PORTUGUESE COLONIES, 1894 issue, King Charles I in an ellipse

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Many Portuguese colonies issued stamps in a similar design in 1894. The following colonies issued stamps in this design: Angola, Cape Verde, Inhambane (San Antonio overprint on stamps of Mozambique), Lorenzo Marques, Macao, Mozambique, Portuguese Congo, Portuguese Guinea, Portuguese India (different currency, values and colours), St Thomas and Prince, Timor - Zambezia. In order to save space, I have listed here all the different values for all colonies:

1894 onwards, King Charles I in an ellipse

50 r blue

  5 r yellow
  10 r lilac
  15 r brown
  20 r lilac
  25 r green
  50 r blue
  75 r red
  80 r green
  100 r brown on yellow
  150 r red on red
  200 r blue on blue
  300 r blue on red  

(Portuguese India issued stamps in a different currency and hence different colours)

Some fancy surcharges '65 REIS', 115 REIS', '130 REIS' and '400 REIS' exist for most colonies:


Some stamps exist with additional 'REPUBLICA' overprint:

Local overprint
General overprint
(First stamp local, other stamps general 'REPUBLICA' overprint)


A few stamps exist with no less than 3 overprints:


The colonies Angra, Funchal, Horta and Ponta Delgada issued stamps in a similar design (outer border is more squarish), the same values and colours as mentioned above were issued:

10 r lilac 300 r blue on red

No overprints or surcharges were issued for the above four coutries.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer