ARMENIA, part 1

Return To Catalogue - Armenia, part 2 and miscellaneous - Russia - Transcaucasian federation

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

From 1923 onwards the stamps of the Transcaucasian federation were used.

Republic (1919-1920)

1919 Stamp of Russia, surcharged (October 1919)

'k 60 k' on 1 k orange

  'k 60 k' on 1 k orange

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
60 k on 1 k * * Overprint black or violet


Russian stamps were overprinted with a 'Z' alike symbol in black or violet to be used in the Armenian Republic in November 1919. Unoverprinted stamps were declared invalid. Many forgeries of these stamps exist. Examples:

The framed 'Z' overprint. Actually the symbol in the middle is a combination of the Armenian letters 'H' for 'Haykakan' (= Armenian) and 'P' for 'Post'.

5 R on 5 k lilac Genuine

A 15.000 on 5 R on 15 k brown and blue stamp of Armenia was issued for Georgia.

Armenia as a Sowjet republic

1921 Various designs, perforated or imperforate

3 R red (Sowjet symbols) 5 R brown (Ruine of Ani) Genuine

25000 R brown
25000 R brown (reduced size: ***)

  1 R green (Sowjet arms)
  2 R black (ancient stone carving with dragon)
  3 R red (Sowjet arms)
  5 R brown (ruins of the city of Ani)
  25 R green (ancient stone carving with bird)
  50 R red (Red-army man)
  100 R orange (ancient stone carving with lion)
  250 R blue (birds with arms in center)
  500 R lilac (farmer and Mount Alagheuse)
  1000 R light blue (fisherman)
  2000 R yellow (post office in Jerevan with Mount Ararat in background)
  5000 R dark brown (ancient ruin in city of Ani)
  10000 R red (people in street of Jerevan)
  15000 R grey (Lake Goktcha and monastry, fish at right hand side)
  20000 R red (ancient stone carving with mythical creature) 
  25000 R blue (ploughing farmer in front of Mount Ararat)
  25000 R brown (design identical to 25000 R blue)

Surcharged (1923)

Surcharged with '3' '5' on 50 k red Misprint '50 4' overprint

  '1' (red) on 1 R green
  '2' on 2 R black
  '2' on 500 R lilac
  '3' on 3 R red
  '4' (black or red) on 25 R red
  '5' on 50 R red
  '10' on 100 R orange
  '15' on 250 R blue
  '20' on 500 R lilac
  '35' on 20000 R red
  '50' on 25000 R blue
  3 R on 3 R red

I've seen a forgery of the 2000 R value, in which the central building only has 2 rows of windows (just left to the gate), while the genuine stamps have 3 rows. Also, the borders below the top inscription are different. For more info see:

Forgery Genuine
Forgery and genuine stamp, images obtained

A forgery of the 500 R also exists, with the patch on the back of the animal at the left hand side different.


Armenia, part 2 and miscellaneous

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer