RUMANIA Miscellaneous

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Postage due stamps

1881 Number, inscription "TAXA DE PLATA"

  2 b brown
  2 b green (1887)
  5 b brown
  5 b green (1887)
  10 b brown
  10 b green (1887)
  30 b brown
  30 b green (1887)
  50 b brown
  50 b green (1890)
  60 b brown
  60 b green (1890)

Forgeries exist (even in several types), according to 'Focus on Forgeries' by Varro Tyler. In the genuine stamps, there is an ornament consisting of dots to the left of the word 'BANI'. This ornament consists of a circle of dots, with an additional dot inside it, which is, however, not placed in the center, but more to the left. Forgeries don't have this additional dot. Also, in the forgeries the 'P' of 'PLATA' slants to the right

Two genuine stamps


60 b blue Fournier forgery as it can be found in the Fournier Album; the perforation is printed. I don't think this forgery was actually intended to be sold as a forgery, but merely to illustrate his pricelists.


1911 Number, new design, inscription 'TAXA DE PLATA'

  2 b blue
  5 b blue
  5 b black (1918)
  10 b blue
  10 b black (1918)
  15 b blue
  20 b blue
  20 b black (1918)
  30 b blue
  30 b black (1918)
  50 b blue
  50 b black (1918)
  60 b blue
  60 b black (1921)
  1 L black (1921)
  2 L blue
  2 L black (1921)
  3 L black (1923)
  6 L black (1923)


1918 Postage stamps, overprinted 'TAXA DE PLATA'

  5 b green
  10 b red

Rumanian post office in Constantinopel (in Turkey, now called Istanbul)

Between 1896 and 1919, a Romanian post office was operating in Constantinopel and Romanian stamps were used.

1896 Stamps of Rumania, surcharged with value in 'PARAS' or 'PIASTRE' in violet or black

All the cancels I have seen on this issue were in violet "POSTA-ROMANA COSPOLI' with date in the center.

  10 p on 5 b blue
  20 pa on 10 b green
  1 Pi on 25 b violet

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
All values *** ***  

Two forged overprints as they can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'

Forged Fournier cancel (reduced size) "POSTA-ROMANA 23 APR 896 COSPOLI'; probably used together with forged overprints.

Bogus value:

('30 PARA 30' on 15 b)


1919 Stamps of Rumania, overprinted 'Posta Romana Constantinopol' in a circle

  5 b green (postage stamp)
  5 b green (semi fiscal stamp, 'timbru de ajutor')
  10 b red
  15 b brown
  25 b blue (overprint red)
  40 b brown (overprint red)

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 b green * * Postage stamp
5 b green ** ** Timbru de Ajutor
10 b * *  
15 b * *  
25 b * *  
40 b * *  

Forgeries exist of these overprints, the second 'T' of 'CONSTANTINOPEL' has its upper horizontal stroke separated from the vertical stroke in the genuine stamps. In the forgeries it is connected. For more information see:

Newspaper stamps


Parcel stamps

1895 Number, inscription 'TAXA DE FACTAGIU'

(Reduced size)

  25 b red

Exists with watermark arms, 'PR' or without watermark.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
25 b * * Cheapest type

Postcards, examples:

The first Romanian postal card was issued in 1873. When King Carol I celebrated 25 years since he was on the throne, Romania issued the first commemorative postal card in the world. It was valid for postage only three days (sorry, no picture available yet).

Examples of cuts of later cards and envelopes:

Telegraph stamps

1871 Inscription Serviciul Telegrafic, (2 types)

The following values exist: 1 L grey, 2 L yellow and 5 L blue. The used examples are cancelled by a rectangular postmark and bear also pencil marks (see the 1 L stamp for an example).

The values 25 b brown and 50 b blue exist.

In 1916, Romania declared war against Germany and Austro-Hungary. After the war, Transylvania and Bucovina, became part of Romania. All the Hungarian stamps found at post offices in Transylvania were overprinted with Romanian currency and were valid for postage in the whole of Romania until 1922. The overprinting was done in Cluj and Oradea in 1919, the Cluj issue having the currency inscribes in “BANI” and “LEI”, and the Oradea one in “Bani” and “Lei”. The quantity of the overprinted stamps varies between 100 and 1,700,000 depending on how many complete sheets were found. Be careful, forgeries exist!

Cluj issue Oradea issue

In 1919, Romanian troops entered Hungary to fight against the bolshevists. For several months Romanian soldiers helped the Hungarian people with food and clothes. Several Hungarian stamps were overprinted with the text “Zona de ocupatie românã”, and new stamps also issued. However, it seems this was done only for philatelic purposes and most of these stamps known today are in mint condition. Forgeries are known to exist as well as several private issues. Example:

Click here, for these and other Hungary local overprints.

Fiscal stamps

1872 Inscription 'ROMANIA TIMBRU', arms in an ellipse 'ROMANIA' on top, 'TIMBRU' below ellipse, perforated

  5 b green and black
  10 b yellow and black
  15 b red and black
  20 b lilac and black
  25 b blue and black (also exists imperforate) 


1875 Inscription 'ROMANIA TIMBRU', arms in lozenge

  5 b brown and black
  5 b green and black (1875)
  5 b lilac and black (1890)
  10 b blue and black
  10 b brown and black (1878)
  10 b red and black (1890)
  15 b grey and black
  15 b blue and black (1875)
  15 b brown and black (1890)
  20 b red and black
  20 b grey and black (1875)
  25 b green and black
  25 b red and black (1875)
  25 b orange and black (1890) 
  30 b green and black (1898) 

Postal stationery exists with similar designs (parcel cards).



5 b , 10 b, 15 b, 20 b, 25 b, 30 b (all in blue and black), 35 b, 40 b, 45 b, 50 b, 1 L, 1 1/2 L (all in brown and black), 2 L, 2 1/2 L, 3 L, 3 1/2 L, 4 L, 4 1/2 L (all in grey and black), 5 L, 5 1/2 L 6 L, 6 1/2 L, 7 L, 7 1/2 L (all in green and black), 8 L, 8 1/2 L, 9 L, 9 1/2 L, 10 L (all in red and black).
The values 10 b, 20 b, 30 b, 40 b, 50 b, 1 L, 2 L, 3 L, 4 L, 5 L, 6 L, 7 L, 8 L, 9 L and 10 L were re-issued in 1886 (without value indication?).


1911 King Carol facing the left in an ellipse, 'ROMANIA' curved on top and 'TIMBU' and 'FISCAL' below it

  10 b brown (inscription 'FACTURI CHITANTI')

The 10 b brown stamp exists with 'BUKOVINA' overprint (1919). The 10 b also exists with overprint 'MF' (1919).


1911 King Carol facing the right, eagle with spreaded wings below his portrait, inscription 'ROMANIA TIMBRU FISCAL' on top (large sized stamps)

  30 b grey
  50 b grey
  1 L brown
  1 L red
  5 L brown

All the above stamps (except 50 b) exist with overprint 'MF' (1919).


1919 King Ferdinand facing the left, 'ROMANIA' curved on top in between the value inscription (repeated at each side), 'TIMBRU' written in center left and 'FISCLA' in center right

  10 c brown


1919 Inscription 'ROMANIA TIMBRU FISCAL', king Ferdinand in a circle with eagle on top (large sized stamps)

(Reduced size)

  30 b brown
  50 b brown
  1 L blue
  2 L blue
  3 L blue
  4 L blue
  5 L blue
  10 L blue
  20 L blue
  30 L blue
  40 L blue
  50 L blue

More values were issued in 1922.

For fiscal stamps with overprint 'M.V.I.R.' or 'Gultig 9.Armee', see in Cd 1 under German occupation of Rumania (during World War I).


1915 Inscription 'TRAIAN TIMBRU DE AJUTOR 1915'

Besides the 10 b red stamp shown above, I have also seen the value 10 b green

Stamps with inscription 'MANGALIA' are Romanian fiscal stamps, once considered to be bogus (or could these be Moroiu products?).

Mangalia fiscal stamp.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer