ITALY Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - Italy

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Pneumatic post

1913 Inscription 'POSTA PNEUMATICA', with portrait of King Victor Emanuel III

  10 c brown (1913)
  15 c lilac (1922)
  15 c red (1927)
  20 c lilac (1926)
  30 c blue (1923)
  35 c red (1927)
  40 c red (1926)

These stamps have watermark 'Crown' and perforation 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c * *  
15 c lilac c c  
15 c red c c  
20 c * *  
30 c * *  
35 c * *  
40 c * *  

  15 c on 10 c brown (1923)
  15 c on 20 c lilac (1927)
  20 c on 10 c brown (1924)
  20 c on 15 c lilac (1924)
  35 c on 40 c red (1927)
  40 c on 30 c blue (1924)  

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
15 c on 10 c c *  
15 c on 20 c c *  
20 c on 10 c * *  
20 c on 15 c * *  
35 c on 40 c c *  
40 c on 30 c * *  


1932 Dante and Galileo Galilei, inscription 'POSTA PNEUMATICA'

  15 c lilac (Dante)
  35 c red (Galileo Galilei)
Without fasces (1945) 

  60 c brown (Dante)
  1.40 L blue (Galileo Galilei)


1947 Head of Roman statue, inscription 'POSTA PNEUMATICA'

  3 L lilac
  5 L blue

Express Stamps

1932 King Victor Emanuel III in square, inscription 'ESPRESSO'

  1.25 L green
  2.50 L orange

1.25 L with 'P.M.' overprint

The 1.25 L stamp exists with overprint 'P.M.' (= Posta Militare', military stamp). These stamps with overprint 'Deutsche Besetzung Zara' were issued for Zara.

Zara issue


1945 Express stamp in the woman design of the Imperial set

  5 L red


1945 Express stamps, inscription 'ESPRESSO'

  5 L red (foot with wings)
  10 L blue (man with horse)
  15 L red (design as 10 L)
  25 L orange (design as 5 L)
  30 L violet (design as 5 L)
  50 L lilac (design as 5 L)
  60 L red (design as 10 L)
  75 L lilac (Etruscian horses with wings, 1958)
  150 L green (design as 75 L)
  250 L blue (design as 75 L)
  300 L brown (design as 75 L)

The 10 L and 30 L stamps exist with overprint 'A.M.G. V.G.' (Venezia Guilia). Other values exist with 'A.M.G. F.T.T.' or 'AMG-FTT' to be used in Trieste.

'AMG-FTT' overprints used in Trieste

Military Stamps

1943 Stamps of the Imperial set, overprinted 'Italia Republicana Fascista Base Atlantica' for an Italian naval base in Bordeaux (France)

  10 c brown
  20 c red
  25 c green
  30 c brown
  50 c violet

Two types of overprints exist, the first one is very rare (only 200 stamps issued), the second type is less rare (except the 15 c of which only 50 stamps were issued). Forgeries are quite common of these overprints.


1943 Various stamps of Italy, overprinted 'P.M.' = Posta Militare'

Stamps from the imperial set (with fasces)
  5 c brown
  10 c brown
  15 c green 
  20 c red 
  25 c green 
  30 c brown
  50 c violet
  1 L violet 
  1.25 L blue 
  1.75 L red 
  2 L red 
  5 L red 
  10 L violet

On airmail stamps of 1930

  50 c brown
  1 L violet 
  2 L blue 
  5 L green 
  10 L red 

On airmail Express stamp, inscription 'ITALIA POSTA AEREA ESPRESSO'
  2 L grey

On express stamp of 1932 

  1.25 L green


1944 Military free franking stamp (imperforate), inscription 'REPUBBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA LICENZE SPEDIZIONA PACCO'

  kg 1 brown

Tax stamps for private delivery (authorized delivery stamps)


  10 c blue

This stamp exists with overprint 'LIBIA'.


1930 Smaller sized stamp, inscription 'RECAPITO AUTORIZZATO' with arms in circle

  10 c brown
  40 c brown (1945)
  1 L brown (1945)

  '40' on 10 c brown

Overprinted with an axe to be used in the Italian Socialist Republic (1944)

The 10 c exists with 'ERITREA' overprint (1941), it also exists with 'LIBIA' and 'TRIPOLITANIA' overprint.

The 1 L value exists with overprint 'A.M.G. F.T.T.' (for use in Trieste).


1947 Woman's head in a circle, inscription 'POSTE ITALIANE RECAPITO AUTORIZZATO'

Large size  
  1 L blue
  8 L red

Smaller size (1949-1965)
  15 L violet
  20 L lilac
  30 L green

The 15 L and 20 L values exist with overprint 'AMG-FTT' (one line); and the 8 L and 15 L with 'A.M.G. F.T.T' (two lines) overprint (for use in Trieste).

Biglieti di Ricognizione Postale (Post office identity card stamp)

1875 Portrait of King Emanuel II

  10 c yellow

Genuine stamps should be perforated 14 and have watermark 'Crown'.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c ** ***  


Imperforate forgery, reduced size

I've also seen modern perforated forgeries, in which the design is made out of small photographic dots.

Postal Stationery

King Victor Emanuel II

A postcard with the image of King Victor Emanuel II surrounded by pearls exists (no inscription, no value), similar to the one of King Humbert (see next images). I've seen it in two shades of brown: dark brown and redbrown. Sorry, no picture available yet.

King Humbert

Postcards exist with King Humbert surrounded by pearls (no inscription and no value). Furthermore a 7 1/2 c red and a 10 c red (see images above). Other postal stationary exists (money transfer cards) with the image of King Humbert.


I've been told that the next stamp is an essay of 1862:

I've also seen this essay in the colour violet (also 2 c).

So-called 'Essay Bigola' of the 1863 issue, 15 c red, I've seen this same essay in grey and blue (both 15 c)

Essay Grazioli of the 1863 issue; I've also seen the values 10 c red, 10 c brown and 10 c black on green.

More essays of the 1863 issue, I've seen the 40 c in the colour green and the 60 c in the colour black on yellow.

A 'Wentch-Essay' of the 1863 issue

Modern forgeries exist of some essays.

Telegraph labels

Label with inscription 'TELEGRAFI DELLO STATO' in blue (no value indicated):

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer