PERSIA 1894-1902

Return To Catalogue - 1870-1893 issues

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

More information about stamps from Persia, forgeries etc. can be found on: or

For stamps of Persia issued from 1881 to 1894 click here.

1894 Shah facing the right, large sized stamps

  10 ch orange
  16 ch red
  1 Kr red and yellow
  2 Kr brown and blue
  5 Kr blue and silver
  10 Kr red and gold
  50 Kr green and gold


(Probably forged!)

  '1 Kr' (violet) on 5 Kr violet and silver
  '2 Kr' (red or violet) on 5 Kr violet and silver

The 5 Kr stamp exists with overprint '1903 POSTES PERSANES' and fancy patterns and various surcharges and overprinted 'KONTROLLE'.

(Reduced sizes)


1898 Shah, inscription 'POSTES PERSANES'

(Reduced sizes)

  1 Kr blue
  1 Kr red (1900)
  2 Kr red
  2 Kr green (1900)
  3 Kr yellow
  3 Kr brown (1900)
  4 Kr grey
  4 Kr red (1900)
  5 Kr green
  5 Kr brown (1900)
  10 Kr orange
  10 Kr blue (1900)
  50 Kr violet 
  50 Kr brown (1900)

The stamps issued in 1898 exist with safety overprint (8 different types), examples:

Different types of security overprints, images obtained from

The stamps issued in 1900 exist with overprint 'PROVISOIRE' (1902):

Image obtained from

Genuine overprint



12 CH on 1 K red
(Genuine overprint)

  '5 CHAHIS' (violet, 1902) on 1 Kr red
  '12 CH' and arabic text (violet, 1901) on 1 Kr red
  '5K.' and arabic text (violet or blue, 1901) on 50 Kr brown

The two surcharged stamps of 1901 exists with further overprint 'PROVISOIRE' (1902):

Genuine overprints

Stamp overprinted 'SERVICE INTERIEUR' and arabic text (1909)

  '1 CHAHI' on 1 Kr
  '1 CHAHI' on 2 Kr
  '1 CHAHI' on 1 Kr (with additional 'PROVISOIRE' overprint)
  '1 CHAHI' on 2 Kr (with additional 'PROVISOIRE' overprint)

This overprint also exists in blue or inverted:

(Inverted overprint)

In 1902 the 1 Kr red appeared with three different overprints and 'Service' to serve as official stamps. The values 5 ch on 1 Kr, 10 ch on 1 Kr and 12 ch on 1 Kr exist. Example:

(5 ch 'Service' on 1 Kr red, genuine overprint)


1902 Provisional issues for Teheran

With red overprint 'lion in star'  
  1 ch grey
  2 ch brown
  3 ch green
  5 ch orange
  10 ch yellow
  12 ch blue
  1 Kr violet
  2 Kr green
  10 Kr blue
  50 Kr red

Two types exist of these stamps; with inscription 'Chahis' and 'Krans' or 'CHAHIS' and 'KRANS'.

Surcharged, no overprint

  '5 KRANS' on 5 Kr yellow

With blue overprint 'lion in star'

(Reduced sizes)

(I've been told that this stamp is used on a money order)

  10 T green
  20 T blue
  25 T black
  50 T violet
  100 T lilac
With overprint 'P.L.TEHERAN'

Image obtained from

  2 c brown (with inscription 'Chahis')
  2 c brown (with inscription 'CHAHIS')

Overprinted 'PROVISOIRE 1903' and lion

  1 ch grey ('Chahis')
  2 ch brown ('Chahis')
  5 ch orange ('Chahis')
  10 ch yellow ('Chahis')
  12 ch blue ('Chahis')
  12 ch blue ('CHAHIS')
  1 Kr violet ('KRAN')

Usually this overprint is in blue, but black, violet, red and green overprints are also known.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 ch * *  
2 ch * *  
5 ch * *  
10 ch * *  
12 ch * * 'Chahis'
12 ch R R 'CHAHIS'
1 K * *  

1902 Provisional issue for Tabriz (Tauris), inscription 'Postes Persanes' overprinted 'PROVISOIRE'

  1 ch grey
  2 ch brown
  3 ch green
  5 ch orange
  12 ch blue

All values exist with inscription 'CHAHIS' or 'Chahis'.

Forgeries exist of these stamps, for more information see:

(Some forged overprint as they can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries')


For stamps of Persia issued from 1903 to 1920, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer