Venezia-Guilia - Venezia-Tridentina

Return To Catalogue - Austria - Italy - Venezia Giulia 'AMG VG' overprints on Italy (1945)

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1918 Stamps of Austria, overprinted 'Regno d'Italia Venezia Giulia 3.XI.18'

(Reduced size)

  3 h violet
  5 h green
  6 h orange
  10 h red
  12 h blue
  15 h red
  20 h green
  25 h blue
  30 h lilac
  40 h olive
  50 h green
  60 h blue
  80 h brown
  1 Kr red on yellow
  2 Kr blue
  3 Kr red
  4 Kr green
  10 Kr violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 h * * Exists with double or inverted overprint
5 h * * Exists with inverted overprint
6 h ** **  
10 h * * Exists with inverted overprint
12 h *** *** Exists with double overprint
15 h * * Exists with double or inverted overprint
20 h * * Exists with inverted overprint
25 h *** ***  
30 h ** **  
40 h RR RR  
50 h ** **  
60 h *** ***  
80 h *** ***  
1 K *** ***  
2 K RR RR  
3 K RR RR  
4 K RR RR  
10 K RRR RRR Overprint different from other stamps; more blurred

Forged overprints on genuine stamps exist, example:

Forged overprint on a 40 h stamp, reduced size


1918 Stamps of Austria, overprinted 'Regno d'Italia Trentino 3. nov. 1918'

  3 h violet
  5 h green
  6 h orange
  10 h red
  12 h blue
  15 h red
  20 h green
  25 h blue
  30 h lilac
  40 h olive
  50 h green
  60 h blue
  80 h brown
  90 h lilac
  1 Kr red on yellow
  2 Kr blue
  4 Kr green
  10 Kr violet

The stamps 10 h, 15 h and 20 h exist with an error: '8 nov' instead of a '3 nov' (very rare).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 h ** ** Exists with double or inverted overprint
5 h * *  
6 h R R  
10 h * *  
12 h RR RR  
15 h *** ***  
20 h * * Exists with double or inverted overprint
25 h *** ***  
30 h *** ***  
40 h *** ***  
50 h *** *** Exists with inverted overprint
60 h R R Exists with double overprint
80 h RR RR  
90 h RRR RRR  
1 K R R  
2 K RR RR  
10 K RRR RRR Only 11 stamps issued.

These overprints are known to have been forged, example:

(Forged overprint)


1919 Stamps of Italy overprinted 'Venezia-Giulia'

  1 c brown
  2 c brown
  5 c green
  10 c red
  20 c orange
  25 c blue
  40 c brown
  45 c green
  50 c violet
  60 c red
  1 L brown and green

Express stamp

25 c 'Espresso' red

  25 c red

Surcharged in 'Heller'

  5 h on 5 c green
  20 h on 20 c orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * * Exists with inverted overprint
2 c * * Exists with inverted overprint
5 c c c Exists with inverted overprint
10 c c c Exists with inverted overprint
20 c c c  
25 c * *  
40 c ** **  
45 c * *  
50 c *** ***  
60 c *** ***  
1 L *** ***  


25 c *** ***  
5 h on 5 c * * Exists with inverted overprint
Some rare misprints exist
20 h on 20 c c * Exists with double overprint

I've seen a postcard 'CARTOLINA POSTALE ITALIANA' of Italy in a similar design as the postage stamp of 10 c red, with overprint 'Venezia Giulia' as on the postage stamps.


1919 Stamps of Italy overprinted 'Venezia-Tridentina'

  1 c brown
  2 c brown
  5 c green
  10 c red
  20 c orange
  40 c brown
  45 c green
  50 c violet
  1 L brown and green

Surcharged in 'Heller'

  5 h on 5 c green
  10 h on 10 c red
  20 h on 20 c orange

Double and inverted overprints exist.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c * *  
2 c * *  
5 c * *  
10 c * *  
20 c ** **  
40 c *** ***  
45 c *** ***  
50 c *** ***  
1 L *** ***  
5 h on 5 c c c  
10 h on 10 c c *  
20 h on 20 c c *  


1919 Stamps of Italy surcharged with 'centesimi di corona' or 'corona' (issued for Dalmatia, Trente and Triest)

Trentino-Trieste issue Dalmatia issue Trentino-Trieste issue Dalmatia issue 25 c on 25 c Trentino-Trieste issue 25 c on 25 c, issued for Dalmatia 50 c on 50 c, issued for Dalmatia

  1 c on 1 c brown
  2 c on 2 c brown
  5 c on 5 c green (2 types, one for Dalmatia and one for Trentino-Trieste)
  10 c on 10 c red (2 types, one for Dalmatia and one for Trentino-Trieste)
  20 c on 20 c orange
  25 c on 25 c blue (2 types, one for Dalmatia and one for Trentino-Trieste)
  40 c on 40 c brown
  45 c on 45 c green
  50 c on 50 c violet (2 types, one for Dalmatia and one for Trentino-Trieste)
  60 c on 60 c red
  '1 corona' ('1 corona' in two lines) on 1 L brown and green
  '1 corona' ('1 corona' in one line, issued for Dalmatia) on 1 L brown and green
  'una corona' on 1 L brown and green
  '5 corone' on 5 L blue and red (issued for Dalmatia)
  '10 corone' on 10 L green and lilac (issued for Dalmatia)

Express stamps

Dalmatia issue

  '25 centesimi di corona' (in two lines, issued for Trentino-Trieste) on 25 c red
  '25 centesimi di corona' (in three lines, issued for Dalmatia) on 25 c red
  '30 centesimi di corona' on 30 c blue and red (issued for Trentino-Trieste)
  'LIRE 1,20 DI CORONA' on 1.20 L blue and red (issued for Dalmatia)

Several minor varieties in the overprints can be found (for example 'cent' without 'c' in the 20 c).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c on 1 c c c Exists with inverted overprint: ***
2 c on 2 c c c Exists with inverted overprint: ***
5 c on 5 c c c Exists with double overprint: RR
10 c on 10 c c c Exists with inverted overprint: RR
Exists with double overprint: RR
20 c on 20 c c c  
25 c on 25 c c c  
40 c on 40 c c *  
45 c on 45 c * *  
50 c on 50 c * *  
60 c on 60 c * *  
1 C on 1 L * * Surcharge in two lines
1 C on 1 L * * Surcharge in one line
5 C on 5 L *** ***  
10 C on 10 L *** ***  
una C on 1 L * *  
Express stamps
25 c on 25 c c * Exists with double overprint: RR
30 c on 30 c * *  
1.20 L on 1.20 L R ?  

I have seen a postcard 'CARTOLINA POSTALE CON RISPOSTA PAGATA' in the value 10 c (same design as the postage stamp) with the same overprint '10 centesimi di corona'.

Postage Due Stamps

1918 Postage due stamps of Italy overprinted 'Venezia Giulia'

  5 c orange and red
  10 c orange and red
  20 c orange and red
  30 c orange and red
  40 c orange and red
  50 c orange and red
  1 L blue and red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c c * Exists with inverted overprint: RR
10 c c *  
20 c * *  
30 c ** **  
40 c *** ***  
50 c *** ***  
1 L RR RR  


1918 Postage due stamps of Italy surcharged

  5 c on 5 c orange and red
  10 c on 10 c orange and red
  20 c on 20 c orange and red
  30 c on 30 c orange and red
  40 c on 40 c orange and red
  50 c on 50 c orange and red (two types, one for Trientino-Trieste and one for Dalmatia) 
  'una corona' on 1 L blue and red
  '1 corona' on 1 L blue and red (issued for Dalmatia)
  'due corone' on 2 L blue and red
  '2 corone' on 2 L blue and red (issued for Dalmatia)
  'cinque corone' on 5 L blue and red
  '5 corone' on 5 L blue and red (issued for Dalmatia)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 5 c c c Exists with inverted overprint: R
10 c on 10 c c c  
20 c on 20 c c c  
30 c on 30 c c c  
40 c on 40 c c c  
50 c on 50 c * *  
'una corona' on 1 L *** ***  
'1 corona' on 1 L * *  
'due corone' on 2 L R R  
'2 corone' on 2 L ** ***  
'cinque corone' on 5 L R R  
'5 corone' on 5 L *** ***  


Illegal local overprints

Some postmasters produced 'T' overprints or 'TAXE' (with or without value) or 'Porto' overprints. These overprints were specifically forbidden by the authorities and can thus be considered as unauthorized. Some examples are shown above.

The next 'postage due stamp' was probably created under similar circumstances:

Postage stamp of 60 c overprinted 'T' in Daiano (Trentino)

Fiscal stamps

Example, fiscal stamp of Italy ('MARCA DA BOLLO', 20 c red) surcharged 'CORONE 0,20':

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer