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According to 'Philatelic Forgers, their Lives and Works' by V.E.Tyler, Arthur Maury was born in 1844. He published the Maury stamp catalogue in 1865. He also published the journal 'Le Collectioneur de timbe-poste' from 1864 onwards. However, he is also known to have issued bogus 'D.S.' overprints on stamps of France, pretending to be issues of Diego Suarez. I have never seen this bogus issue myself. According to the same book, he was also involved in bogus postage due stamps of Persia and selling Ethiopian stamps (unauthorized postage due stamps and he sold the Ethiopian stamp below face value: He also offered reprints and imitations of the local stamps of the United States (in the second edition of his Maury catalog in 1865).
In 2007 the catalogues Ceres, Dallay and Maury joint forces to become 'Group Arthur Maury' (source:

A picture of Arthur Maury can also be found in 'The Philatelic Record Vol. XXIX 1907, page 230'.

Maury dealer labels, with the portrait of Arthur Maury, inscription 'SERBMIT SIRAPAYRUAM'; when read backwards it says 'TIMBRES MAURY A PARIS'.

Dealer label of Arthur Maury in Paris, 'Collections of stamps guaranteed genuine' the text reads in French.

Arthur Maury also perforated some stamps with 'AM' (his initials) which he used in correspondence with his customers.

Websites: (in Dutch).

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer