Return To Catalogue - locals Athens - Greenville - locals Greenwood - Marion - locals New Orleans - Victoria and miscellaneous - Conf. States, general issues - Confederate States Bogus Locals - United States

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Local issues in the Confederate States were issued in (1861): Athens, Baton Rouge, Beaumont, Bridgeville, Charleston, Danville, Emory, Fredericksburg, Galatin, Gollad, Gonzales, Greenville, Greenwood, Grove Hill, Halletsville, Helena, Independence, Jetersville, Kingston, Knoxville, Lenoir, Livingston, Lynchburg, Macon, Marion, Memphis, Mobile, Mt. Lebanon, Nashville, New Orleans, New Smyrna, Petersburg, Pittsylvania Court House, Pleasant Shade, Rheatown, Salem, Spartanburg, Tellico Plains, Uniontown and Victoria. Information on forgeries and bogus issues can be found on http://www.rfrajola.com/csa/csaindex.htm or at http://members.home.com/kr.baker/csa/fakes/ (Kevin Baker) or at http://www.jlkstamps.com/webpage/index1.htm

For locals of Greenwood to Marion click here.

Memphis, inscription "PAID MC GALLAWAY"

Image obtained from a Siegel auction.

Certified genuine
(probably genuine stamps)

  2 c blue

A reprint in the same design in red exists. If anybody has a picture, please contact me!

If I'm well informed three different kinds of forgeries should exist.



The genuine stamp should have large stars, the above shown forgery has smaller, more pointed stars. This particular forgery also has the '2' broken in the upper left side. Furthermore, the genuine stamps have a diamond in the 'D' of 'PAID' and a diamond at the right hand leg of the second 'A' in 'CALLAWAY'. The second 'L' of 'CALLAWAY' is closer to the bottom frame than the first 'L'. This forgery is also described in 'Album Weeds'. This forgery exists in blue, ultramarin and violet:


Several other forgeries exist, also one made by Upham. Another picture can be found in 'Philatelic Forgers, their Lives and Works' by Varro. E. Tyler.

(Upham forgery)

More information on the forgeries of these stamps can be found at: http://www.rfrajola.com/csa/memphis/memphis.htm.

Different design

Genuine Genuine! Genuine? Genuine, image obtained with permission from Kevin Baker

(Reduced size)

  5 c red

These stamps exist printed together sideways (since in the sheet of 50 stamps, the last column was printed sideways). Tete-beche stamps also exist. Envelopes with this design also exist (also 5 c red).

Most common cancel on this stamp 'MEMPHIS Ten.' in a single circle with date in the center.

Forgeries, Album Weeds mentions three forgeries, examples:


The "5" in this stamp should have a large 'left bottom' as in the genuine stamps shown above. Also, the "D" is different (more square-like in the forgery). The genuine stamp should have a diamond of the background design attached to the "E" of "MEMPHIS". Just below the numeral "5" are two diamonds of the background. In the genuine stamp, they should be complete. In the forgeries, the "5" cuts off 1/3 to 1/2 of the diamonds. Other distinghuishing characteristics of this forgery are (see Kevin Baker's site): There are no diamonds at both end of the "A" of "PAID". There is a half diamond just above the left bottom part of the "5". There is a diamond just above the left leg of the "H" of "MEMPHIS". No partial diamond can be seen between the "M" and "P" of "MEMPHIS". The lower part of the "5" cuts off the top half of two diamonds (in the genuine stamp, the diamonds should be directly over the "H" and over the middle of "IS"). Finally, in this forgery, there are 2 complete diamonds under "H" and "I" of "MEMPHIS". I do not know who made this forgery.

This forgery exists in another wrong colour:

(5 c green forgery)

Another forgery, made by Upham:

Upham forgery, image obtained with permission from Kevin Baker
(Upham forgery, with zoom-in)

This Upham forgery has the following distinghuishing characteristics (obtained from Kevin Baker's site): There is no partial diamond between the "M" and "P" of "MEMPHIS". The "5" cuts off the top part of two diamonds. There are two complete diamonds below the "H" and "I" of "MEMPHIS".

(Other forgeries)



Genuine, image obtained from a Cherrystone auction Genuine! Genuine! Genuine, image obtained from a Cherrystone auction Genuine!
(All genuine)

  2 c black
  5 c blue

Genuine stamps should have the following characteristics: a plough is visible between the two lower legs of the large star with the value inscription. Furthermore, the person in the lower right is holding a sickle, holding it with her right arm across his shoulder.


The above forgery doesn't have the corner ornaments as in the genuine stamp, I presume it is the first forgery of the 2 c described in 'Album Weeds'. Also the "2" is too small. In the genuine 2 c stamps, the "2" should have a straight bottom. Next to it, the same forgery, but with an even smaller "2".

5 c blue and lilac (wrong colour!) forgeries; the "5" is also different from the genuine stamps, these forgeries are probably made by the same forger who made the above 2 c forgeries.

Another forgery:


This is the second forgery described in 'Album Weeds'. The figure in the bottom right corner should have a sickle is his hand, but it is missing in this forgery. The "5" is slightly different from the genuin stamp. There are many other small differences.

Yet another forgery of the 5 c value, the corner ornaments are too thin. I've also seen this forgery in the bogus color 5 c brown.

And again another forgery of the 5 c value.

A 5 c bogus issue in the color red on yellow.

Upham forgery, reduced size

The book 'Philatelic Forgers, their lives and works' by V.E.Tyler mentions that the stamp forger William B.Hale made a forgery of the 5 c value.



(Left stamp genuine, obtained from a Siegel auction)

  5 c red


Non-issued stamp, inscription 'W.D. McNISH. P. M. 3 CENTS. NASHVILLE' (5 types):

  3 c red

The genuine stamps have the border 'broken' in several places. The following forgery doesn't show this:

I've also seen bogus issues 2 c blue and 2 c black on red in this design.

A forgery with broken frame was made by James A.Petrie. It has the 'S' of 'CENTS' different at the bottom.

Could be a Petrie forgery
Possible Petrie forgery.

A 2 c blue in the same design; most likely a bogus issue.


Genuine, image obtained from a Siegel auction 5 c grey, image obtained from a Shreves auction
(Reduced sizes)

Image obtained from a Shreves auction

(Genuine, left image obtained from a Rumsey auction, right one from a Siegel auction)


  5 c red
  5 c grey
  5 c brown
  10 c green

Forgeries: The genuine stamps should have a large comma behind 'NASHVILLE' and not a dot. There should be a ':' behind 'TENN' (and not a dot). The 'H' of 'NISH' is wide, in the forgeries it is small and the strokes almost touch each other. The 'T' and 'E' of 'TENN' are much larger than the 'N's.

Forgeries, possibly made by Taylor; also in bogus colors.

forgery of the 10 c value, there is no curved line below the '10' and above the word 'PAID' in this forgery.

Upham forgery, apparently differing in the upper left and lower left scrolls from the genuine stamps. There is also a double crossbar in the "A" of "NASHVILLE" in this forgery.

I've seen bogus issues: 5 c black on yellow, 10 c black on yellow, 5 c yellow; possibly other bogus issues exist.


For locals of New Orleans to Victoria, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer