Bielozersk - Borisoglebsk

Return To Catalogue - Zemstvos Overview - Russia

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:



Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

  2 k black and brown

1871 Arms, imperforated

  3 k black on yellow
  3 k black on lilac

1876 Text

Image reproduced with permission from: http://www.sandafayre.com Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

Large sized stamps
  2 k black (rare)
  2 k black on green (rare)
  2 k black on blue
  2 k black on red (rare)
  2 k black on brown
  2 k black on yellow (rare)

Smaller stamp
  2 k black

Text with small arms (1882)

  2 k black

Text, arms on background (1882)

  2 k blue (imperforated or perforated)

1884 Arms in ellipse, value in circles in the corners

  2 k blue
  2 k green

1887 Value, large stamps with ornaments

2 k orange

  2 k brown
  2 k lilac
  2 k orange

I've seen the 2 k lilac in tete-beche.


1889 Arms in diamond (perforated or imperforated)

2 k orange 2 k blue 2 k violet 2 k green 2 k red

  2 k black on red
  2 k black
  2 k orange
  2 k yellow
  2 k blue
  2 k violet
  2 k green
  2 k red

1893 Arms in circle (perforated, but imperforated stamps exist)

2 k blue 2 k brown 2 k green 3 k green, imperforated 3 k red with cancel 3 k red
Fishes, moon and cross

  2 k blue
  2 k red
  2 k olive
  2 k brown
  2 k green
  2 k orange
  2 k yellow
  2 k grey
  2 k lilac
  3 k red
  3 k green
  3 k brown

Surcharged (be careful, forgeries exist!)

Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

  3 kop on 2 k red (1908, I've seen an inverted overprint)
  3 kop on 2 k grey (1908)
  3 kop on 2 k brown (1908)
  3 kop on 2 k green (1908)
  10 kop on 3 k red (rare, 1915)

(1919 issue?)


1872 Text, diamond shape

  3 k black on lilac

1879 Text, rectangular shape

(Sorry, no picture available yet)

  3 k black on green

1879 Text, large sized stamps (rare)

Image obtained with the help of Bill Claghorn
Reduced sizes

  3 k black on green (oval shaped ornaments)
  3 k black on green (rectangular shaped ornaments)
  3 k black on lilac (other type)
  3 k black on blue (other type)


1871 Arms, horse, imperforated

1 k red

  1 k red
  1 k violet (1877)
  5 k blue
  5 k red (1872)
  10 k red
  10 k blue

1877 Arms, horse, perforated


  1 k violet
  1 k brown
  1 k red
  1 k orange
  5 k blue
  5 k violet
  5 k red
  5 k brown
  5 k orange
  5 k black
  10 k brown
  10 k blue
  10 k red
  10 k orange
  10 k black

1888 Arms, lozenges with crown, imperforated

Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

  1 k violet
  1 k lilac on lilac
  5 k blue
  5 k orange
  10 k blue
  10 k orange

1889 Arms, lozenges with crown, perforated

  1 k violet
  5 k blue
  5 k orange
  5 k red
  5 k violet (rare)
  10 k blue
  10 k orange
  10 k lilac

With value in letters at top and bottom indicating the value (1892)

  1 k violet
  5 k blue
  10 k red

With text in letters at top (usage) and bottom (value) (1892-94)

Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn 4 k blue 1894 postage due Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

  1 k violet (due)
  1 k red (due, '1893' added in design)
  2 k blue (postage paid, '1894' added in design)
  2 k brown (due, '1894' added in design)
  2 k red (due, '1894' added in design)
  4 k blue (postage paid, '1894' added in design)
  4 k red (due, '1894' added in design)
  5 k red (due, no date)
  5 k red (due, '1893' added in desing)
  5 k blue (postage paid, no date)
  5 k blue (postage paid, '1893' added in design)
  8 k green (postage paid, '1894' added in design)
  8 k red (due, '1894' added in design)
  10 k blue (postage paid)
  10 k grey (postage paid)
  10 k green (postage paid, '1893' added in design)
  10 k red (due, '1893' added in design)
  20 k blue (postage paid, '1894' added in design)
  20 k red (due, '1894' added in design)

With text in letters at the top, no text at the bottom, inscription '1894' just below the arms

  2 k blue
  2 k red
  3 k blue
  3 k red
  4 k blue
  4 k red
  4 k brown
  8 k blue
  8 k green
  8 k red
  20 k blue
  20 k red

With text in letters at the top, no text at the bottom and no date (1895)

  2 k blue
  2 k lilac
  2 k orange
  3 k blue
  3 k lilac
  3 k red
  4 k green
  4 k brown
  4 k blue
  8 k green
  8 k red
  20 k blue
  20 k red

With text in letters at the top, and '1896' at the bottom (1896)

  2 k blue
  2 k green
  3 k green
  4 k violet
  4 k blue
  8 k violet
  8 k blue
  20 k blue

With text in letters at the top, '1896' just below the arms and no text at the bottom

  2 k red
  2 k brown
  3 k orange
  3 k brown
  3 k red
  4 k red
  4 k brown
  4 k orange
  8 k red
  8 k brown
  20 k lilac

Postal stationery, example:

Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

Boguchar (Boguchary)

1871 Text in rectangle, handstamped

  5 k black

I've seen an (official?) reprint in the color violet in the above design:

A forgery based on an illustration of the Moens catalogue "Les Timbres-Poste Ruraux de Russie" by Samuel Koprowski (editor J.B.Moens), 1875 exists. It has 'HO' instead of 'KO' in the right bottom corner. It is also illustrated in "Les Timbres de Russie' by J.B.Moens, 1893. Source: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00020235/00035/24j.

The Moens illustration (reduced size)

Dubious item? The '5' is different.
In this stamp the 'A' has been replaced by an 'a'. The '5' is also different (smaller). Forgery?



1872 Seal-alike stamp, embossed

(Reduced size, dots before and after '3k.')

  3 k blue

Three types exist of these stamps; with large dots before and after '3 k.', with six-pointed stars and with eight-pointed stars.

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer