Return To Catalogue - Colombia overview

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Gustave Michelsen made some reprints of Colombian stamps. He was a consul and abused his position (see Philatelic Forgers, their lives and works by V.E.Tyler). After changing the name to 'Republica de Colombia' in 1886, the remainders of the previously issued stamps were bought by him for 8 Pesos per thousand stamps (including proofs etc.). They exist with postal cancels (see the Paul Ohrt 'Handbuch der Neudrucke' book for examples). At the same time he made reprints of stamps of which there were no longer stocks with the original printing plates. Together with the printer Demetrio Parades, he reprinted many Colombian stamps (somewhere from 1880 to 1890). He made new stones of plates that could no longer be used. He might have collaborated with the American William Theodore Curtis (see also the Tyler book or the Ohrt reprint book; Ohrt does not mention Michelsen by the way).

The following values were reprinted:
1860: 1 Peso red (see Ohrt, no dividing lines in the reprints)
1868: 10 c (only the type with 'B' on top of 'V'), 50 c and 1 Peso

10 c Michelsen reprint and a tete-beche 50 c value, most likely a Curtis-Michelsen forgery.

1870, 5 and 10 Pesos:

Michelsen reprint of the 10 P value of the 1868 issue

Probably Michelsen reprints

Imperforate Michelsen reprints of the 5 P brown stamp

Michelsen reprint of the 10 P value with forged cancel 'BOGOTA' in an ellipse

1871 1 centavo green (also bogus essays in blue) and 25 c:

I've been told that this are two 'Michelsen' reprints with 'BOGOTO' cancel in an ellipse, I've also seen uncancelled Michelsen reprints

'Essay' in different color black on lilac. Black on yellow reprints were also produced by Michelsen.

1876: 1 c, 2 c and 5 c in several (bogus) colours.

The Philatelic Record of 1903 (page 18) has the following interesting text, in which Michelsen condems much of the provisional stamps of Colombia.:
Provisional Stamps of Colombia. Consul Dr. G. Michelsen, a well-known specialist of the stamps of the Colombian Republic, publishes an article in the Deutsche Briefmarken Zeitung on the recent provisional stamps of this country. In it he brands them without exception as swindles, made by speculators with and without the connivance of the authorities, and issued simply to fleece the Philatelic public.
Cartagena.—S. G.'s Nos. 1-14. These stamps, when a buyer presented himself at the post office, were always sold out, but the current stamps of Colombia were always in stock and could be supplied. Why, therefore, the necessity of provisional stamps? The postal officials could, however, always oblige buyers with provisionals at double and treble face value! Throughout the whole year all letters and printed matter received by Dr. Michelsen were always franked with Colombian stamps, never with provisionals. This goes to show that the supply of Colombian stamps never ran short, consequently the provisionals were not necessary.
Cucuta.— Issued in 1900 by General Vargas Santos, the leader of the revolutionists, while he occupied Cucuta. But as the governmental troops surrounded the town, which could not in consequence have any postal connection with other parts, stamps were a superfluous luxury.
Tumaco.—This town also in turn was beleaguered by the governmental troops or the revolutionists and cut off from the world. Yet a postal official managed to issue stamps and get a few letters franked with them to Europe. The latest report is that the inventive official has been suspended for issuing these stamps.
Rio Hacha.—This place was also in the hands of the revolutionists and cut off from the outer world. The postmaster there is said to have issued provisionals on the suggestion of a Yankee, who bought the lot at once.
Garzon —The authorities were absolutely unaware that any provisionals had been issued at this place. An enquiry set on foot concerning the postmaster elicited the fact that he had not issued the stamps, only obliterated a few to oblige a friend. He keeps company now with his brother of Tumaco.
Honda.— Some genius bought several sheets of the current 2c. stamps and surcharged them vertically "Habilitado vale $0,01. Honda." He used them for franking printed matter costing 1 centavo. As the full face value (2c.) had been paid for the stamps, and the postage for printed matter was only 1c, the officials let them pass until the general postal administration at Bogota heard of it and confiscated all stamps still in possession of the speculator.
Antioquia.—Even here speculation runs riot, and the Consul considers all stamps issued since 1891 more or less unnecessary, and simply an attack upon the pockets of credulous collectors.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer