UNITED STATES Bogus Locals, part 1

Return To Catalogue - bogus issues and forgeries of S.Allan Taylor

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contact me if you want to purchase them:

C&W Bridge Despatch

Several types exist of this bogus issue, some of them made by Scott, Taylor and another one copied from a Moens catalogue. Also another design exists with inscription 'C&W Bridge PENNY POST'.


'CENTRAL POST OFFICE ONE CENT' circular design; black on orange or black on yellow. Images obtained thanks to Jens Skaerlund

The 'Central Post Office' stamp is listed in my Bellars and Davie 'Standard guid to postage stamp collecting' of 1864. It is not known which town it issued (and is probably bogus), but is listed under the US stamps. It says:
"Central Post Office;" on yellow paper
One cent, black.

It must therefore have been issued in or before 1864.


A bogus stamp issued by the forger Taylor. Image of a dove carrying letters. It exists in several colors and also in black on colored paper.



Flynn's Penny Post, rectangular shape with small circles around the outside border

"FLYNN'S Penny Post" with circular ornamental borders.

These labels exist in the color red (see image), black on yellow and black on violet.

Another design with crosses in the border design.


Genuine railway company (in Canada), but this stamp was never issued by this company... Probably a Taylor product.


Gunn's Despatch; design very similar to bogus issues of the Charles v.Diemen Hamburg Booten issue. Seems also to exist in black on violet, black on green and black on lilac.

No black inscription!
Charles van Dieman bogus issues of Hamburg (Germany), reduced sizes

Hackett's City Post

(Hackett's City post, reduced size)

These stamps are bogus issues. There are three totally different types. Type I (as shown above, made by the forger H.W.Becket); text in a double rectangle. Type II: text in a rounded rectangle with ornamental border. Type III: text in a rectangle consisting of fancy squares (10 on top and bottom, 6 at left and right). Types I, II and III exist in various colors. A type IV exists with a border of roses (no image available yet).

Type II and III, reduced sizes. Both types II and III were produced by the forger Taylor

See http://www.rfrajola.com/mocks/mocks.htm for more information.



Hall & Neill's Free Despatch Post; a bogus issue made by Allan Taylor. Apparently other forgers have imitated this bogus issue.


Hanley City Express Post

Hanley's City Express Post 2 c black on green, I've also seen the values 2 c black on lilac and 2 c blue on lilac. It also seems to exist in 2 c black on blue and 2 c black on red. The 'C' of 'CITY' is always placed lower.

Both types in different colors.

In another forgery (or improved version of the above forgery?), the "C" of "CITY" is placed correctly. The other letters of this word are also placed slightly more in the center of the two ellipses.

A 1 c green on black value might also exist (I've never seen it, if anybody has more information, please contact me!).

Hoogs & Madison

"Hoogs & Madison Montgomery St. San Francisco, Cal. DISPATCH POST", running horse with label "PAID 10" in his mouth:

This bogus design was first reported in 1879 and is thought to have been made by a certain Wuesthoff ("the Canal Street dealer" as reported by C.H.Coster). The same stamp also exists in the color blue.

Same design printed in black on an envelope:

There was an express company with this address (not the name!) in San Francisco operating around 1865.

Postcard from this company.

Hunt's Despatch

"HUNT'S Despatch" bogus issue

This stamp also exists in the colors black on yellow, black on green, black .

Second bogus type

Another second design exists (rectangular type, see image above) which was made by Taylor with inscription 'HUNTS DESPATCH'.


Inscription 'LATHROP'S ALBANY Bank Express 57 State. St.'

I've seen this bogus issue in black on green, black on yellow, black on orange, black on red.

Lee's Dispatch

'Lee's Dispatch 3 c. San Francisco'; red on yellow; reduced size

This bogus stamp was probably produced by Allan Taylor.

Murr's Express Utah

Another 'stamp' from Utah: Murr's Express City Post Three Cents; black on red

'Mock United States Local Posts' says less than 3 examples are known of this bogus issue (http://www.rfrajola.com/mocks/mocks.htm).


Inscription "RED RIVER POST." Apparently the 3 c black on green value and 5 c black on orange exist.


Roadman's Penny Post. Three types with different apostrophe behind "ROADMAN".

Apparently first issued with a flower border. The forger Taylor and others then produced these stamps with a chain border (http://www.rfrajola.com/mocks/mocks.htm). Several types exists "-" or "." behind "POST" and different apostrophe behind "ROADMAN".


(Badly drawn) portrait of Washington facing the left

In this design I have seen 1 c green, 2 c blue, 5 c green, 5 c blue, 10 c green and 20 c blue. I've been told that all values (1 c, 2 c, 5 c, 10 c and 20 c) exist in all colors (green, blue, orange, red)


Inscription 'SPRINGSIDE POST OFFICE' with the image of an eagle (no value indicated) in a double frame line. It apparently also exist in other colors than the here shown black on green: black on red, black on orange, orange, red, black.

I've recently obtained some information that a genuine Springside stamp might exist. It has a much smaller inscription (source: Mock United States Local Posts http://www.rfrajola.com/mocks/mocks.com).

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer