Return To Catalogue - Netherlands 1852-1871 - Netherlands 1872-1897 - Netherlands 1907-1920

For issues of the Netherlands from before 1898 click here.

1899 Number in oval, "NEDERLAND" written in an arc on top

12 1/2 c red

  1/2 c lilac
  1 c red
  1 1/2 c blue (2 shades)
  2 c brown
  2 1/2 c green
  5 c green (1921)
  12 1/2 c red (1921)
  20 c blue (1921)


  '2 Ct' (blue) on 1 c red
  '2 Ct' on 1 1/2 c blue

These stamps have perforation 12 1/2 and were first issued on 1 August 1899.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1/2 c vc vc  
1 c vc vc  
1 1/2 c c vc Issued in 1908
1914: different shade of blue was issued
2 c c vc  
2 1/2 c c vc  
5 c c vc 1921
12 1/2 c c c 1921
20 c c vc 1921
2 c on 1 c c c 1923
2 c on 1 1/2 c c vc 1923

The values 1 c, 1 1/2 c, 2 c and 2 1/2 c exist with the overprint 'ARMENWET', they are official stamps.
I've seen postal stationary '3 CENT' on 2 1/2 c green.

Forged '2 ct' overprint in black instead of blue.


1898 Queen Wilhelmina facing the left

50 c green and brown

(Imperforate 10 c stamps)

Imperofrated 5 c and 10 c
(Imperforate stamps, reduced sizes)

  3 c orange
  3 c green
  4 c lilac
  4 1/2 c lilac
  5 c red (exists imperforated due to a strike, 1923)
  7 1/2 c brown
  10 c grey
  10 c grey (with wider background line
        exists imperforated due to a strike, 1923)
  12 1/2 c blue
  15 c brown
  15 c blue and red
  17 1/2 c violet
  17 1/2 c blue and brown
  20 c green
  20 c green and grey
  22 1/2 c brown and green
  25 c red and blue
  30 c violet and lilac
  40 c green and orange
  50 c green and brown
  50 c grey and violet
  60 c olive and green

These stamps exist with various perforations: 12 1/2, 11 1/2 x 11 or 11 1/2 and were first issued on 1 August 1899. The values 3 c, 5 c and 10 c exist with the overprint "ARMENWET", they are official stamps.

Stamp with normal background (4 c) and 10 c with wide background lines.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 c orange c c  
3 c green vc vc Issued 1901, perforation 12 1/2
4 c c c Issued 1921, perforation 12 1/2
4 1/2 c c c Issued 1919, perforation 12 1/2
5 c c vc Imperforate: * (1923)
7 1/2 c c c Exists as postal stationary.
10 c * vc  
10 c * vc Wider background lines.
Imperforate: * (1923)
12 1/2 c c vc  
15 c brown ** c  
15 c blue and red c vc 1908
17 1/2 c violet * c 1906
17 1/2 c blue and brown * vc 1910
20 c green ** c  
20 c green and grey * vc 1908
22 1/2 c * vc  
25 c * vc  
30 c * vc 1917
40 c * c 1920
50 c green and brown ** c  
50 c grey and violet * vc 1914
60 c * c 1920

'Veertig' and 'Zestig'  on 20 c violet and lilac

  '-4C-' on 4 1/2 c lilac
  '10 ct' (brown) on 3 c green
  '10 ct' on 5 c red
  '10 ct' (red) on 12 1/2 c blue
  '10 ct' (red) on 17 1/2 c blue adn grey
  '10 ct' (red) on 22 1/2 c brown and green
  'Veertig Cent' (=40 c), (red), on 30 c violet and lilac
  'Zestig Cent' (=60 c), on 30 c violet and lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
4 c on 4 1/2 c c c 1921
10 c on 3 c c vc 1923
10 c on 5 c c c 1923
10 c on 12 1/2 c c c 1923
10 c on 17 1/2 c * c 1923
10 c on 22 1/2 c * c 1923
40 c on 30 c * c 1920
60 c on 30 c * c 1920

'1 GLD' on 17 c blue and grey

  10 c (brown) on 3 c green
  '1 GLD' (blue) on 17 1/2 c blue and grey

These two surcharges were made on non-issued official stamps.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c on 3 c c c 1923
1 G on 17 1/2 c ** * 1923
Larger size

  1 G green
  2 1/2 G violet
  5 G red
  10 G orange


  '250' on 10 G orange

These stamps exist in various perforations

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 G ** vc Two types: type I: (coronation issue or 'Kroningsgulden')
with larger '1': ** Type II: smaller '1' in the lower corners
2 1/2 G *** *  
5 G R *  
10 G RR RR 1905, perforated 11 only
250 on 10 G *** *** 1920

Left facsimile of a coronation issue type I (as offered on Ebay in 2004), right normal stamp (type II)

Railway cancel 'AMSTERDAM - EMMERIK'; I've seen other railway cancels such as 'SITTARD-HERZOGENRATH' and 'UTRECHT-ZWOLLE'.

Cancel 'ULRUM' on a 3 c green stamp and 'DELFT' in a large circle on the 17 1/2 c.

Imitation of the 3 c green value in smaller size

Postal forgery of the 10 c value. The design is quite blur and the size is slightly larger than a genuine stamp. It is listed in the book 'Postal Forgeries of the World' of Fletcher.

Forged overprints of the '1 GLD' (blue) on 17 1/2 c blue and grey exist, see: The blue overprint is too dark and the 'K' of 'TEEKEN' is smaller (especially the top right arm).

Also forged partly perforations exists on the 5 c imperforate stamp. The stamp is perforated at 3 sides and either the bottom or top has a large 'F' added to it (genuine stamps do not have such an 'F'). This forgery is described in P.F.A. van Loo's book on forgeries.


For stamps of the Netherlands issued from 1907 onwards, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer