Return To Catalogue - Italy

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Parcel stamps

1884 Parcel post stamps "PACCHI POSTALI"

10 c green

  10 c green
  20 c blue
  50 c red
  75 c green
  1,25 L orange
  1,75 L brown

Backside of a 50 c stamp showing the 'Crown' watermark

These stamps have watermark 'Crown' and perforation 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c *** ***  
20 c R R  
50 c * *  
75 c * *  
1.25 L ** **  
1.75 L ** ***  

Postal stationery in the same design exists, at leat the following values are known to me: 25 c brown on brown, 50 c brown, 75 c brown on red, 1.25 L brown on green, 1.75 L brown on yellow and 2.70 L brown on grey.


1890 Parcel post stamps surcharged "Valevole per le stampe" used as postage stamps

  2 c on 10 c green
  2 c on 20 c blue
  2 c on 50 c red
  2 c on 75 c green
  2 c on 1,25 L orange
  2 c on 1,75 L brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c on 10 c c c  
2 c on 20 c * *  
2 c on 50 c *** *  
2 c on 75 c * *  
2 c on 1.25 L ** **  
2 c on 1.75 L * **  

This is most likely a forged inverted overprint.

Fournier forged overprints, image taken from a 'Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' (reduced size)


1914 Two small stamps printed together, left eagle or arms (1a parte), right value (2a parte), ropes in between two stamps

  5 c brown
  10 c blue
  20 c black
  25 c red
  50 c orange
  1 L violet
  2 L green
  3 L yellow
  4 L black
  10 L lilac (1922)
  12 L brown (1922)
  15 L grey (1922)
  20 L lilac (1922)

  '30 CENT. 30' on 5 c brown (1923)
  '60 CENT. 60' on 5 c brown
  'LIRE 1,50 LIRE 1,50' on 5 c brown (1923)
  'LIRE 3 LIRE 3' on 10 L lilac (1925)

These stamps consist of two parts, one with inscription 'Sul Bollettino' (for the parcel) and the other 'Sulla Ricevuta' (for the receipt). In cancelled condition these two parts are always separated. Initially 13 values were issued from 5 c to 20 L. Due to the appearance of postal forgeries of the values 3 L and 4 L, these two values were withdrawn and the remainders destroyed.

Unused specimen, two parts still together
Here two unsevered stamps with 'LIBIA', 'SOMALIA ITALIANA' and 'SOMALIA' overprint, issued for Libya and Somalia. A similar overprint exist 'OLTRE GIUBA'

Later more stamps were issued, also in similar designs, but with axes between the stamps instead of the cords.

With 'ERITREA' overprint to be used in Eritrea


1927 New design, two small stamps, printed together, eagle at left hand stamp (1a parte sul bolletino), value and small arms at right hand side (2a parte sulla ricevuta), axes in between the two stamps

  5 c brown
  10 c blue
  25 c red (1932?)
  30 c blue
  50 c yellow (1932?)
  60 c red
  1 L violet (1931)
  2 L green (1932?)
  3 L light brown
  4 L grey
  10 L lilac (1934)
  20 L lilac (1932?)

Overprinted 'REP.SOC.ITALIANA' on the left part and an axe on the right part

These stamps also exist with 'REP.SOC. ITALIANA' overprint on the left hand stamp and an axe on the right hand side stamp (issued for the socialist republic in 1944 on the stamps with axes). The following values exist: 5 c brown, 10 c blue, 25 c red, 30 c blue, 50 c yellow, 60 c red, 1 L violet, 2 L green, 3 L yellow, 4 L grey, 10 L lilac, 20 L lilac.

Without any symbols between the stamps

These stamps also exist without any symbols in between the stamps (1946). I've seen the value 1 L violet, 2 L green, 3 L yellow, 4 L green, 10 L lilac and 20 L brown.

With overprint 'ERITREA' to be used in Eritrea

"Parcel Post" of Italy overprinted "SOMALIA ITALIANA" "Parcel Post"
With overprint 'SOMALIA ITALIANA', issued for Somalia

Some of these stamps also exist with overprint 'LIBIA'.


1946 New design, two small stamps printed together, posthorn or jumping horse on left hand stamp (1a parte sul bolletino), value and small star on right hand side (2a parte sulla ricevuta)

  25 c blue
  50 c brown
  1 L olive
  2 L light blue
  3 L orange
  4 L grey
  5 L lilac
  10 L violet
  20 L brown
  30 L lilac
  40 L grey
  50 L red
  60 L lilac
  100 L blue
  140 L red
  150 L brown
  200 L green
  280 L yellow
  300 L brown
  400 L black
  500 L olive
  600 L olive
  700 L blue
  800 L orange
  1000 L blue (with jumping horse)
  2000 L brown and red (with jumping horse)

I've seen several values with overprint 'A.M.G. F.T.T.' in two lines or 'AMG FTT' in a single line for use in Trieste (Zone A).


1953 Inscription 'TRASPORTO PACCHI IN CONCESSIONE' (again two small stamps printed together, one with inscription 'SULLA MATRICE' and the other 'SULLA FIGLIA')

  40 L black
  40 L orange
  50 L blue
  60 L violet
  70 L green
  75 L olive
  80 L brown
  90 L lilac
  110 L lilac
  110 L yellow
  120 L green
  140 L black
  180 L red
  240 L blue

Some values exist with overprinted 'AMG-FTT', issued for Trieste.


Stamps in a similar design, with star and moon design, issued for Somalia (no country name indicated)

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer