Georg Zechmeyer

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Georg Zechmeyer was a stamp dealer, toy dealer and stamp forger of Nurnberg (Germany). He was born in Ansbach in 1836. See for more information on Zechmeyer the book 'Philatelic Forgers, their Lives and Works' by V.E.Tyler. He died on 30 June 1899.

Advertisement label of Zechmeyer, showing a 12 k stamp with inscription (in German): 'Originals from the Bavarian postal administation, obtained on 27 February 1877, for sale, stamp dealer G.Zechmeyer, Nurnberg'.

On 27 February 1877 (according to one of his own advertisement labels, see Volume 1 of this catalogue under Bavaria), he acquired all remainders of the stamps of the Kreuzer stamps of Bavaria (including postal stationery) for 4005 Gulden. According to V.E.Tyler this included three and a half million stamps. He resells half of these stamps for 4000 Gulden to the stamp dealer Julius Goldner. See also "The Stamps of the German States" by Bertram W.H.Poole (also downloadable from
The book of Poole mentions that following remainders were bought be Zechmeyer:
1 k: 942,000 stamps (watermark wavy lines)
3 k: 1,470,000 stamps (watermark wavy lines)
6 k: 171,600 stamps,
7 k: 321,000 stamps (watermark wavy lines)
9 k: 174,000 stamps
10 k: 120,000 stamps (watermark wavy lines)
12 k: 3,000 stamps
18 k: 99,000 stamps (watermark wavy lines).

He also sold brochures with imitations of 40 classical worldwide stamps (source: Bund Deutscher Philatelisten e.V.). His sons, Jakob and Georg, continued the business after his death.

Zechmeyer forgery of a 2 p swan stamp of Western Australia. The cancel might have been printed together with the stamp, since I've seen another Zechmeyer forgery with exactly the same cancel in exactly the same location.

1 p Nevis stamp in the wrong colour; black on lilac (same color as the above shown Western Australia forgery). The cancel (consisting of four lines) is always placed in the same position.

Some forgeries of Nevis, sometimes attributed to Zechmeyer. Note that the 1Shilling has inscription '1 Schilling'!

Zechmeyer also made forgeries of the first issue of Brazil and the 1 Sc Papal States stamp.

Zechmeyer also published the book 'Handbuch fur Postmarkensammler' by Ferdinand Meyer (1881). This book can be found on It had descriptions of all postage stamps (no images), including locals.

He also made inverted images with stamps (transfer pictures or 'Abziehbilder' or 'decalcomanies' to be used as toys; to be transferred on a child's arm); see for more information.

Example for Baden 1 Kr blue stamp in reverse

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer