PORTUGUESE COLONIES, Embossed issue (King Louis)

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Many Portuguese colonies issued stamps in the Embossed design similar to those of Portugal. The following colonies issued these stamps: Angola, Azores (overprints on Portugal), Cape Verde, Macao, Madeira (overprints on Portugal), Mozambique, Mozambique Company (overprints on Mozambique), Portuguese Guinea (overprinted on Cape Verde), Portuguese India (different currency), St Thomas and Prince and Timor (overprinted on Macao).


1886 So-called Embossed issue for the several colonies mentioned above:

10 r green 20 r red 100 r brown

  5 r black
  10 r green
  20 r red
  25 r lilac
  40 r brown
  50 r blue
  80 r grey (not issued for all colonies)
  100 r brown
  200 r violet
  300 r orange

(Portuguese India, with different currency)

(Mozambique Company on Mozambique)

300 r violet, small overprint 80 r orange
(Azores overprints on Portugal)

(Overprint 'MADEIRA' on Portugal)

(Many of these stamps exist with 'fancy' surcharge)

(A fancy surcharge in 'AVOS' for Macau)


Some of these stamps exist with 'REPUBLICA' overprint, for most colonies two types exist; general 'REPUBLICA' overprint for all colonies and local 'REPUBLICA' overprint (different for each colony). Examples:

(Left, with small local; and right with broad 'REPUBLICA' overprint)

Bogus overprint:

(A non existing Inhambane overprint on a Mozambique stamp)


I've seen forged 'Acores' and 'Madeira' overprints on genuine stamps of Portugal.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer