STRAITS SETTLEMENTS Queen Victoria, surcharged stamps

Return To Catalogue - Straits Settlements 1868-1901

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Surcharged stamps:

1 c on 6 c violet 'ONE CENT' on 8 c yellow

  'ONE CENT' and bar on 2 cents red
  'ONE CENT' and bar on 4 c brown
  'ONE CENT' and bar on 6 c violet
  'ONE CENT' (in one line) and bar on 8 cents green
  'ONE CENT' and bar on 8 cents yellow
  'ONE CENT' and bar on 12 c brown

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 c on 2 c * * Watermark 'CA Crown'
1 c on 4 c *** *** Watermark 'CA Crown'
1 c on 6 c ** ** Watermark 'CA Crown'
1 c on 8 c green * * Watermark 'CA Crown'
1 c on 8 c yellow * * Watermark 'CA Crown'
1 c on 12 c *** *** Watermark 'CA Crown'

2 Cents on 4 c red

'TWO CENTS' on 5 c blue, 'TWO CENTS' on 32 c red
(Reduced views)

  '2 Cents.' on 4 c red
  '2 Cents' on 5 c blue
  'TWO CENTS' (vertically) on 5 c blue
  'TWO CENTS' (vertically) on 8 c yellow
  '2 Cents.' on 12 c blue
  'TWO CENTS' (vertically) on 32 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
2 c on 4 c R R Watermark 'CA Crown'
'2 Cents' on 5 c R R Watermark 'CA Crown'
'TWO CENTS' on 5 c R R Watermark 'CA Crown'
2 c on 8 c RR R Watermark 'CA Crown'
2 c on 12 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown'
2 c on 32 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown'

'3 cents' on 8 c yellow
(Reduced view)

  '3 CENTS' on 5 c blue
  '3 cents' on 5 c brown
  'THREE CENTS' on 32 c lilac 
  'THREE CENTS' on 32 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
3 c on 5 c blue R R Watermark 'CA Crown'
3 c on 5 c brown RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown'
3 c on 32 c lilac *** ** Watermark 'CA Crown'
3 c on 32 c red ** * Watermark 'CA Crown'
Without surcharge: RRR

4 cents (red) on 5 c blue 4 c on 8 c brown 4 c on 8 c blue

  'FOUR CENTS' on 5 c red
  '4 Cents' (black or red, 'Cents' slanting) on 5 c blue
  '4 Cents.' ('Cents' straight) on 5 c blue 
  '4 Cents.' on 5 c brown
  '4 Cents.' on 8 c blue

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
4 c on 5 c red * * Watermark 'CA Crown', 1899
4 c on 5 c blue RR RR Watermark 'CA Crown', 'Cents' slanting;
usually red surcharge, black surcharge: RRR
4 c on 5 c blue *** *** Watermark 'CA Crown', 1899
'Cents.' straight, with '.' behind 'Cents'
4 c on 5 c brown * * Watermark 'CA Crown', 1899
4 c on 8 c * * Watermark 'CA Crown', 1899
Exists with double surcharge

Image obtained from a Sandafayre auction

'5 cents' on 4 c red
(reduced view)

  '5 cents.' on 4 c red
  '5 cents.' on 8 c yellow (3 types) 
  'Five Cents' on 8 c yellow
  'Seven Cents.' on 32 c red
  '8 Cents' on 12 c blue
  '8 Cents' on 12 c lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
5 c on 4 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown'
'5 cents.' on 8 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown',
three types of surcharge, '5' different
'Five Cents.' on 8 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown', 1879; two varieties:
no stop after 'Cents' and space between 'F' and 'i'.
7 c on 32 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown'
8 c on 12 c blue RRR RR Watermark 'CC Crown'
8 c on 12 c lilac RR RR Watermark 'CA Crown'

  '8' on '8 Cents' on 12 c lilac

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
8 on 8 c on 12 c RR RR Watermark 'CA Crown'

10 c on 24 c green, variety, small '0' in '10'!

'10' on 30 c lilac (upper stamp other type in '10') '10' on 30 c lilac
'10' on 30 c lilac first type small 'cents'

second type large 'cents'
(Reduced size)

  '10 Cents.' on 6 c lilac
  '10 Cents.' on 12 c blue
  '10 CENTS' on 24 c green
  '10' on 30 c lilac (4 types)
  '10 Cents.' on 30 c lilac (3 types: small and large 'cents')

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
10 c on 6 c R R Watermark 'CC Crown'
10 c on 12 c R R Watermark 'CC Crown'
10 c on 24 c *** ** Watermark 'CA Crown'
'10' on 30 c RR RR Watermark 'CC Crown',
Cheapest type
'10 Cents.' on 30 c RR R Watermark 'CC Crown',
Cheapest type

  'THIRTY CENTS' on 32 c red

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
30 c on 32 c *** *** Watermark 'CA Crown'

Non issued stamp: '4' on '4 Cents' on 5 c blue. A postal official used these stamps for the correspondance with his family (7 used copies known):

Image reproduced with permission from: Image obtained from a Grosvenor auction.
Left image reproduced with permission from:

Forged overprints:

(Forged '4 Cents' on 5 c blue overprints)

Bogus overprints:

('9' and bar on 2 c red; 'P TWO/' and bar on 4 c brown)

Unlisted "One Cent." on 8 c and "Service." on 4 c.

Dubious '3 CENTS' on 5 c blue imperforate stamp. Both the stamp and the surcharge appear forged to me.

A bogus issue "28 Cents" on 30 c lilac' is mentioned as 'Speculations-' or 'Schwindelmarke' in Ferdinand Meyer's 'Handbuch fur Postmarkensammler' (Nuremberg 1881). I have never seen this forgery.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer