Zemstvos, Tiflis - Tver

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Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

Tiflis (Tbilisi)

1857 Embossed stamp with arms

Image found on: http://stamp.uuu.ru/myweb8/gl_7_10.htm, most likely one of the Faberge stamps.

Image found at: http://forum.uuu.ru/viewtopic.php?t=5391. I've been told that this is actually a 'Paris copy' produced for a stamp exhibition in the 1880-90s.

  6 k (very rare)

I don't know if this is an ordinary local stamp or a Zemstvo stamp. This is the first postage stamp in the Russian Empire. Only three stamps have been discovered so far (all unused). A Russian jeweller, Faberge, owned all three of them in 1927 (source: www.vor.ru/culture/cultarch34_eng.html). However, my Senf catalogue of 1938 states that 4 copies exist.

I've been told that this is a reprint.



1871 Text

(Images obtained with the help of Bill Claghorn)

  (-) red
  (-) blue
  (-) black (1881)

Warning: reprints and forgeries of these stamps exist (I'm not sure if the above shown stamps are genuine).


1874 Value, imperforated

  5 k blue ('Kopeck' written in full in center)
  5 k blue (other type)
  5 k blue (other type, '5' in four corners)


1878 Arms, imperforated

  5 k black and blue (2 types, blue or white shield)
  5 k black and red (2 types, red or white shield)


1881 Arms, imperforated, larger size

  5 k black (on lilac?)


1881 Value

  5 k blue


1887 Arms, new type

  5 k black on lilac


1888 Arms, new type

  5 k black, blue and red on red
  5 k black, blue and red on green


1889 Arms, new type

  5 k black, blue, red, gold, silver (letters in white)
  5 k black, blue, red, gold, silver (letters in gold)


1891 Inscription '1891'

Image obtained thanks to Bill Claghorn

  5 k black, blue, red, gold and silver


1892 Inscription '1892'

(reduced size)

  5 k black, red, blue, gold and silver


1892 Inscription '1892-1893'

  5 k blue, black, green and gold


1893 Large sized stamp, inscription '1893'

  5 k black, red, green, orange


1894 Inscription with year of issue

5 k blue and green 3 k blue and gold 3 k black, lilac, blue and gold

  5 k blue and green (1894)
  5 k black, red, lilac and orange (1895)
  3 k blue, red and gold (1896)
  3 k blue and gold (1896-1897)
  3 k blue, lilac and gold (1897-1898)
  3 k blue, orange and gold (1898-1899)
  3 k black, red, blue and gold (1899-1900)
  3 k black, brown, blue and silver (1900-1901)
  3 k black, lilac, blue and gold (1901-1902)
  3 k black, lilac, blue and gold (1902-1903)


1873 Text in circle

  5 k blue
  (?) k red (1875)

I've seen the red stamp in brown color as well (possibly a proof or decoloration).

Brown stamp


1879 Arms, Double headed eagle in the upper part, wall in lower part

  5 k black, yellow, red and brown (exists imperforate)


1894 Arms

  3 k black, blue, red, yellow and gold
  3 k black, blue, red, yellow and gold (smaller size)
  3 k black, blue, red and gold
  6 k black, blue, red, yellow and gold

  '3' on 6 k black, blue, red, yellow and gold


1902 Arms, diamond shaped, perforated or imperforated

3 k red, blue, green and yellow

  3 k red, blue, green and yellow


Envelopes of Totma, example:

Image thanks to Bill Claghorn
I have also seen a 4 k red (without the text '3AKA3HOE.', which means 'Registered').


1888 Arms

5 k blue and red 5 k blue and red, used

  5 k blue and red

Tver (or Twer)

1869 Value in circle

2 k red and blue 2 k red and black

  2 k red and blue (with white value, 1872)
  2 k red and blue (with blue value, 1871)
  2 k red and black (1871)


1875 Arms, crown, perforated or imperforated

2 k red, yellow and black

  2 k red, yellow and black


1884 Arms, new type with crown and value in stars in the corners

2 k red, blue and gold, cancelled

  2 k red, blue and gold


1889 Arms, new type

2 k brown

  2 k brown

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer