URUGUAY 1858 'Sun' issue, forgeries by Fournier and Sperati

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Uruguay 1858 'Sun' issue


Genuine stamps:

Genuine, obtained with permission from Bill Claghorn Genuine, obtained with permission from Bill Claghorn's forgery site Genuine, Obtained with permission from Bill Claghorn's forgery site


Fournier forgeries:

These forgeries from the Fournier Album were probably not made by Fournier, but only sold by him.

Fournier forgeries with 'FAUX' overprint, some taken from a Fournier Album.

Some other Fournier forgeries from the Fournier Album, but of a different type with some kind of 'dot' on the forehead.

Forged Fournier cancels.

Two Fournier forgeries with the forged 'ADMINon DE CORREOS NOVbre 15 1862 MONTEVIDEO' cancel.

Forgery of the 240 c value; originally thought to be genuine (appearing in blocks of four, two types in tete-beche). I've been told that it could have been made by Fournier. I've only seen it with two punchholes (to indicate it is a forgery?).


Sperati forgeries:

Some very dangerous Sperati forgeries exist. Sperati made forgeries of all 3 stamps.

Blackprint of Sperati's 'Reproduction B' of the 120 c value

Reproduction 'A', proof

Reproduction 'A' Probably Reproduction 'B'
Sperati forgeries of the 180 c value; Reproduction 'A' has a very blotchy 'MON' and left '180'. Reproduction 'B' has a very smudgy lower right outer frameline.

Image obtained from Richard Frajola's website.
180 c Sperati Reproduction A with cancel.

Sperati's 'Reproduction A' of the 240 c stamp (based on the genuine type 25). It often appears with cancel 'MONTEVIDEO 6 OCTE 1859 MONTEVIDEO' in an ellipse. There is a white spot in the internal rectangular design to the right of the 'CO' of 'CORREOS'.

Sperati Reproduction 'B' of the 240 c (based on the genuine type 29).

Sperati Reproduction 'C' of the 240 c (based on the genuine type 5), the 'M' of MONTEVIDEO' is broken at the left hand side, the 'C' of the left 'CORREOS' is connected to the central square by red ink. (Image obtained from Richard Frajola's website: http://www.seymourfamily.com/rfrajola/Sperati/speratiindex.htm). The cancel is also forged 'ADMon DE CORREOS 22 DECE 1859 MONTEVIDEO'.

Red-brown Sperati forgery
Sperati reproduction 'D' of the 240 c value (based on the genuine type 4). Above the 'V' of 'MONTEVIDEO' a large red dot in the white frameline can be found.

The cancels forged by Sperati are:
'ADMon DE CORREOS MONTEVIDEO' in a single ellipes with the following dates:
'15 ABRIL 1859', '25 JUNIO 1859', '29 AGOSTO 1859, '6 OCTE 1859', '29 NOVE 1859', '22 DICE 1859', '8 ENER.. 1860' (partial strike), '20 ENERO 1860', '19 ABRIL 1860', '8 MAYO 1860', '10 ABRIL 1861', '16 AGOSTO 1861', '24 MARZO 1862', '18 AGOSTO 1863', '27 DICE 1864'.
'ADMIN ..RREOS MONTEVIDEO DICBRE 8 1863' in a double ellipse
'ADMon DE CORREOS MONTEVIDEO 20 NOVIBRE 1865' in a double ellipse
Two staggered ellipses, 'ADon DE CORREOS' on top, 'REP-O-DEL-URUG' below, with townnames 'ROSARIO', 'MERCEDES' or 'PAYSANDU' in the center.
A rounded rectangle with 'CERTIFICACION'
The mute negative cancel of Salto, in either a full strike or the upper left quarter as a partial strike.
Manual pencancels (on first issue).


More on forgeries can be found on http://www.geocities.com/claghorn1p/Uruguay/index.htm (Bill Claghorn's site).


Copyright by Evert Klaseboer