Return To Catalogue - Poland - Warsaw fiscal stamps

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Note: I'm only listing the stamps I've seen, other values might exist!

1920 Inscription 'Skarb Narodowy Na Zakup Zlota i Sreba'

1 M green
(Skarb Narodowy Na Zakup Zlota i Sreba)

I've seen the following values: 1 M green, 2 Mk green, 3 Mk blue, 5 Mk orange, 10 Mk brown, 25 Mk brown, 50 Mk violet, 100 Mk red and yellow, 1000 Mk, 25,000 Mk orange, 100,000 Mk brown and orange. If I'm well informed these stamps were used for taxes on gold and silver.


1920 Inscription 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA'

Value in 'FENIGOW' or 'MARKA': 10 f blue, 20 f blue, 40 f blue, 50 f blue, 1 M brown, 3 M brown, 4 M brown, 5 M brown, 10 M brown, 20 M brown, 50 M brown. All values exist imperforate and perforated.

Similar design, issued in 1924, but value in 'GROSZY' or 'ZLOTE': 10 g blue, 20 g blue, 40 g blue, 50 g blue, 1 Z brown, 2 Z brown, 3 Z brown, 5 Z brown.


1920-21 Judicial revenue, inscription 'OPLATA SADOWA'

I've seen: 10 M brown, 100 M green and yellow, 500 M violet and orange, 1000 M brown and green (larger design), 50000 M violet.


1921 General revenue issue, inscription 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA'

In this design or similar designs exist: 1 M brown, 2 M red, 3 M blue, 4 M green, 5 M brown, 10 M orange, 20 M lilac, 50 M violet and red, 100 M lilac and red, 200 M green and red and 500 M blue and yellow. The values 100 M, 200 M and 500 M were re-issued in slightly different colors and with vertical lines behind the eagle: 100 M lilac and yellow, 200 M green, yellow and red, 500 M blue, yellow and red. During the inflation period more values followed: 1000 M brown and yellow, 1000 M brown, 2000 M, 3000 M, 5000 M, 10000 M, 20000 M brown and lilac, 20000 M brown, 30000 M, 50000 M, 100000 M, 500000 M, 1 Million M.


1922 Statistics fee, inscription 'OPLATA STATYSTYCZNA'


1924 New design, new currency, inscription 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA'

Groszy values (all in same design): 5 g brown, 10 g orange, 20 g green, 30 g red, 40 g violet, 50 g green.

Zloty values (all in same design): 1 Z red, 2 Z lilac, 3 Z blue, 5 Z brown, 10 Z brown, 20 Z green, 50 Z black.


1924 Judicial revenue, inscription 'OPLATA SADOWA'

5 g violet, 20 g brown, 50 g brown, 1 Z red, 3 Z blue, 5 Z green.


1924 Court delivery fee revenue


1927 Again new design, inscription 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA'

10 g orange, 20 g green, 25 g grey, 30 g red, 40 g blue, 40 g black, 50 g green, 1 Z brown, 2 Z red-brown, 3 Z violet, 5 Z olive-brown, 10 Z red.


1932 Again different design

30 g red, 1932, 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA'

The following values were issued: 10 g grey, 20 g brown, 25 g violet, 30 g red, 40 g brown, 50 g brown, 1 Z blue, 2 Z red, 3 Z brown, 4 Z yellow-brown, 5 Z red.


1947 Inscription 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA'

50 Z blue (design as 1948 issue, sorry, no image avaialbe yet): 8 values were issued in total.


1948 Inscription 'OPLATA SKARBOWA'

5 Z black, 10 Z orange, 15 Z brown, 20 Z brown, 50 Z blue, 100 Z violet.


1953 Inscription 'OPLATA SKARBOWA', new design

10 g blue, 20 g green, 50 g violet, 60 g brown, 1 Z blue, 1.50 Z blue, 3 Z violet, 5 Z brown, 6 Z red, 30 Z brown, 50 Z black.


Other fiscal stamp of which I don't know the use:

Inscription 'OPLATA STEMPLOWA PIECDZIESIAT M', issue for Poznan?

Literature: 'Poland Revenues' by J.Barefoot Ltd.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer