SPAIN Fournier Forgeries

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

1850 issue

Forgeries taken from a Fournier Album.

1851 issue

Fournier forgeries as taken from a Fournier Album.

1852 issue


Note that this forgery has no dot below 'DO'.

In 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries' forgeries of all values can be found. The 'Reales' values do not have a dot below the 'DO' in the upper inscription in these forgeries. The '5' of '1852' has a shorter topstroke than in the genuine stamps. The 6 rs value has the '6' very large compared to a genuine stamp. In his 1914 pricelist Fournier offers all 5 values for 5 Swiss Francs (as first choice forgeries). In the Fournier forgeries, the piece of hair (or is it a ribbon?) above the 'S' of 'CORREOS' is more squarish than in the genuine stamps. There are also minor differences in the '5' (upper part more curved in the forgery).

(I've been told that the above 12 cs stamps are also Fournier forgeries)

Forgeries taken from a Fournier Album of forgeries.

1853 issue

Fournier forgeries, taken from a Fournier Album. These forgeries are rather deceptive, but the shading of the hair is slightly different from the genuine stamps according to the Serrane Guide

1853 Madrid issue

Two forgeries taken from a Fournier Album of forgeries.

1860 issue

This forgery of the 19 c value has the 'SALAS DE LOS INFANTES BURGOS 7 FEB 65' cancel as shown in the Fournier Album.

Fournier forgery as shown in a Fournier Album.

1864 issue

A Fournier forgery taken from a Fournier Album. The right hand side of the '4' of '1864' does not end vertically as in the genuine stamps. According to the Serrane guide, the cancel 'SALAS DE LOS INFANTES 7 FEB 65 BURGOS' was used on these stamps (the word 'SALAS' looks more like 'CALAC').

1865 issue

Images taken from a Fournier Album.

In the 19 c forgeries, the nose of the Queen appears to be too pointed when compared to a genuine stamp

The above Fournier forgeries have the cancel 'SALAS DE LOS INFANTES BURGOS 7 FEB 65' (first three images, the word 'SALAS' looks more like 'CALAC') or 'CAMPILLOS 8 OCT 66 MALAGA' as they can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'.


1866 issue

Fournier forgeries from a Fournier Album.

1870 issue

Fournier forgery of the 1870 woman's head 19 c stamp? The star on top of the crown is also not symmetric in this forgery.

2 Escudos and 1.600 Esc forgeries as found in the Fournier Album.

1872 issue

(Fournier forgeries of the lower values)

Block of 50 c imperforate Fournier forgeries, taken from a Fournier Album.

(Imperforate row of 1 P Fournier forgeries)

The above 50 c stamp is a Fournier forgery. It bears the cancel 'PUYCERDA 7 JUL 73 (CATALUNIA)' as it also can be found in 'The Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries'. Fournier made forgeries of the all values (Peseta values included). He also used the cancel 'FIGUERAS 21 OCT 73 CATALUNA' as in the two 40 c forgeries above. I have also seen the 25 c value with a very blotched cancel. He offers the cents values (9 stamps) for 2 Swiss Francs in his 1914 pricelist (as first class forgeries). The Peseta values (3 stamps) are also offered for 2 Swiss Francs (also first class forgeries). The first 'O' of 'COMUNICACIONES' is not flat at the bottom in this forgery. In the genuine stamps, the line just below the upper frameline, does not continue as much as the lines below it do. In the Fournier forgery, it continues as far as the other lines. I suspect the 6 c forgeries also to be Fournier forgeries (note the strange left '6').

A forgery of the 4 P stamp, possibly also made by Fournier (the stamp has a FIGUERAS cancel). In all the genuine stamps I have seen the 'A' of 'CUATRO' is situated well to the left of the '.' of 'ESP.'. However, in my opinion, in Fournier's forgeries, this letter is situated almost below the dot. The genuine Peseta stamps have a reinforcement in the lower left corner; Fournier forgeries do not have this.

Fournier forgeries from a Fournier Album, unfinished imperforate forgeries and perforted cancelled forgeries.


1876 issue

Fournier made a forgery of the 10 P value.

Unfinished Fournier forgeries of the 10 P value as found in the Fournier Album. The design is clearly not as detailed as the genuine stamp.


1889 issue

Fournier made forgeries of the 4 P and 10 P babyface values; according to the Serrane Guide they exist with a rectangluar cancel 'CERTIFICADO 14 MAYO 9 COROGNA' and the word 'PESETAS' is touching the line below it:


Carlist post

In the Fournier Album of Philatelic Forgeries a forgery of the 1 R 1873 stamp and 50 c and 1 R of the 1874 issue can be found. I presume that all of these are actually Spiro forgeries that were merely sold by Fournier.

Here some Spiro forgeries which were pasted in a Fournier Album; this indicates that Fournier also sold Spiro products.


Cancels and overprints

Overprints, reduced size

Cancels, reduced sizes

Stamps - Briefmarken - Timbres-Poste - Postzegels - Francobolli - Estampillas

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer