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1918 Inscription 'E.E.F. POSTAGE PAID' (Egyptian Expeditionary Force)

1 Pi blue
(Reduced sizes, rouletted 1 Pi stamps 2 shaded of blue)

  1 m brown
  2 m green
  3 m brown
  4 m red
  5 m orange
  1 Pi blue (2 shades of blue exist)
  2 Pi olive
  5 Pi lilac
  9 Pi yellow
  10 Pi blue
  20 Pi grey

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
Watermark Crown 'GvR', perforation 15 x 14 (except 1 Pi)
1 m c c  
2 m * c  
3 m * *  
4 m * c  
5 m * c  
1 Pi RR RR Rouletted, dark blue, no gum
1 Pi ** ** Rouletted, light blue
1 Pi * c Perforated 15 x 14
2 Pi ** *  
5 Pi *** **  
9 Pi *** ***  
10 Pi *** ***  
20 Pi R ***  

  '5 MILLIEMES' and arabic text on 1 Pi blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 m on 1 Pi *** *** Rouletted
Overprinted 'PALESTINE' and arabic text (1920)

  1 m brown
  2 m green
  2 m yellow (1922)
  3 m brown
  3 m grey (1922)
  4 m red
  5 m orange
  6 m green (1922)
  7 m brown (1922)
  8 m red (1922)
  1 Pi blue
  1 Pi grey (1922)
  13 m blue (1922)
  2 Pi olive
  5 Pi lilac
  9 Pi yellow
  10 Pi blue
  20 Pi grey
  20 Pi violet (1922)

This overprint exists in two types; the Jerusalem type and the London type. The London type was also issued on stamps with watermark 'Mutiple CA Crown'.

Later, from 1920 onwards, these stamps were used with overprint in Jordan (Transjordan):

With Jordan overprint, certified genuine

Double overprint for Jordan on stamps of Palestine

More overprints exist for Jordan.

Jordan issued its unoverprinted stamps in 1927; they have the image of the local ruler.


1927 Views of Palestine (14 values, ranging from 2 m to 200 m), examples:

  2 m blue
  3 m light green (design as 2 m)
  4 m red
  4 m lilac
  5 m light brown
  6 m green (design as 4 m)
  7 m red (design as 5 m)
  7 m violet
  8 m light brown (design as 4 m)
  8 m red
  10 m grey (design as 2 m)
  13 m blue (design as 4 m)
  13 m olive brown (design as 4 m)
  15 m blue (design as 4 m)
  20 m olive (design as 5 m)
  50 m lilac
  90 m olive-brown (design as 50 m)
  100 m light blue (design as 50 m)
  200 m violet (design as 50 m)
  250 m brown (design as 50 m)
  500 m red (design as 50 m)
  1 Pound black (design as 50 m)

Postage Due Stamps

Some postage due stamps were issued in 1923 (1 m brown, 2 m green, 4 m red, 8 m violet and 13 m blue) in the following design (normally perforated):

A new design was issued in 1924 with inscription in 'MILLIEME' or 'PIASTRES' (1 m brown, 2 m yellow, 4 m green, 8 m red, 10 m grey, 13 m blue, 20 m olive, 50 m violet and 5 Pi violet). A similar design was issued in 1928 with inscription in 'MILS': 1 m brown, 2 m yellow, 4 m green, 6 m orange (1933), 8 m red, 10 m grey, 13 m blue, 20 m olive and 50 m violet.

Fiscal stamps

(Fiscal stamp, example 'PALESTINE REVENUE')


Stamps - Timbres-Poste - Briefmarken

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer