PHILIPPINES Miscellaneous

Return To Catalogue - 1852-1881 issues

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Telegraph Stamps

1874 Arms, inscription "FILIPINAS TELEGF 1874 Y 75"

  1P25c violet


1876 King, inscription "TELEGRAFOS"

  250 m brown
  250 m violet

These stamps are much cheaper with a hole cancel
Here with overprint, to be used as postage stamp.


1880 King, inscription "TELEGRAFOS"

10 P with typical telegraphic cancel; a hole through the center of the stamp.

  1 c olive
  2 c red
  2 4/8 c brown
  5 c blue
  10 c green
  10 c lilac
  10 c brown
  20 c lilac
  25 c blue
  25 c green
  1 P brown
  1 P red
  2 P green
  2 P olive
  2 P red
  5 P violet
  5 P green
  5 P blue
  10 P red
  10 P blue
  10 P brown

Here with overprint, to be used as postage stamp.


188? Postage stamp, oveprinted "HABILITADO TELEGRAMAS SUBMARINOS 1 PESO"

   1 Peso (red) on 2 4/8 c blue


1881 Overprinted "HABILITADO PARA TELEGRAFOS" on fiscal stamp

  2 r blue


188? Postage stamp, overprinted "HABILITADO TELEGRAFOS" and value

  1 c (violet) on 2 4/8 c blue
  'UN CENTc' on 2 4/8 c blue
  2 1/8 c on 2 4/8 c blue
  5 c (black or red) on 2 4/8 c blue
  20 c (black or red) on 2 4/8 c blue
  25 c on 2 4/8 c blue
  25 c (green) on 25 c brown 


1890 Telegraph stamps

Inscription 'TELEGRAFOS'

  1 c green
  2 4/8 c brown
  5 c red
  10 c brown
  12 4/8 c red
  20 c blue
  25 c brown
  1 p grey
  2 p brown (R)
  5 p green
  5 p blue (R)
  10 p brown

Inscription 'FILIPas-TELEGRAFOS' (1892-1896)

  1 c red
  1 c brown
  1 c grey
  2 4/8 c blue
  2 4/8 c brown
  2 4/8 c green
  5 c grey
  5 c red
  5 c brown
  10 c green
  10 c blue
  10 c red
  12 4/8 c grey
  12 4/8 c green
  12 4/8 c brown
  20 c brown
  20 c violet
  20 c orange
  25 c green
  25 c red
  25 c brown
  1 p orange
  1 p brown
  1 p blue
  2 p brown
  2 p blue
  2 p red
  5 p brown
  5 p green
  5 p red
  10 p red
  10 p brown
  10 p blue

Overprinted with 'TELEGRAFOS HABILITADO PARA 1897'

  20 c violet

Local issues (Aguinaldo or Aquinaldo? revolt issue)

1898 Sun or star 'GOBno. Revolutionario' on some values

2 c type II

  2 c (CORREOS) red (2 types, '2 CENTS' with or without background)
Registration stamp:
  8 c (CERTIFICADO) green
Newspaper stamp (IMPRESOS):
  1 m (perforated) black
  1 m (imperforate) black
Telegraph stamps:
  2 c (TELEGRAFOS) purple
  50 c (TELEGRAFOS) blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c red CORREOS Y TELEGRAFOS R R 10,000 stamps printed
2 c red CORREOS vc *** with red background 1,500 stamps printed
with white background 50,000 stamps printed.
8 c CERTIFICADO * *** 7200 stamps printed in sheet of 144 stamps (16x9).
Probably 720 imperforate stamps exist (5 sheets).
1 m vc *** 50,000 stamps printed
An error exists with 'FILPPINAS'
2 c TELEGRAFOS * ** 19,000 stamps printed
50 c TELEGRAFOS * *** 19,000 stamps printed

The stamps are inscribed for the purpose they were intended to be used for, but they were afterwards allowed to be used for all purposes.

The cancels I've seen are normal circular date cancels, but also a peculiar star in a triangle surrounded by parallel lines (SEE for examples).

The following fiscal stamp in a similar design with inscription 'RECIBOS' (tax receipt) was also issued in 1898 (it is unknown how many stamps were printed according to the above mentioned document; it is listed in the Forbin guide as being common):


Forgeries exist (by the way, I'm not sure if the above stamps are all genuine):

Forgery of the 2 c value (I do not know the distinguishing characteristics)

Forgery of the 8 c value, the star's right lower point is shorter than in the genuine stamp. The 'K's are different (especially the upper one). Furthermore the line below the word 'CERTIFICADO' continues to the right and touches the outer frame line in the genuine stamps, here it stops (information obtained thanks to Nigel Gooding). This forgery also exists imperforate.

Two Fournier forgeries in blue color and with printed perforation. They originate from the Fournier Album. I don't think Fournier actually sold these forgeries, they were probably intended to illustrate his pricelists.

A forgery of the 1 m stamp is described in 'Focus on Forgeries' by V.E.Tyler (it has serifs on the second 'I' of 'FILIPINAS' whereas the genuine stamp does not). The 'A' of 'MILESIMA' is larger than in the genuine stamps. Also a forgery of the 50 c is described here (it has an inverted text 'DE PESO' in the background pattern:

The 50 c with inverted 'DE PESO' text in the background as described in 'Focus on Forgeries'.


Probably a bogus item with inscription 'REPOBLIK DE CHABACANO'

Postal Stationery

Postcard inscription 'TARJETA POSTAL'

Fiscal Stamps

Example: inscription 'RECIBOS Y CUENTAS FILIPINAS'

This type was first issued in 1879 (10 c red) a 10 c brown followed in 1886. In 1891 a 10 c blue was issued, followed by a 10 c brown in 1893 and a 10 c green in 1894.

ISLA FILIPINAS GIRO; in this type many values appeared from 1880 to 1896. From 1893 to 1896 each year a new set in different color.


1865 Inscription 'DS. DE FIRMA', portrait of Queen Isabella, no country name indicated

In this design exist: 1 P brown, 2 P red and 5 P blue. Other fiscal stamps with Queen Isabella with inscription 'DERECHOS DE FIRMA' exist.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer