.

Here a label used to advertise his journal 'IL FAC-SIMILE'. The text reads 'PERIODICO MENSILE EDITO DALLA DITTA N.IMPERATO 7 VIA UGO FOSCOLO GENOVA':

Imparato published his journal 'Il Fac-Simile' from May 1920 to May 1922 (


Imperato made forgeries of the 1896 Honduras (President Arias) issue. All 8 values were forged by him.

He probably also forged the 1898 issue of Honduras (train set).


Imperato forgery of Fiume:

(Forged stamp of 15 c, the house has four windows, product of Imperato?)

(Genuine stamps only have three windows in the house)


Forgery! Overprinted 'FAUX' Forgery!
Forgeries of the 1896 Jubilee issue of Ecuador, probably made by Imperato.

These forgeries of Finland with 'MARKKA' instead of 'MARKKAA' were made by a forger I. in Genoa according to the Serrane guide. This forger was most likely Imperato. He also made a forgery of the 1 M value.

Imperato forgeries of the first issue of Sardinia.

Possible Imperato forgery of Karelia.

Batum Imperato forgeries of the 10 k with 7 pearls above the lower right value tablet. Also note that the branches of the tree are different and that there is a white ellipse in the central design (some distance above the 'K' of 'KOP' just inside the central circular design). Next to it a 7 R stamp with the same white ellipse. Note that the 'A' and 'T' of 'OCCUPATION' are not very close together.

Zoom-in of the white ellipse (in the middle of the image). In 'Philatelic Forgers, their Lives and Works' by V.A.Tyler, such a forgery is shown and said to have been sold by Imperato.

Forgeries of the first issue of Greece.

Genoa, Type A forgeries.

Genoa, Type B forgeries.

Dominican Republic 1900 issue. This Imperato forgery has no dot behind "ATLANTICO" (genuine stamps have such a dot).

Other forgeries that he made:
Italian occupation of Austria (Venezia-Giulia and Venezia-Tridentina overprints)
Brazil (1850? issue)
Eritrea: 1893 forged overprints on genuine stamps of Italy
Italian post in Turkey: 1908 forged overprints on genuine stamps of Italy
Spain 1905 issue (Cervantes issue)
Neapolitan Provinces of 1861

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer