BARBADOS 1892-1911

Return To Catalogue - Barbados 1852-1891 - Barbados 1912-1920 and miscellaneous

Note: on my website many of the pictures can not be seen! They are of course present in the cd's;
contact me if you want to purchase them:

For issues of Barbados of the period 1852-1891 click here.

1892 Seal of the colony, Victoria ruling the sea (so-called small chariot issue)

8 p orange and blue

  1 farthing grey and red
  1 farthing brown
  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 p orange and black
  2 p grey
  2 1/2 p blue
  5 p brown
  6 p violet and red
  6 p lilac
  8 p orange and blue
  10 p green and red
  1 Sh black on green
  2 Sh 6 p black and orange
  2 Sh 6 p violet and green

Surcharged 'Kingston Relief Fund. 1d.' (1907)

(Reduced sizes, right one with inverted overprint)

  1 d. on 2 p orange and black

For the specialist: Al these stamps are perforated 14. All the non-overprinted stamps were issued with watermark 'CA crown' (except 1 f brown, 2 p grey and 1 Sh), the values 1 f grey and red, 1/2 p, 1 p, 2 1/2 p, 6 p, 8 p and 2Sh6p violet and green were also issued with watermark 'Multiple CA crown'. The values 1 f brown, 2 p grey and 1 Sh were only issued with the watermark 'Multiple CA crown'.
Inverted overprints exist, as well as overprints without the '.' behind '1d.'. This surcharged stamp was issued to get money for an earthquake fund in Jamaica.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 f grey and red c c  
1 f brown * *  
1/2 p * c  
1 p * c  
2 p grey and orange *** ***  
2 p grey *** ***  
2 1/2 p *** *  
5 p *** ***  
6 p *** ***  
8 p *** ***  
10 p *** ***  
1 Sh R R  
2 Sh 6 p black and orange RR RR  
2 Sh 6 p violet and green RR RR  

Kingston Relief overprint

1 p on 2 p *** ***  


1897 Jubilee issue, 60 th year of the reign of Queen Victoria inscription 'VICTORIA:R:I 1837 1897'

8 p orange and blue

  1 farthing grey and red
  1/2 p green
  1 p red
  2 1/2 p blue
  5 p brown
  6 p lilac and red
  8 p orange and blue
  10 p green and red
  2 Sh 6 p grey and orange

For the specialist: These stamps have watermark 'CA crown' and are perforated 14. Some stamps seem to exist printed on blue paper (much rarer than the normal stamps).

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 f * *  
1/2 p * *  
1 p ** *  
2 1/2 p *** **  
5 p R R  
6 p R R  
8 p *** ***  
10 p RR RR  
2 Sh 6 p RR RR  

1905 Nelson monument, inscription 'Nelson Trafalgar'

  1 f grey and black
  1/2 p green and black
  1 p red and black
  2 p yellow and black
  2 1/2 p blue and black
  6 p lilac and black
  1 Sh red and black

For the specialist: These stamps have watermark 'CC crown' (all values) or 'Multiple CA crown' (1907: 1 f, 2 p and 2 1/2 p only) and are perforated 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 f * *  
1/2 p ** *  
1 p ** *  
2 p *** ***  
2 1/2 p *** ***  
6 p R R  
1 Sh R R  


1905 Sailship 'The olive blossom', inscription '1605 1905'

  1 p black, blue and green

For the specialist: This stamp has watermark 'Multiple CA crown' and is perforated 14.

Value of the stamps

vc = very common
c  = common
*  = not so common
** = uncommon
*** = very uncommon
R   = rare
RR  = very rare
RRR = extremely rare
Value Unused Used Remarks
1 p ** **  

Stamps with inverted centers are forgeries.


Barbados 1912-1920 and miscellaneous

Copyright by Evert Klaseboer