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1904 Stamps of the United States overprinted 'CANALZONE PANAMA'

(Reduced sizes)

  1 c green
  2 c red
  5 c blue
  8 c black
  10 c brown

Postage due stamps

1914 Postage due stamps of the United States overprinted in one slanting line 'CANAL ZONE'

  1 c red
  2 c red
  10 c red

In 1925 the postage due stamps in the values 1 c, 2 c and 10 c received a horizontal overprint in two lines 'CANAL ZONE'. Example:


1915 Postage due stamps of Panama, overprinted 'CANAL ZONE'

Overprint in blue
  1 c brown
  2 c brown
  10 c brown

Surcharged and overprinted in red

  1 on 1 c brown
  2 on 2 c brown
  4 on 4 c brown
  10 on 10 c brown

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer