MEXICO 1866-1871

Return To Catalogue - Mexico overview

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Upto about 1882 a security overprint with the name of the city or a number was applied to all Mexican stamps.

For issues of Mexico from before 1866, click here.

1866 Head of emperor Maximilian

13 c blue 50 c green

  7 c grey
  13 c blue
  25 c yellow
  50 c green

For the specialist, all values exist lithograped or engraved. I've seen privately rouletted stamps.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Cheapest types
7 c RR RR Printed quantities: 55,000 lithographed
and 3400 engraved stamps.
13 c *** R Printed quantities: 120,000 lithographed
and 146000 engraved stamps.
25 c *** *** Printed quantities: 250,000 lithographed
and 220,000 engraved stamps.
50 c R R Printed quantities: 70,000 lithographed
and 37,000 engraved stamps.

These stamps usually have the overprint of the district name, district number and date ('1866' or '866'), they also exist with number and date or with name only. A large number of the engraved remainders exist without any overprint at all: about 33,000 for the 7 c, 78,000 for the 13 c, 23,000 for the 25 c and 55,000 for the 50 c (source for the number of remainders and printed quantities

(Probably remainders with no overprint)

Forgeries, example:

The letters are done quite clumsy in the above forgeries. The beard of the emperor is different and the cancels are strange. They were probably produced by the forger Spiro.

A forgery of the 25 c sold by Fournier:

Fournier forgery Fournier forgery?

I think the forgery of the 50 c is also made by Fournier (the others possibly as well).

Part of a page from a Fournier Album with these forgeries.

Other primitive forgeries:

A forgery of the 7 c with the 'M' of 'MEXICANO' too far to the right.


1868 Head of Hidalgo, inscription 'MEXICO', imperforate or rouletted

12 c, different type, with small figures of value  and no dot

  6 c black on brown
  12 c black on green
  25 c blue
  50 c black on yellow
  100 c black on brown
  100 c brown on brown (rare)

Two types seem to exist of these stamps; with small figures of value and with large figures of value followed by a dot. Info on the security overprints can be found at:

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
6 c *** ***  
12 c *** ***  
25 c R **  
50 c RR ***  
100 c black on brown RR RR  
100 c brown on brown RRR RRR  

These stamps seem to exist with a 'Anotado' overprint, issued in 1872:

Forgeries exist (by the way, I'm not 100% sure that the above stamps are genuine). Examples of forgeries:

Another set of forgeries:

Note that these forgeries have exactly the same cancel as the 1858 issue of Uruguay: "EN DEL CORREOS ARREGONDO REP O. DEL URUG". Click here for more information about this cancel.

A forgery of Uruguay and some of Buenos Aires with the same cancel!

Postal forgeries (to deceive the postal authorities) also exist, so-called Tipos, see: (link no longer working...)

(Example of a Tipo forgery)



For stamps issued after 1871 click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer