Return To Catalogue - Western Australia - Australia - Railway stamps

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Postal Stationery


(Reduced sizes)

Official stamps

Some stamps of Western Australia were perforated with "OS" (on service) or "WA" (Western Australia) to serve as official stamps from 1903 onwards, example:

(OS perfins)

(WA perfin)

The following stamps are government consulate stamps issued from 1854-85. The hole was put in the stamps before they were supplied to the government consul to stop them being used illegally. There are both large and small holes punched. They are all postally used by the counsul office.


Void grid cancel:

Rare red void cancel

I have also seen this void-cancel on later issues.

Numbered grid cancels:

In this cancel there are some vertical lines besides the number.

(Red and black '14' Albany cancel)


1: Perth
10: Canning
11: Fremantle
12: Swan
13: Toodyay
14: Albany

15-bar numerals:

This cancel consists of 15 bars with a empty space in the center, where the numeral is placed, examples:

6 p green, blue cancellation 6 p green
('1' in blue and '6')

('3' and '8': Fremantle cancel)

Some numeral cancels and their corresponding towns:
1: Perth (later Daylerking)
2: Perth
3: Perth (later Ashburton and Onslow)
4: ? rare
5: Guildford
6: Albany
7: Minninup (later at Capel); rare
8: Fremantle
9: Not attributed to any town?
10: Geejelup (later at Bridgetown)

12-bar numerals:

1: Perth
2: Perth (later used at Kelmscott)
3: Perth
4: ?
5: Gascoyne (later at Carnarvon)
6: Mandurah
7: Northam
8: Lower Blackwood (later at Nannup)
9: Lower Blackwood
10: Not attributed to a single town?
11: Not attributed to a single town?
12: Not attributed to a single town?
13: Geraldton
14: Marradong
15: Not attributed to a single town?
16: York
17: Derby
18: Not attributed to a single town?
19: Preston (later at Donnybrook)
20: Unknown
21: Moojebup (later at Kattaning)
22: Not attributed to a single town?
23: Williams River
24: Quindalup
25: Lockeville (later at Wonnerup)
26: Victoria Plains (later at New Norcia)
27: Bannister
28: Irwin
29: Kojonup
30: Roebourne
31: Beverley
32: Sharks Bay
33: Jarrahdale
34: Not attributed to a single town? (rare)
35: Northampton
36: Ludlow

Other cancels:

"F" cancel, reduced size and "K.G.S." cancel

"F": Fremantle
"K.G.S.": King George Sound

'A' and 'B' in bars:

"Special Cancellation A"

I don't know where these cancels were used for. I've seen other letters as well 'D', 'GT', 'PO'.

"G.P.O." cancels, different types.


Lake Lefroy, Cycle Mail

Lake Lefroy, Goldfield, Cycle Mail; this stamp was printed to be used in mining settlements. It was issued by Hillier and Maskell and ran between Lake Lefroy, Coolgardie and Kalgoorie (from February to June 1897).

(Lake Lefroy Goldfiled, Cycle Mail, Western Australia)

This stamp seems to be described in the book 'Cinderella stamps of Australasia, first edition'. However I have not seen this book personally. Only 43 stamps have survived of the 1000 printed. Forgeries of this stamp exist.

An imperforate reprint was made in 1984, it has "FACSIMILE 1984" printed in two lines at the back.


Coolgardie Cycle Express


(Genuine 1 Sh blue and 2 Sh 6 p blue? reduced sizes)

  1 Sh blue
  2 Sh 6 p blue

(Probably a forgery)

I have seen reproductions made in 1994, this could very well be one of those.


1896 Camel riding towards the sun, inscription "COOLGARDIE CYCLE EXPRESS COMPANY WESTERN AUSTRALIA"

Genuine stamps.

(Reduced sizes)

  6 p green and brown
  2 Sh yellow and brown
  5 Sh lilac and brown

These stamps are described in the book 'Cinderella stamps of Australasia, first edition'.

I have seen a reprint sheet with the values 6 p green and brown, 2 Sh yellow and brown and 5 Sh violet and brown (all imperforate) made by the Philatelic Society of Western Australia:

Reprint sheet

I've seen a 5 Sh commemorative stamp with inscription '1893-1993' instead of 'FIVE SHILLINGS' and an additional text 'Kalgoorlie-Boulder Centenary' at the bottom.

Fiscal stamps

Fiscal stamps, swan, inscription "DUTY STAMP":

(Reduced sizes)

I've seen the following values: 1 p red, 1 p red and black, 2 p blue and black, 3 p violet and black, 6 p yellow and black, 1 Sh green and black, 2 Sh red and black. Many more values exist, they were issued from 1904 to 1930.

Other revenue stamp, inscription 'INTERNAL REVENUE', swan:

The above fiscal stamp was issued in 1881. The values 1 p, 2 p, 3 p, 6 p, 1 Sh , 2 Sh 6 p, 3 Sh, 5 Sh, 7 Sh 6 p, 10 Sh and 15 Sh exist (all in the same colour: lilac, in the Shilling values the swan is surrounded by a circle) were issued.
I've seen reprints of these stamps in blocks of four containing one stamp of the values 1 Sh, 2 Sh 6 p, 3 Sh and 5 Sh. These blocks are imperforate or perforated around the outer border of the block of four only. I don't know when these reprints were made (they seem of rather modern origin).

10 Pounds, reduced size

At the same time, the above design was issued for the higher values of 1 Pound, 1.10 Pounds, 5 Pounds, 10 Pounds, 25 Pounds, 50 Pounds and 100 Pounds (all in the colour lilac).

They also exist with overprint 'SUPREME COURT.' or 'PROBATE DUTY':

Fees, Supreme Court:

More values in the above design exist, ranging from 1 p to 100 Pounds, they were issued from 1907 to 1922. I've seen the values: 1 p, 3 p, 6 p, 1 Sh, 2 Sh, 5 Sh, 10 Sh, 15 Sh, 1Pound, 1 Pound 10 Sh and 100 Pounds (all in red colour).
A slightly different design exist (with 'PROBATE' instead of 'FEES') also ranging from 1 p to 100 Pounds. I've seen the values: 1 p, 3 p, 6 p, 1 Sh, 3 Sh, 5 Sh, 10 Sh, 15 Sh and 1 Pound all in green colour. I've also seen: 5 Pounds orange, 10 Pounds violet, 25 Pounds blue and 50 Pounds black.


Some large 'Beer Duty' stamps were issued from 1901 to 1906. They are quite rare.

Click here for railway stamps of Western Australia.

Telegraph stamps

1879 Queen Victoria, inscription "TELEGRAPHS"

  1 p brown
  6 p violet


1896 Crews & Moorehouse, design very similar to the parcel stamps of Victoria

The cancel is a straight line with "C.L. MOORHOUSE & Co." (note that Moorhouse is spelt differently). For more Australia Parcel stamps, click here.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer